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    参考文献 ................................................................................................................................................27
    一个简单 3D 游戏的设计和实现
    作者: 李林晗 指导教师:付永刚(讲师)

    要: 从 80 年代末风靡世界的 FC 到如今炙手可热的 Xbox360,人们对游戏的痴迷从未减弱.
    街机时代到家用娱乐设备时代的转变, 游戏已经变成我们这个时代重要的组成部分, 直接或 者间接的影响着我们的生活.RAC 游戏的市场竞争尤其激烈, SEGA,NAMCO 等公司更在 RAC 游戏中加入联机对战,模拟经营,角色扮演等功能,使得 RAC 游戏更具可玩性.RAC 游戏的 应用不仅限于娱乐方面,他在电子竞技和模拟训练方面也有非常出色的表现.
    设计和实现 3D 竞速游戏的难点在于游戏整体的模块设计与组织,碰撞检测的算法实现 及镜头跟踪等.整个游戏包含 3 个主要模块:Main 模块负责游戏的初始化,它会实时的收 集玩家的输入确定游戏的开始或者停止,从而调用其余的功能模块;StartMenu 模块在游戏 初始时被调用来绘制游戏开始界面;CollisionDetection 模块是整个游戏中最大的功能模 块, 它记录玩家按键的延时长短确定汽车的移动距离, 同时借助于 Panda3D 的碰撞检测队列 实现汽车与障碍物的碰撞及随地形的波动. 本论文对各个难点的解决做了详细的讲解, 并配 以清晰的流程图和界面效果图更形象的演示.3D 游戏运行的界面设计和实现也是游戏开发 中的主要部分,论文的结尾部分对利用 Panda3D 如何实现界面控件展开了讲解.
    论文对一个简单的 3D 竞速游戏的设计和实现的详细步骤进行了清晰的阐述,围绕以下 几方面展开了讨论:竞速游戏的背景与发展,3D 游戏开发平台 Panda3D 及辅助建模软件, 游戏程序框架设计,游戏程序模块的组织与实现,主要模块的详细算法,游戏界面 GUI 设计 与制作.
    关键字:3D 竞速游戏,3D 建模,模块设计,碰撞检测,游戏界面
    The design and implementation of a simple 3D Game
    Author: Li Linhan Abstract:
    Director: Fu Yonggang
    From the fashionable FC in late 1980s to Xbox360 today, people's passion on games has never been diminished. The transition from Arcade era to home entertainment equipment makes games very important component of our life, games have directly or indirectly affected our lives. Compeition of RAC games seems particularly fierce, many famous game companies like SEGA, NAMCO add on-line war, business simulation, role playing and other functions into RAC games, which makes the game more funny. The application of RAC games is not only limited in entertainment field, but also has very good performance in cyber game competition and training simulation.
    The difficulty of design and Implementation of 3D racing game is mainly foucsed on overall module design and organization, collision detection algorithm and camera tracking. There're three main modules in the entire game: Main module initializes for the game, it will collect real-time input of the player to determine the start or end of the game. This module will call other functional modules; StartMenu module in charge of mapping interface; CollisionDetection module is the largest one of this game's functional modules, It records the delay of player's keys input to determine the moving of the car. Meanwhile, this game uses collision detection queue, a plug-in function in Panda3D, to handle the collision between the car and barriers. All difficulties of this game have all been solven in detail in this paper, coupled with a clear flow chart interface and effective map image of the user-interface. The interface design and development of a 3D game is also a very important part of the entire development of the game. And the end of the papaer, implementation of display controls by Panda3D is discussed.


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