• access2010mde > Ortho-phtalaldehyde
  • Ortho-phtalaldehyde

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    Rinse the endoscope with large amounts of lukewarm water to remove residual detergent. The rinse should typically be 1 minute, and a large volume of fresh water (e.g. 2 gallons) must be used and not reused.
    Rev GE Vingmed Ultrasound
    Strandpromenaden 45 P.O.Box 141 N-3191 Horten, Norway
    KX192042 2006 November
    Wipe dry the surfaces of the endoscope with a soft towel.
    Immerse the endoscope shaft into the disinfection fluid with the TEE probe handle placed in the wallrack holder. Perform highlevel disinfection with soak time as indicated. Use a wallrack tube for the disinfectant.
    Rinse the endoscope shaft with potable and/or sterile water. Be sure to repeat this procedure twice, for a total of 3 rinses. Each rinse should be a minimum of 1 minute (but maximum 5 minutes) in duration, and a large volume of fresh water (e.g. 2 gallons) must be used for each rinse. Do not reuse any of the water.
    Dry the probe with a soft towel before storage.
    When not in use, store endoscopes freely hanging vertically to aid drying. Do not store in closed containers or where condensation might occur. The probe shipping case is not recommended for storage between exams. Keep away from dirty endoscopes to prevent cross contamination. Please refer to the User Manual for further information.
    Cat# H45001B P/N: TY200774
    TEE 探头保养–清洗和消毒说明
    商品目录编号 H45511EE 部件号:KZ200687
    我们强烈建议您不要将麻醉耦合 剂或喷剂直接应用于内腔镜. 确保在抽出探头时保护牙合处于 适当位置.
    小心操纵探头. 防止连接器或扫描头掉落.
    从患者体内取出 TEE 探头时应立即加以处理. 尤其要避免残留的血液在探头上干结.
    如果不能立即清洗,请用水打湿布块擦净内腔镜 然后晾干.
    用温水彻底漂净内腔镜.漂洗过程 一般为 1 分钟,必须使用大量清水 (约 2 加仑)漂洗,漂洗后的水不 能再用.
    根据指定的浸泡时间使用酶清洗液 清洗探头.遵照制造商的说明并使用 指明的稀释比例.使用塑料容器或墙 架管盛放酶清洗液.
    商品目录编号 H45512CB 部件号:KZ200693
    溶液 Anioxyde 1000
    活性成分 过硼酸钠 戊二醛
    6T/9T 可 可 <40 分钟 自动
    Antec International Perasafe 英国安德国际有限公司 TD-100 和 TD-5 PCI Medical
    制造商 Laboratoires Anios Johnson&Johnson Cidex 戊二醛溶液 美国强生公司 Johnson&Johnson Cidex OPA 美国强生公司 Johnson&Johnson Cidex Plus 美国强生公司 Johnson&Johnson DisOPA 美国强生公司 Korsolex extra Bode Johnson&Johnson Nu-Cidex 美国强生公司 Metricide Metrex Research Corp. Wavicide-01 Medical chemical Corp.


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