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ASTILBE chinensis 'Veronica Klose' (False Spirea)--18-24" Intense red-purple plumes. Late summer. ASTILBE chinensis 'Vision in Pink' (False Spirea)--18" Sturdy, upright pink plumes. Blue-green foliage. M. Interest in Shade Gardening continues to grow as more homeowners are finding ASTILBE chinensis 'Vision in Red' (False Spirea)--15" Deep red buds open their landscapes becoming increasingly shady because of the growth of trees and to pinky-red flowers. Bronze-green foliage. July. shrubs. Shade plants are those that require little or no direct sun, such as those in ASTILBE chinensis 'Vision in White' (False Spirea)--18-24" Large creamynorthern exposures or under trees or in areas where the sun is blocked for much of the white plumes. Smooth, glossy, green foliage. July. day. Available from us are many newly introduced plants and old favorites which can ASTILBE chinensis 'Visions' (False Spirea)--15" Fragrant raspberry-red add striking foliage and appealing flowers to brighten up your shade garden plumes. Deep green foliage. M. You will find Shade Perennials in the SHADE BUILDING. ASTILBE japonica 'Montgomery' (False Spirea)--22" Deep orange-red plumes on dark red stems. M. ACTAEA rubra (Red Baneberry)--18"Hx12'W Clumped bushy appearance. In spring ASTILBE simplicifolia 'Key Largo' (False Spirea)--15-20" Reddish-pink flowbears fluffy clusters of small white flowers producing shiny red berries which are toxic. ers on red stems. Fine-textured green foliage. Native. ASTILBE x arendsii 'Weisse Gloria' / 'White Gloria' (False Spirea)-- 20" ACTAEA simplex 'Hillside Black Beauty' [CIMICIFUGA s. 'H.B.B.'] (Branched White, blocky plume. M. Bugbane, Snakeroot)--4-7' Fragrant blush pink 12" plumes. Black-purple lacy ASTILBE x arendsii 'Zuster Theresa' / 'Sister Theresa' (False Spirea)--24" foliage is the darkest to date. Rich moist soil, shade to part shade in back of border. Large salmon-pink, blocky plume. Occasionally sports to a darker color. E-M. Aug-Sept. ASTILBE x chinensis 'Purpurkerze' / 'Purple Candles' (False Spirea)--36" ADENOPHORA 'Amethyst' (Ladybells)--30-36" Nodding amethyst-blue bells are Purple-red flower. Dense, narrow plumes form tall candle-like spires. VL. gently lobed. More heat tolerant than Campanula. Free-flowering all summer. ASTILBE x simplicifolia 'Hennie Graafland' (False Spirea)--16" Light pink ALCHEMILLA mollis 'Auslese' (Lady's Mantle)--Low growing, gray-green fanflower. L. shaped mounded foliage, holds morning dew for hours. Easy for sun or shade in reaASTRANTIA major 'Star of Beauty' (Masterwort)--18-24" Carmine-rose flowers in sonably good garden soil. Upright 18" tall scapes of pale yellow flowers bloom in early and midsummer. summer. ASTRANTIA major 'Star of Royals' (Masterwort)--18-24" Lilac flowers in early AMSONIA 'Blue Ice'--12-15" Dark lavender-blue flowers in dense terminal clusters and midsummer. bloom for long period in late spring to early summer. Narrow dark green leaves turn BERGENIA 'Rotblum' / 'Red Beauty'--12-18" Large glossy, thick, cabbage-like brilliant yellow in fall. Very easy to grow with few pests. leaves are bright green, but turn bronze in cold weather. Rosy-red flower. Spring. 2011 Perennial Plant of the Year BRUNNERA macrophylla (Heartleaf Brunnera)-- 12-18" Belonging to the borage AMSONIA hubrectii--24" Steel-blue flowers. Willowy foliage turns golden in fall. family, it bears showy small blue flowers in clusters, like those of a "Forget-me-not." Native to SW U.S. Early spring. The leaves are large and heart-shaped. Deep moist soil. AMSONIA tabernaemontana (Willow Amsonia)--3 1/2' Steel-blue flowers in dense terminal clusters bloom in May and June. Leaves turn yellow in the fall. Very easy to BRUNNERA macrophylla 'Emerald Mist' (Heartleaf Brunnera)-- 12-18" Belonging to the borage family, it bears light blue flowers in clusters, like those of a "Forget-megrow with few pests. not." The silver-splashed leaves are large and heart-shaped. Deep moist soil. Deer ANEMONE sylvestris (Snowdrop Anemone)--18" Single pure white solitary flowers proof! about 1 1/2" wide and often nodding. May-June. ANEMONELLA thalictroides 'Cameo' (Double Rue Anemone)--4-10" Pale clear pink BRUNNERA macrophylla 'Jack Frost' (Variegated False Forget-me-not)-- 12-18" double flowers with finely divided, fern-like foliage. May go dormant in early summer. Belonging to the borage family, it bears showy small blue flowers in clusters, like those of a "Forget-me-not." The leaves are large, heart-shaped, and variegated. Deep moist Woodland wildflower. Spring. soil. ANEMONELLA thalictroides 'Snowball' (Double Rue Anemone)--4-10" White to BRUNNERA macrophylla 'Looking Glass' (Heartleaf Brunnera)-- 12-18" Belonging light pink double flowers with finely divided, fern-like foliage. May go dormant in to the borage family, it bears showy small light blue flowers in clusters, like those of a early summer. Woodland native, rare. Spring. "Forget-me-not." The heart- shaped leaves are solid silver with green veins. More AQUILEGIA caerulea 'Blue Bird' (Columbine)--24" Light blue sepals and white silver than B. 'Jack Frost.' The foliage cups downward. Deep moist soil. petals. Early blooming, floriferous with a compact habit. CAMPANULA 'Hot Lips' (Bellflower)-6-12" Large, tubular white flowers speckled AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Dorothy Rose' (European Columbine)--24-30" Light rosewith burgundy-pink. pink, double flowers. Light blue-green foliage. Blooms late spring to early summer. CHELONE glabra (WhiteTurtlehead)--3' White to pale pink flowers resembling a AQUILEGIA vulgaris 'Woodside Gold'(European Columbine)--24" Blue and rose turtle's head. Shiny rich dark green leaves. Pinch to reduce height. Does well in acid flowers. Golden-yellow spring foliage turns to light yellow. April-May. soil. Late summer. ARISAEMA triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit)--12-18" Flower stalk forms in late May, CHELONE glabra 'Black Ace' (Turtlehead)--3-4' Creamy-white flowers resembling a clusters of red berries ripen in August. Likes light, moist woodland soil. turtle's head. Shiny rich dark green leaves. Pinch to reduce height. Does well in acid ARUNCUS 'Misty Lace' [A. aesthusifolius x A. dioicus] (Goat's-beard)--18-24" soil. Late summer. Creamy-white plumes on red stems in early summer. CONVALLARIA majalis (Lily-of-the-valley)--8" Fragrant, white, waxy, bell-like ARUNCUS aethusifolius (Dwarf Goat's-beard)--12" Deep green, finely divided foliflowers are pendant on upright spikes in June. Ground cover. Toxic. age with reddish fall color. Creamy-white flowers in early summer. Seed pods. Can CORYDALIS lutea (Yellow Corydalis)--8" Somewhat similar to Dicentra, it blooms take full sun if soil remains moist. ARUNCUS dioicus (Sylvan Goat's-beard)--5-7' Large showy panicles of white flow- from late May through Aug. Fern-like foliage with yellow flowers. Good plant for heavy shade. ers to 4' tall. Native. June-July. DICENTRA 'Ivory Hearts' (Bleeding-heart)--12" Heart-shaped ivory-white flowers ASARUM canadense (Canada Wild Ginger)--4-6" Excellent ground cover with above ferny blue-grey foliage. Slightly fragrant. Late spring to early summer. heart-shaped leaves and thick rootstalk. Small reddish-brown flowers form under DICENTRA formosa 'Aurora' (Pacific Bleeding-heart)--12" White flowers above leaves in May. greyish foliage. Vigorous. Blooms from May-July. DICENTRA formosa 'Bacchanal' (Pacific Bleeding-heart)--12" Graceful, deeply ASTILBE prefers partial shade in any moist, fertile soil. Very hardy. Beautiful divided grey-green ferny foliage. Dark red flower, ever- blooming from May-July. plume-like heads are decorative in the winter landscape. Effective in fresh arrangeDICENTRA formosa 'King of Hearts' (Pacific Bleeding-heart)--10" Ever-blooming ments or when dried. broad rosy-pink flowers. Slightly glaucous grey-green ferny foliage. Disease free. VE - Very Early E - Early EM - Early Mid-season M - Mid-season May-Aug. LM - Late Mid- season L - Late DICENTRA spectabilis (Old-fashioned Bleeding-heart)--2-3' An old favorite. Forms ASTILBE 'Country and Western' (False Spirea)--15-20" Soft pink plumes. graceful mounds of foliage with an equal spread. The pink heart-shaped flowers appear Dark green foliage. Compact plant. in late May and June. Well-drained soil. ASTILBE 'Drum and Bass' (False Spirea)--15-20" Reddish-purple plumes. DICENTRA spectabilis 'Alba' (Old-fashioned Bleeding-heart)--30" Similar to ASTILBE 'Key Biscayne' (False Spirea)--15-18" Rose-pink flower. D. spectabilis, has lighter green foliage and pure white flowers. June. ASTILBE 'Key West' (False Spirea)--15-20" Carmine-red plume. DICENTRA spectabilis 'Gold Heart' (Bleeding-heart)--24" Pink flower. Unusual ASTILBE 'Rhythm and Beat' (False Spirea)--15-20" Purple-pink plumes. chartreuse foliage. A spring beauty! ASTILBE 'Rhythm and Blues' (False Spirea)--20-25" Raspberry-pink plumes. DIGITALIS purpurea Excelsior Hybrids (Foxglove)--4-5' Spikes of large, tubular, ASTILBE 'Rise and Shine' (False Spirea)--30-36" Large plumes of vibrant light to dark pink flowers in June and July. Biennial. pink flowers on sturdy stems in midsummer. DIGITALIS thapsi 'Spanish Peaks' (Foxglove)--12" Raspberry-rose flowers. Trim ASTILBE chinensis 'Milk and Honey' (False Spirea)--30" Fragrant creamywhite plumes mature to light pink. Juvenile foliage is marbled green and silver. mat of furry foliage. Early Summer. Toxic. Biennial. Sturdy and vigorous. M to L.
- rocketdockwin7 > Baneberry)--18"Hx12'W
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