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  • Spectrum-managed

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    (Continued on page 6)
    Around the Globe...
    Everett, USC Renew Contracts P. 3 The Cadillac Grille P. 8 BankUnited Center Makes History P. 9 Zuckerman Nominated P. 12 Community Commitment P. 16
    Industry Experts Predict Trends For 2008
    The Globe asked experts from ComcastSpectacor, Global Spectrum, New Era Tickets, Front Row Marketing Services and Ovations Food Services to look into the future and predict the important trends for 2008. There is a general consensus that technology will play an ever-increasing role in the presenting, selling and communicating of events and services at public assembly facilities in the New Year.
    Peter Luukko, Comcast-Spectacor President and Global Spectrum Chairman: "Technology continues to be a
    big factor in how we market our shows. We're really getting closer to the time when everything will be done on a cell phone or PDA. It's only a matter of time before we sync the ring tones, the free musical downloads, the streaming video and the ticket purchase to the in-event experience. With technology advancing, I see facility operators working closely with record labels and concert promoters to extend the concert experience with a free download or an offer to buy CDs after the customer attends a concert."
    Richard H. Sherwood, Front Row Marketing Services President:
    "Measuring return on investment in advertising and sponsorships will take center stage in the industry. LED will continue to take over as the largest advertising vehicle in all venues nationwide. Business relationships for products and/or services will be more important than ever in securing advertisers and sponsors for events, teams, and venues."
    Fred Maglione, New Era Tickets President:
    "In 2008, sports team marketers, concert promoters and event presenters will realize that the data they can capture through New Era Tickets technology is the most valuable asset they can own. I predict that more and more of them are going to commit their organizations to the concept so that in the future, they will NEVER sell an anonymous ticket."


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