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    National Infrastructure Protection Center CyberNotes
    Issue #2002-10 May 20, 2002
    CyberNotes is published every two weeks by the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC). Its mission is to support security and information system professionals with timely information on cyber vulnerabilities, malicious scripts, information security trends, virus information, and other critical infrastructure-related best practices. You are encouraged to share this publication with colleagues in the information and infrastructure protection field. Electronic copies are available on the NIPC Web site at http://www.nipc.gov. Please direct any inquiries regarding this publication to the Editor-CyberNotes, National Infrastructure Protection Center, FBI Building, Room 11719, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, 20535.
    Bugs, Holes & Patches
    The following table provides a summary of software vulnerabilities identified between May 3 and May 17, 2002. The table provides the vendor, operating system, software name, potential vulnerability/impact, identified patches/workarounds/alerts, common name of the vulnerability, potential risk, and an indication of whether attacks have utilized this vulnerability or an exploit script is known to exist. Software versions are identified if known. This information is presented only as a summary; complete details are available from the source of the patch/workaround/alert, indicated in the footnote or linked site. Please note that even if the method of attack has not been utilized or an exploit script is not currently widely available on the Internet, a potential vulnerability has been identified. Updates to items appearing in previous issues of CyberNotes are listed in bold. New information contained in the update will appear in italicized colored text. Where applicable, the table lists a "CVE number" (in red) which corresponds to the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) list, a compilation of standardized names for vulnerabilities and other information security exposures.


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