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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    The Secondary Teacher's Toolkit
    for Including Young People with
    Social Communication Difficulties
    (including Autism Spectrum Disorders & Asperger Syndrome)
    Wiltshire County Council September 2006
    Compiled and collated by
    Sarah Devine, Centre Manager & the Prospect Centre, Rowdeford School
    John Clandillon, SEP, Wiltshire Psychological Service Bridget Kennedy, EP, Wiltshire Psychological Service Heather Noton, SEP, Wiltshire Psychological Service Jane Owen, SENCo, Avon Valley College
    With particular reference to Children with Autism: Strategies for Accessing the Curriculum, KS3/4 North West Regional SEN Partnership, DfES, 2003 and building on The Wiltshire Primary Toolbox for Social Communication, Wiltshire County Council, July 2006, written by Christine Brown, Jo Clay and Ali Dauncey from the Social Communication Intervention Team of the Manor Primary School, Queensway Centre.
    CONTENTS Item Introduction Section 1 Behaviour Aggression, Frustration and Temper Tantrums Attention and Concentration Behaviour Modifications Classroom Interaction Dealing with Changes in Routine Effective Rewards and Motivators Emotions Curriculum Health and Safety Interrupting Lack of Self Control Managing Behaviour Managing unusual Behaviour Not responding to Instruction Obsessions and Inflexibility Obsessions and Passions Self Esteem and Depression Sensory Difference Sensory issues/Physical Set-Up of Classroom Sexuality Stress and Anxiety Teaching Emotional Understanding Page Number 4
    5 9-10 11-13 14-15 16-18 19-20 21 22-23 24 25-26 27-29 30-31 32-33 34-37 38-39 40 41-42 43-46 47-49 50-52 53-54
    Section 2
    Curriculum 55 Accessing and Learning 56-57 Art & Design 58-59 Careers 60 Citizenship 61 Design Technology 62-63 English 64-66 Mathematics (1) 67 Mathematics (2) Using and Applying 68-69 Examination Preparation 70-72 Fear of failure 73 Geography 74-75 Handwriting 76 History 77-78 Homework 79 Improving Organisational Skills 80 Information and Communication Technology 81-82 Memory Recall and Reflecting on Learning 83 Modern Foreign Languages 84 Music 85-86 Organising the Physical Environment to Maximise Learning87-88 Physical Education 89 PSHE 90-91


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