• 18式武当太极拳 > 不同太极拳练功年资对於健康老年人在跨障碍及穿裤动作...
  • 不同太极拳练功年资对於健康老年人在跨障碍及穿裤动作...

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    不同太极拳练功年资对於健康老年人在跨障碍及穿裤动作控制效应 Effect of Postural Control from Continuous Tai-Chi Chuan Training in the Elderly Subjects
    蔡侑蓉 Yu-Jung Tsai1 刘萦萦 Yin-Yin Liu1 李淑雅 Su-Ya Lee1 傅尹志 Yin-Chih Fu1 张维宁 Wei-Ning Chang2 郭蓝远 Lan-Yuen Guo1 1 高雄医学大学运动医学系 Department of Sports Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2 高雄荣民总医院骨科部 Department of Orthopedics, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Email: yuen@kmu.edu.tw
    本研究探讨传统运动太极拳对於中老年人姿势控制的效应.31 位受测者,练习太极拳 5 年以下者 16 人,5 到 10 年者 6 人, 10 年以上者 9 人;年龄介於 48 岁至 77 岁之间;排除受测者有下肢严重骨骼肌肉及神经肌肉受损病史.受测者分别跨越受测 者身高比例值 0,5%,10%,15%,20%共五种障碍物高度,且让受测者在站立不扶持任何支撑物的情况下,完成正常和快 速穿裤等动作.结果显示跨越障碍的重心高度改变,皆随著年龄增加与障碍物高度增加,而有显著性的增加(p<0.05).穿裤 动作中,练习太极拳 10 年以上者较其他组有较低的重心高度改变(p<0.05) ,代表动作越有效率,且有避免跌倒的功效.快 速穿裤动作中,重心高度改变值也较一般速度大,代表跌倒危险性较高.练习太极拳可能具有改善身体平衡的功能,避免老 年人因身体重心改变而跌倒. 关键字:太极拳,重心,动作控制,跨障碍,穿裤
    With the increased age, the postural control gradually declined in the elders. Falling is one of the risk factors endanger the elders safety. It is believed that TCC may improve balance function and joint movement sense. Previous literatures showed TCC has positive effect in body composition, muscular flexibility and muscular strength fitness. In this present study, we investigated whether TCC practice may induce a positive effect on changes in the height of COM when stepping over the obstacle or put on pants in a standing posture between subjects who have different TCC training periods.
    Moreover, with the obstacle height increased, the COM change increased significantly during crossing obstacles (p<0.05), 20% height has the highest value 16.5cm (Table 2). It represents while the obstacle height or increased age, the challenge for their postural control was higher to lead to be susceptible to be falling.
    Thirty-one volunteers (sixteen male and fifteen female) without serious lower extremity musculoskeletal or neuromuscular injury history, age between 48 to 77 years, 16 practiced TCC under 5 years, 6 practiced between 5 to 10 years, and 9 practiced above 10 years have recruited. Initially, we collected four trials of static stand data at an anatomic position (Fig. 1A). The subjects were asked to cross over five heights obstacles: 0, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% (the height proportion value of volunteers) at a self-selected speed for four trials at each height (Fig. 1B). In addition, subjects were asked to put on the transparent pants in standing position at a self selected speed and at a quicker speed for four trials at each condition (Fig. 1C). A set of 44 reflective makers of the subjects was used to collect the kinematics data of the whole body. An eight-camera Motion Analysis System was used to collect 3-D maker trajectory data frequency of 100Hz.


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