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  • SpaceAdministration

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    文档作者:GE IndSys
    Station support
    National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas JSC's Space Station Support Office keeps the astronauts involved in mission design. Story on Page3.
    Galileo update
    Flight controllers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory are checking a partially unfurled antenna.Story on Page 4.
    Vol 0 3
    Space NewsRoundup
    April 1991 19,
    The Houstonstop over will be contingent on the orbiter's final ferry preparations and weather conditions. Endeavour will join its sister ships Columbia, Discovery and Atlantis, restoring the shuttlefleet to the number of vehicles originally contracted by NASA in 1972.The fourth orbiter, the Challenger, was destroyed in January 1986. The first orbiter constructed, the Enterpcise,was built as a test model and now is stored at the Smithsonian Institute. Rockwell International's Space Systems Division managed Endeavout's construction at the company's facilities in Downey and Palmdate, Calif., under JSC's direction, The final assembly, testing and checkout have taken place at Rockweil's SSD orbiter assembly facility in Palmdale. More than 250 major subcontractors and thousands of associated suppliers throughout the country performed work on shuttle components and support services, Endeavours design incorporates the many modifications, upgrades and technologiesadded to the orbiter fleet over the past several years, While nearly identical to Discovery and Atlantis, Endeavourwiil have two major features that will temporarily distinguishit from the rest of the fleet, Endeavour will have a drag chute to aid deCelerationand reduce loads on the landing gear and brakes. The other orbiters will be retrofitted with drag chutes at a later date. Additionally, Endeavour has been designed to accommodate an extended duration mission capability that, if incorporated, could enable it
    No. 6 1
    Endeavour delivery to fill out shuttle fleet
    By Pam AIIoway NASA will formally receive its newest space shuttle, the Endeavour, when it rolls out of its California factory Thursday, marking the end of the fifth operational orbiter's major construction and testing phase, Endeavour, also known as OV105, tentativelyis scheduled to leave Edwards Air Force Base in California on May 1 and stop over at Houston's Ellington Field that evening as it is ferried to Kennedy Space Center. It is expected to arrive at KSC May 2. to remain in orbit for up to 28 days at atime. NASA's second Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, NASA 911, will fly Endeavourto KSC from its constructionfacilities. The journey will mark the new SCA's first flight. The first flight of Endeavour is scheduled for May 1992. During the STS-49 mission, Endeavout's crew will attempt to reboost a communications satellite that is stuck in an errant orbit and perform three spacewalks. PleaseseeENDEAVOUR, Page4


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