• youaretheworld > Whetheryouaretakingthebus
  • Whetheryouaretakingthebus

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    With the reopening of the section of Euclid Avenue between East 17th and East 55th streets, you will see many changes.
    Some Safety Tips For The New
    Whetheryouaretakingthebus, walkingalongEuclidAvenue, ordrivingacar… …thesechangeswillaffectyou.
    RTAurgesyoutofollowthesetips tosafelyaccessthenewstations inthecenterofEuclidAvenue atEast19th,24th,30th,36th, 40th,and51ststreets,eastbound andwestbound. Toensureyoursafetyandthe safetyofothers,usethewellmarked,designatedcrosswalks adjacenttoeachstation.
    For more information, visit us online at rideRTA.com or euclidtransit.org or call us at 216-621-9500 TDD 216-781-4271
    Euclid Avenue
    Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority 1240 West 6th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1331
    Obey all traffic laws. Jaywalking is dangerous and illegal. To cross Euclid Avenue, or to enter or exit a station in the center median, ALWAYS use a designatedcrosswalk.
    Enter transit station here
    If you are driving a vehicle:
    Remember, in each direction, the left lane is for transitvehiclesonly.Stayintherightlane.Ifyou driveinthebus-onlylane,TransitPolicewillticket you.Ifyouparkinthebus-onlylane,youwillbe ticketedandtowed. Onyourright-handside,watchforparkedcarspulling outintotraffic,andbicyclesinthebikelane. At intersections, be sure to obey all traffic laws, and watch for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Stop yourvehicleBEFOREyoureachthecrosswalk. Showextracarearoundstrollers,wheelchairs,and pedestrianswhomaybevisuallyimpaired.
    START CROSSING Watch For Vehicles DON'T START Finish Crossing If Started TIME REMAINING To Finish Crossing DON'T CROSS TO CROSS
    Use crosswalk to cross street and/or access transit station
    Bike lanes
    Signs like this will be posted along Euclid Avenue crosswalks. The "Walk / Don't Walk" signs will count down the remaining seconds until the light changes.
    Usethefrontdoortoboardbuses,andusetherear doorwhenexiting.Thiswilldecreasewaitingtime andhelpkeepthebusonschedule. After you exit, let the bus pull away from the station.Thenstayonthestationplatform,walkto adesignatedcrosswalk,andcrosswhenitislegal. AllstationsareADAaccessible,andonly low-floorbuseswillbeused. All buses have bicycle racks. Using a designatedcrosswalk,walkyourbicycle tothestationonthecentermedianstrip. Whenthebusstops,placeyourbicycleontherack andboardthebus.Whenyouleave,makesurethe busoperatorisawarethatyouareremovingyour bicycle.Walkyourbicyclethroughthestation,to the designated crosswalk, and back to the bike lane.


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