• notonyourlife > tbattaglieri@meaorg
  • tbattaglieri@meaorg

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    If you responded to more than two of the statements above with a "no" or a "maybe," you may want to re-think what you believe the role of an association advocate to be.
    Grievances—the basics
    What are they The grievance procedure is designed as a process to constructively resolve disputes and questions regarding contract interpretation. In the state of Michigan, the definition of a grievance is negotiated by the parties at the local level. However, in general terms a grievance is defined as: a claim by member(s) that there has been an alleged violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of a specific article or section of the contract. In short, a grievance is a problem-solving device. It allows for a constructive and orderly resolution to contract disputes. Generally, any person who is in a position covered by the bargaining unit may file a grievance. Review the Recognition language in your contract to determine the job classifications and positions assigned to your bargaining unit. Grievances cannot be filed by one member against another member. Though you may be asked to informally mediate interpersonal disputes (and you certainly may do so), they are not grievances unless they involve alleged violations of the contract by the administration. Generally, there are two types of grievances: Employee—agrievancefiledbyabargainingunitemployee,challenginganaction by management. Association—agrievancefiledbytheassociationonbehalfofanemployee,a group of employees or the association as an institution.
    Gripe or grievance All grievances are gripes, but not all gripes are grievances! Grievances address specific violations of contract language or contract practice. An important part of your job as an advocate for members is to know the difference when members bring their issues and concerns to you. In addition, you need to keep in mind that filing a grievance may not necessarily be the best first step to take. Many situations can be resolved without filing grievances. The approach you take and the tone you use may determine how quickly a situation can be resolved or if resolution is possible without a grievance being filed. You may encounter members who feel that grieving is "unprofessional." Others may feel that grieving is unnecessary because they can take care of themselves. Still others may feel that grievances could strain relationships between employees and administration. Keep in mind that your job as a member advocate is to make sure that the terms of the contract are upheld and that the terms and conditions of employment are applied equally to all in a fair and consistent manner. A grievance may be a necessary tool to employ in order to ensure this.


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