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  • infrastructure-related

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    Vendor 4D Inc.1 Operating System Windows 98/NT 4.0/2000 Software Name WebServer 6.5.7 Vulnerability/ Impact A buffer overflow vulnerability exists due to insufficient bounds checking in the username/ password fields, which could let a remote malicious user execute arbitrary code. Testing conducted by the Security Community combined with analysis of vendorsupplied information , has shown that the alleged buffer overflow within ACD Systems' ACDSEE version 4.0 DOES NOT EXIST. Patches/Workarounds/ Alerts Upgrade to the latest version available at: Common Name WebServer Buffer Overflow Risk* High Attacks/ Scripts Bug discussed in newsgroups and websites.
    ACD Systems, Inc.2
    ACDSee 4.0
    No Risk
    Bug discussed in newsgroups and websites. Proof of Concept exploit has been published.
    iXsecurity Security Vulnerability Report, 20020404, May 3, 2002.
    NIPC CyberNotes #2002-10
    Page 1 of 27
    Vendor America OnLine3
    Operating System Windows 95/98/ME/ NT 4.0/2000, XP, Apple MacOS 9.0
    America OnLine4
    Windows 95/98/ME/ NT 4.0/2000, XP
    Software Name Instant Messenger 4.0, 4.1, 4.1.2010, 4.2, 4.2.1193, 4.3, 4.3.2229, 4.4-4.7, 4.7.2480, 4.8.2646, 4.8.2616 Instant Messenger 4.2-4.7, 4.7.2480, 4.8.2646, 4.8.2616
    Vulnerability/ Impact A buffer overflow vulnerability exists due to the way malformed 'aim:AddBuddy' hyperlinks are handled, which could let a malicious user cause a Denial of Service.
    Patches/Workarounds/ Alerts No workaround or patch available at time of publishing.
    Common Name Instant Messenger AddBuddy Hyperlink Denial of Service
    Risk* Low
    Attacks/ Scripts Bug discussed in newsgroups and websites. There is no exploit code required.
    A remote buffer overflow vulnerability exists due to the way 'AddExternalApp' requests are handled, which could let a remote malicious user obtain the same privileges of the user currently logged on.


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