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  • 中正历史学刊

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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    中正历史学刊 民国 96 年 第十期,页 27-65
    十九世纪末至二十世纪初德国海外政策之发 展(1890~1914)
    方子毓 国立中正大学历史研究所博士班
    本文探讨十九世纪末德国外交史,从德意志帝国的成立,在其内部 的社会与经济上的发展,进而到外交政策的推行以及一次大战前德国海 外殖民概况与各国间的互动关系为主要研究方向.德皇威廉二世 (Wilhelm II , 1859~1941)上台之后积极向外拓展其势力,而帝国内部 的强大工业与军事力量,势必也就成为海外发展的主要动力.在人为因 素方面,除了领导者的积极作为之外,由於当时工商业的迅速蓬勃发展, 因著市场上的需求连带也影响其国内资产阶级,企业家等对於海外贸易 逐渐产生兴趣.而工商业的兴起也带动了中产阶级的出现,成了社会上 的一个重要阶层.在资本家寻求海外商机的动机与目的之下,商人的角 色往往也成为国家外交政策在推行上的重要考量因素之一.毕竟,资本 主义的理念在某种程度上也关系著外交政策. 普法战争之后,普鲁士所领导的帝国统一运动不但将日耳曼地区的 民族意识和情感成功连结在一起,也建立了傲人的德意志帝国,并缔造 了德国历史上的辉煌记录.从这些原本为松散的邦联组织,经济共同体 等模式所发展出来的德意志帝国,在面对世界潮流的驱使之下积极发展 工业与科学,进而走向海外并朝向强权国家的目标与理想迈进.德意志
    帝国在 1890 年后之所以能够成功的走向海外,并和其他列强国家一样顺 利的取得了诸多殖民地的经营权.实则也和其世界政策的方向正确有密 切关连. 但终究,德国虽於十九世纪末逐渐走向世界舞台,和列强抢搭帝国 主义的列车.但一次大战之后也因为向协约国投降而导致其成为战败 国,同时也在外交上造成了挫败.这个由俾斯麦与威廉一世所缔造的德 意志第二帝国,在一次战后的威玛共和建立后,划上了休止符.
    十九世纪末至二十世纪初德国海外 政策之发展(1890~1914)
    The development of the German foreign policy from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th Century(1890~1914)
    Abstract The main purpose of this study is focus on the German history in the end of the 19th century. Since the German Empire was created in 1871, the Emperor Wilhelm I and the Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck had made it very constructive. When Wilhelm II succeeded as a new emperor in 1888, he was very enthusiastic about the overseas venture. The most important foreign plyw s Wepli i 19'. included the colonial policy and Navy o c a " l o t " 80 It i t ik n s construction. In addition , due to the economic and industrial reasons, the German Empire actively participated in the international affairs. It made the diplomatic issues eventually. As more and more countries joined the competition of the colonization , the military enhancement became the basic condition to maintain the relationship with others, and German played an important role on this mutual relationship with those countries at the time. Absolutely , it had to face the other Nations and contended with them in many occasions. Furthermore, the industrial revolution was a great progress in Europe during the 19th century. It made a great impact in this modern age. This study also discusses the political position and economic strategies about capitalism. Capitalists and bourgeois were the new social sphere by industrial revolution in the 19th century. Capitalists' notion was also a dynamic support to the government. Unfortunately , the great Empire declined after World War I . To sum up, the German diplomatic intention and foreign


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