• notonyourlife > tbattaglieri@meaorg
  • tbattaglieri@meaorg

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    A few words about member advocacy…
    Be an advocate not a judge! As an association advocate, you have the duty to represent all members with absolute fairness and impartiality. It is very important to recognize that your personal belief in the soundness of a member's grievance or gripe is irrelevant. Members are entitled to the benefit of every remedy and defense available, and it is your job to assert every such remedy and defense. Your job is not to decide what is fair or right. Your job is to vigorously represent a member's cause and seek a remedy to which he/she is entitled. If you have reservations about a particular member concern or feel that you cannot be impartial and nonjudgmental, then you need to contact your local president and/or UniServ director immediately. When your members ask what they get for their dues dollars, it's important to remember that one of the things they get is YOU—doing everything you can to the best of your ability to satisfactorily resolve their job-related issues.
    Do You Think Like an Advocate
    Answer the following questions by circling the answer (Yes, No, Maybe) that most closely corresponds with your beliefs. Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N M M M M M 1. I believe that all members' concerns are valid. 2. I am committed to protecting the rights of all members. 3. I believe in the right of due process for every member. 4. I am committed to searching out all resources available through my local association, MEA and NEA to support a member's position. 5. If it begins to appear that evidence supports the position of the other side, I am prepared to carry through on my responsibility to search out all facts supporting a member's position. 6. Even if I develop some personal prejudices about this member or the circumstances surrounding an incident, I will continue to do all in my power to advocate for the member or will find someone who can. 7. In advocating for a member, I believe that my personal opinion is irrelevant and that what is most important is finding every fact, argument, witness and resource necessary to advocate for the member. 8. I am prepared to do some extensive listening. 9. I believe that the burden of proof is on the other side, not ours. 10. I will be honest and straightforward with all people concerned as I advocate for a member. 11. I will be diligent in separating rumors from facts and insist that there always be a distinction between the two when advocating for a member.


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