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  • classMonthDaytxt

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    文档作者:sharifa peart
    Managing Student Information using Excel & WebCT
    Downloading WebCT student data to a comma-delimited text file
    In WebCT, show the columns of student data you want to download
    In the "Manage Students" page of WebCT show the columns of data that you want to download (see page 2 for details). Make sure you download User ID and any other columns you need to match the data in your grade files. For this example, you want to download: - Empl_ID (the 8-digit SPIRE Student ID) - User ID (the OIT NetID, typically the first part of their email address.) - Last Name and First Name (optional, if you need them)
    Download the student data from WebCT
    1. From the Control Panel, click Manage Course. The Manage Course screen appears.
    2. Click Manage Students header. The Manage Students screen appears. 3. Under Actions, from the Options: Records drop-down list, select Download and click Go. The Download Student Records screen appears. 4. Select Comma as your Record separator from the dropdown list and click Download. Your computer's file download screen appears, prompting you to save the file on your computer.
    Save student data on your hard drive
    Save the file to a folder on your computer, and remember the location of that folder. By default the name of the file is "class_MonthDay.txt" (Ex class_Mar25.txt) [Where ".txt" is the file extension that determines that file as a text file.
    OIT Academic Computing, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Created: February 18, 2004 kp, updated October 19, 2004 kmc & fz.
    Managing Student Information using Excel & WebCT
    Merging Student data from WebCT with other files in MSExcel
    WebCT uses the "User ID" (the OIT NetID) to match imported student data with existing data. These instructions will guide you through the process of bringing the WebCT "User ID" column into your current grade data file so that data from this file can be uploaded back into WebCT. In this example we assume that you are using the 8-digit SPIRE Student ID to identify each student in your grade file. If you are using other data, adapt this process for your own data.


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