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  • Publishers/Distributors

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    Religious Education Science Science Group Work Transfer of Learned Skills Visual Support Section 3 Social Accessing Assembly Coping with break and lunchtimes Creating Home Base Difficulty with Social Language Effective Communication Eye Contact Facial Expression and Body Language Improving Social Understanding Lack of Tact Learning to Ask for Help Literal Interpretation of Language Obsessions and Inflexibility Peer Relationships Preparing for 6th form college Social Stories Teaching Social Understanding, Context and Techniques Teasing and Bullying Transition Working in Partnership with Parents and Carers References Websites Publishers/Distributors Appendices
    92 93 94 95 96-99 100 101-102 103-104 105 106-107 108-109 110 111 112-113 114 115 116-117 118-119 120-121 122-123 124-125 126-127 128 129-130 131-132 133-145 146 147 148-168
    Section 4
    Section 5
    This Secondary Toolkit has been developed to help secondary schools to include young people with Social Communication Difficulties (including those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders or Asperger Syndrome). More and more parents are asking that their young person have the opportunity to be educated alongside their peers in their local secondary school. Some of these young people will have a diagnosis whilst others will not. Some will already have a Statement of Special Educational Needs when they start at secondary school. The strategies and ideas in the Toolkit are suitable in all these circumstances. The Toolkit is organised into sections that make it easy to use and offers a range of ideas & strategies that are practical & solution-based. Throughout the Toolkit, 'he' is used, as it is recognised that more boys than girls have Social Communication Difficulties. However, these strategies and ideas are equally suitable to use with girls. Enough time needs to be given to really try a strategy as change often comes over time. If you feel that the problem is not resolved, go back to the Toolkit and try something else. What works in one situation may not in another. As the young person grows, something that used to work may not be so effective. Be flexible and make changes that keep pace with the young person's needs. In addition most positive behaviour management techniques can also be used with these young people and many normal teaching methods will be effective in supporting learning. It can be very rewarding to teach a young person with Social Communication Difficulties. Joining the young person on their learning journey can be exciting and allows you glimpse the world from a different perspective. The Toolkit will provide you with tools you need to complete that journey successfully.


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