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  • proe tutorial 2:

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    AE 440A Pro/E Tutorial 2: Variable Section Sweeps
    In the last ProE class, you were taught to create a blended protrusion. As you no doubt learned from the homework assignment, a blend is not the best method of creating a complicated shape. Here, you will be taught how to use the variable section sweep tool. The variable section sweep is a tool that will allow you to control the shape of your fuselage in a far more practical manner than using a single blend. Variable Section Sweep: Variable section sweeps allow you to create solids that are particularly useful when modeling fuselages. There are many ways to create a variable section sweep body, and today's tutorial will demonstrate only one such method. There are probably faster ways to perform some of the functions, and many other functions will be skipped over. You are encouraged to experiment when doing the next homework assignment. 1. As a general tip, it is a good idea to change your working directory before creating a new part. That way, you know for sure where all your files are saved. Create a new part file in PRO/E. 2. When doing a variable section sweep, you are going to have to define a number of socalled trajectories (don't do anything yet): The origin trajectory – for this, you can use a straight line down the length of your fuselage. The X-trajectory – this defines your first trajectory and also how the section is varied. You can use the line that defines the bottom of the fuselage for this. The 4 trajectories that define the shape of the fuselage bottom, left side, top and right side. 3. After the trajectories are defined, you will be asked to define a section. The section determines what the cross-section along your body will look like. All the trajectories (but not the section) can be sketched as you define the variable section sweep body, or they can be defined beforehand. We will pre-define them in this tutorial, but feel free to experiment when you do the homework. 4. First we will define all the trajectories in the vertical plane: the center axis of the fuselage, the curve defining the bottom of the fuselage and the curve defining the top. Click on the "Sketch tool" button: 5. Click on the "Right" plane in the window. Click on "Sketch". When the "References" window comes up, you can select "Close". You should now be in the sketcher window. 6. Start by drawing a straight line for the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. Use the line tool (second from the top on the right-hand toolbar). Draw the line by clicking on the horizontal axis to the left and to the right of the vertical axis, and then finish the line by clicking the center mouse button. Two dimensions should automatically appear above the line. Use the selection tool (top button on the sketching toolbar) to select the dimensions and change the values so that the line extends 250 inches to the left


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