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  • proe tutorial 2:

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    and 500 inches to the right of the vertical axis (the line is therefore a total of 750). You should have something that looks like the figure below:
    7. Now draw the bottom of the fuselage using a spline (7th button from the top). To create a spline, simply select the tool, click on the locations where you want all the points, and complete the spline by using the middle mouse button. Once again edit the dimensions so that your spline curve extends 250" in front of and 500" behind the vertical axis. An example is shown below (your fuselage bottom doesn't have to have exactly the same shape, but the 250 and 500 is important in order to make sure all the trajectories start and end in the same planes:
    8. Finally, use two spline curves to define the upper half of the fuselage. I used one spline to define the upper part of the cowling, and a second spline to define the canopy and upper turtle deck of the fuselage. Once again make sure the sections start and end at the same longitudinal locations by editing or adding dimensions.
    9. To complete this section, click on the check mark button shown below: The three curves in the vertical plane are now defined. To go back to your default view orientation, select "View >> Orientation >> Standard orientation" or Ctrl-D. 10. Next we will define the curves that define the left side and the right side of the fuselage. Once again select the "Sketch Tool" button. Click on the "Front" plane.
    Select "Flip" to change the direction (the arrow should be pointing down), and then click "Sketch." Click "Close" on the References window. 11. First we will define a symmetry axis. Select the "Centerline" tool by first clicking the arrow next to the line tool (second button from the top). The picture on the button will change to the one shown below:
    Draw a centerline directly on the vertical axis in the window. When you are done, click the middle mouse button. 12. Now draw the right side of the fuselage (left of the vertical). Remember to edit the dimensions so it extends again 250 in. to the front and 500 in. to the rear of the horizontal line. You should have something like the drawing shown below (feel free to use a simpler shape):


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