• notonyourlife > tbattaglieri@meaorg
  • tbattaglieri@meaorg

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    Is it a Grievance or a Gripe □ Grievance 1. One of your members comes to you complaining that their coworker is swearing at them about one thing after another. The □ Gripe member wants to file a grievance. □ Grievance 2. Your member was required by his supervisor to work through his lunch break. The member wants to file grievance. □ Gripe □ Grievance 3. During a conversation with your supervisor you mention that you need to stop by the dry cleaners on the way home. Your □ Gripe supervisor hands you $10 and says, "Great that will save me a trip, pick up my cleaning too." You pick up the dry cleaning but after thinking about it you decide you should file a grievance. □ Grievance 4. During the course of the year you have already used nine of the 10 sick days you were awarded at the beginning of the year. □ Gripe Your supervisor called you into her office and presented you with a letter regarding your excessive absences for the year. □ Grievance 5. One of the members of your association has been complaining very publicly about the proposed increase in tuition. In fact, □ Gripe he recently participated in a radio call-in show where he criticized the university and the trustees for their lack of vision and leadership. His supervisor called him in and told him to stop making public statements on university related issues. He wants to immediately file a grievance. □ Grievance 6. During a department meeting the supervisor of one of your members told the member to "shut-up and sit down." Your □ Gripe member wants to file a grievance.
    □ Grievance 7. A member has complained to you that a colleague in another bargaining unit in the university has been sending her □ Gripe unsolicited love poems. She wants you to file a grievance against the other union. □ Grievance 8. One of your members was unexpectedly called into his supervisor's office yesterday. When your member arrived, □ Gripe another of your members was already there and the supervisor advised her that her colleague would be acting as her union representative. The member who was called in wants to grieve the meeting. □ Grievance 9. Last week your member was injured during the workday. She hurt her ankle while going down wet stairs. Your member filled □ Gripe out an accident report and notified the supervisor that she was going to the emergency room for treatment. When she returned to work the next morning, she happened to pass her supervisor in the hallway. When the supervisor saw her, she said, "Oh, look at you limping down the hall. What a pansy!" Your member wants to file a grievance. □ Grievance 10. All of the employees in a department at the university have received an e-mail from their supervisor saying effective next □ Gripe week they will be required to arrive at work 15 minutes earlier than their current work schedule. Several members have called asking that a grievance be filed. Answers to the above are on the last page of this booklet.


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