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  • bbccouk/schoolradio/earlylearning/listenandplaysht...

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    Section 1: Introduction and sound discrimination games
    Title song: Listen all around Listen for the sounds Listen, Listen, Listen. Listen all around Listen for the sounds Listen, Listen, Listen. Encourage children to join in with and learn the words of Listen all around featured at the beginning and end of the programme. Make up appropriate actions, so kinaesthetic and visual memory aid the development of auditory memory.
    Hello: Encourage listeners to join in with the children's voices. The 'hellos' are a good starting point for modelling how to do this.
    Listen all around: The presenter, Liz, invites children to guess where the programme is set (some settings are easier to guess than others). They are invited to respond, but you need to ensure plenty of listening time first of all. When Liz says 'Listen', make a shhh action for a count of 3–5 seconds to ensure that everyone gets to hear before anyone calls out.
    Listening for individual sounds: Now that children are orientated to the setting, discriminating individual sounds should be easier. Liz then provides a 'voiced' version of the sound (e.g. snake: sssssssss). Use these voiced versions later when talking about the programme.
    Listen and Play Autumn 2006
    Section 2: Songs and rhymes Some of the songs and rhymes are traditional, others have been specially composed or adapted, but all employ simple, repetitive, rhythmic, patterned language. Many of the songs are simple enough for children to begin to join in on first hearing, and the tunes have been specially designed to be accessible for young voices. The notes provided for each song/rhyme often suggest making up actions to accompany performance. If you know Makaton or another signing system, use selected signs – if not, just make up your own or ask children for suggestions. The words of songs and rhymes are provided so you can sing/recite them again afterwards. With plenty of repetition and related activity (e.g. dramatisation, making actions, dancing), they should be easy to memorise – with all the advantages this implies for language and listening development. The more songs and rhymes children learn by heart, the better the development of their auditory memory, critical for literacy learning.


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