Aug 2010
Association News
暖暖浓情 齐 贺 匡 智 4 5 周 年
With Love, Hong Chi Turns 45
承传创办人彭励治夫人「以孩子的需要为先( "The children come first" ) 」的理念,匡智会由最初为四名智障儿童开设学班,发展至 今为约7,000名智障人士及其家庭提供多元化服务,一直坚持把智 障人士的需要放在第一位,竭尽所能为他们提供合适的教育,训练 及复康服务,让智障人士在不同成长阶段皆得到适切的支援,以协 助他们活出丰盛人生,融入社会. 我们非常感谢各界的支持,令匡智会在过去45年能够稳步发展,与 时并进.为了回馈社会关爱,我们特别邀请了145名来自大埔及北 区的基层市民出席於3月7日举行的「爱心滋味暖社群」晚宴,享用 由香港JW万豪酒店慷慨赞助的自助晚餐,同时为匡智会45周年志 庆活动揭开序幕.我们十分荣幸邀得劳工及福利局局长张建宗GBS 太平绅士以及香港JW万豪酒店人力资源总监吴紫茜女士莅临主礼. 本会学员亦於席间为来宾表演非洲鼓,以及亲手炮制限量版爱心曲 奇和美味甜品宴客,一展身手!学员傅冠谦就很高兴能够在晚宴上 协助招待客人,并期望将来可以学以致用,投身饮食业.匡智会主 席陈瑞盛先生表示,是次晚宴除得到香港JW万豪酒店赞助支持外, 亦获社会福利署大埔及北区福利办事处的全力协助,成功体现官商 民三方的夥伴合作精神,陈主席更特别感谢灵粮堂刘梅轩中学借出 场地,令活动得以顺利举行.
嘉宾庆祝本会成立45周年! Guests celebrating our 45th anniversary!
"The children come first" is the motto of Lady Bremridge, who founded the Hong Chi Association from a class for just four children with intellectual disabilities 45 years ago. Prioritising their needs, as always, we have now grown to be a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing diversified services for about 7,000 people with intellectual disabilities and their families, with the ultimate goal that they can lead a more fulfilling life and integrate into society. In gratitude for our boundless love over the past 45 years, we determined to pay it back by inviting 145 members from needy families in Tai Po and North District to "A Taste of Love" Community Dinner on 7 March. Their hearts were warmed by the fine cuisine generously sponsored by JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, as well as the limited edition cookies and tasteful dessert prepared by our trainees. They also appreciated our trainees' fabulous African drum performance. The evening marked the launch of the Hong Chi 45th Anniversary Celebrations with Mr Matthew Cheung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, and Ms Sandra Ng, Director of Human Resources of JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, officiating at the ceremony. Our trainee, King Fu was delighted to help with guest reception for the dinner, and hoped that he could work in the catering industry after graduation. In addition to JW Marriott's contribution, Mr Owen Chan, Chairman of the Hong Chi Association, was thankful for the support of the Tai Po and North District Social Welfare Office of the Social Welfare Department in achieving together our successful tripartite partnership. Special thanks go to Ling Liang Church M H Lau Secondary School for sponsoring the venue.
- 武林风2010年8月14 > 2010年8月hong chi newsletter_edm
2010年8月hong chi newsletter_edm
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