平成22年度 佐贺県中学校英语暗唱大会 1年生课题 Be My Friend.
The 7th Grade
(ある日,先生の知り合いのALT が中学1 年生の子どもChris を连れて学校に来ています.放课后の教室でChris が自己绍介を始めました.)
Chris: Hi. I'm Chris. Nice to meet you. Kei: Nice to meet you, too. I'm Kei. Where are you from Chris: I'm from America. Here is a world map. Look. This is America. I live in New York. Kei: Where is Japan Chris: Here. This is Japan. Kei: Wow! It's not at the center. And it's so small! Chris: Yes, it is small. But my father sometimes says ''Japan is big.'' Kei: Well.., does your father like Japan Chris: Yes, he does. Kei: Do you like Japan, too Chris: Yes, sure! I sometimes read Japanese comics. They are a lot of fun for me! Kei: I like comics, too. What is your favorite comic book Chris: My favorite comic is Doraemon. It's full of dreams. Kei: That's right. Chris: Do you have a lot of comic books Kei: Yes, but they are all in Japanese. Chris: It's OK. Because you can teach me Japanese. Can you be my friend Kei: Of course! So let's go to a book store next Sunday. Chris: All right. So what time Kei: How about ten o'clock Chris: Good. Kei: See you at Saga Station. Chris: See you then. (171words)
平成22年度 佐贺県中学校暗唱大会 暗唱课题
The 8 Grade
A Gull and a Cat
(トムは港町で暮らす黒猫です.ある日,のんびり日なたぼっこをしていると,突然目の前に黒いものが飞び込んできました. それは油まみれの1羽のカモメでした.)
A gull landed next to a cat named Tom. The gull was covered in oil. She was dying. (The gull: ) Help me. (Tom (Tom (Tom (Tom : ) What can I do : ) OK. I won't. : ) OK. I will. : ) Me … OK. I'll try. (The gull: ) Soon I'll lay an egg. Promise me three things. Please don't eat it. (The gull: ) Please take care of the egg. (The gull: ) And please teach my baby how to fly. (The gull: ) Thank you. Soon the gull died. Under her body was an egg. Tom warmed the egg day and night. One morning, a small white head looked at him. (Lucky : )Mommy. (Tom : )I'm not your mommy. But you are lucky….. Oh! I'll name you Lucky!
In time, Lucky became a beautiful gull. (Tom : (Tom )Lucky. Now it's time to fly. : )I'm a cat. But you are not a cat. You are a gull. Cats do cat things. Gulls do gull things. (Lucky : )So must I fly (Tom : )Yes. Gulls fly. Lucky's lessons started. She tried to fly many times, but always failed. (Lucky : )I can't fly. I don't want to try anymore. (Tom : )You can fly if you really want to. (Lucky : )Why do I have to fly Cats don't fly.
One bright morning he took Lucky to a tall tower. (Tom : )You are a gull. All the sky is yours. Catch the wind. Lucky stepped into the air. Then she caught the wind in her wings, and finally started to fly. For a long time, Tom was watching the empty sky.
※ ( )内は,発话しません.
(232 words)
平成22年度 佐贺県中学校暗唱大会 暗唱课题
The 9 Grade
I Have a Dream
"I have a dream. One day my four little children will not be judged by the color of their skin..."
Martin Luther King, Jr. said this in a speech in 1963. He was a great leader who worked for the rights of African-Americans. He had a dream which is still important to all of us. In those days, there were many things that African-Americans could not do. There were toilets that they could not use. There were seats on buses that they could not use. There were even drinking fountains that they could not use. 'White only' was the law. This did not change until Mrs. Rosa Parks, a black woman, challenged it. Mrs. Parks was sitting in a bus near the white section. Soon that section filled up. The driver shouted, "Give up your seat." She did not move. "Give up your seat or I'll call the police." The police came and arrested her. When Martin Luther King heard this news, he said, "Let's fight against this injustice." King and people following him stopped using the buses. The boycott lasted for 381 days. They finally won the right to take any seat on buses. After this, the number of people led by King increased. In 1964 he received the Nobel Peace Prize. Four years later he was shot and killed. He died, but we remember his words. His dream lives on.
"I have a dream. One day the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood."
(261words) NEW CROWN ENGLISH SERIES 3 より引用·改作
- bemyvalentine > 平成22年度佐贺県中学校英语暗唱大会1年生课题be my friend.
平成22年度佐贺県中学校英语暗唱大会1年生课题be my friend.
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