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  • econo-that's-the-facts

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    A broadside ballad is a people's song that tells a story, often topical. Over the centuries, broadsides have served many purposes, chronicling bravery and knavery, delivering smackdowns, crying out for justice and/or reason. The tradition stretches from 16th century minstrels through 20th Century folk masters like Pete Seeger, Woody Guthrie and Tom Paxton. Any era's broadsides are a running commentary on its culture. The songs in this collection, many of which were written for NPR's Morning Edition, are in that tradition. Think of them as op-eds with key signatures. Because of their origin, almost every song has a "news hook," a current story or controversy that inspired it and serves to launch the musical argument. Some of the underlying hooks are obvious. Not On The Test glosses No Child Left Behind. Zombie Bank is part of the meltdown literature of '09. Cold Christmas is our reaction to ever balmier Decembers in the Hudson Valley. Others are more obscure. When Bad Things Happen To Good Mice was inspired by a Princeton genetics lab that created Doogie, a mouse who tested five times smarter than his peers. The Cars spins a cautionary metaphor from the GM bail-out. The Good Book & The Big Bang is part of the secret Humanist Hymnal we are creating in our spare time.
    by John Forster & Tom Chapin 2010 Limousine Music Co. & The Last Music Co. (ASCAP)
    And Mary and Peter and Paul. But the times they are a-changing, And the writing on the wall Says everybody sing along. Chorus Feel the power of the right notes And the right votes combined. Feel the power of the right song To open up your heart and mind. You may think a sing-a-long Is just a silly game, And believing it can change the world Is really kind-a lame. But "We Shall Overcome" finally overcame 'Cause everybody sang along.
    Everyday the news abounds With scoundrels doing wrong Which impels us to take action That's really, really strong Like expressing our displeasure Through the lyric of a song. Preferably a sing-a-long. There's a name for what we're doing And Broadside is the term. A tough, melodic weapon Packed with values we affirm. Just load 'er up and let 'er rip And watch the wicked squirm. As everybody sings along.


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