• 武林风2010年8月14 > 2010年8月hong chi newsletter_edm
  • 2010年8月hong chi newsletter_edm

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    能与张建宗局长相聚,学员都感到好不高兴! Trainees exchanging friendly greetings with Mr Matthew Cheung, GBS, JP.
    Project Focus
    回收玻璃再造砖 你我共建环保圈
    Glass Bottle Recycled into Eco-bricks
    承蒙香港赛马会慈善信托基金捐助及环境保护署提供顾问意见,匡智会 於今年4月开展一项玻璃樽回收行动,由环境局局长邱腾华太平绅士及 香港赛马会行政总裁应家柏先生主持启动仪式,并委任艺人张继聪先生 为回收行动大使,与智障学员携手宣扬回收玻璃的讯息. 计划为期三年,由四名匡智学员组成中央回收队,在导师指导下,到本 会辖下13个服务单位,邻近屋苑,商场及尖沙嘴棉登径酒吧区设置的 回收箱,收集住宅和商业用户的玻璃废料,经处理后再送往本地建材生 产商将之制成环保地砖,藉废物循环再造,纾缓堆填区的庞大压力. 活动推行短短数月,我们已接获逾50间公司和私人屋苑查询计划详情, 部份更开始定期运送大批玻璃废料至回收站,支持是次行动.此外,本 会学员更担任环保大使,除在商场举行路展宣传计划外,并将於新学年 到各参与计划的中学举行讲座,教育学生有关的知识,鼓励大家为环保 出一分力. Hong Chi Association, with funding support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and professional advice of the Environmental Protection Department, has unveiled the Glass Bottle Recycling Campaign this April. Officiating at the launch ceremony were Mr Edward Yau, JP, Secretary for the Environment, and Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, Chief Executive Officer of The Hong Kong Jockey Club. Artist Mr Louis Cheung was appointed as Campaign Ambassador to join with our trainees in promoting glass recycling. Under instructor's guidance, four Hong Chi trainees have teamed up to collect residential and commercial glass waste from 13 service units and their neighbouring housing areas, shopping malls as well as the bar zone on Minden Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, and, after processing, deliver the glass waste to the plant of a local construction product manufacturer for recycling into eco-bricks. This three-year programme not only helps relieve landfill pressure, but also promotes public environmental awareness, because our trainees will serve as ambassadors to conduct road shows in shopping malls and give school talks for participating secondary schools in the new academic year to spread the green message. Since the launch, we have received over 50 inquiries from private housing estates and companies, some of which have started delivering large amount of glass waste to us regularly in support of this Campaign.


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