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  • 日本包装学会志

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    In-package processing :
    ·High Temperature Short Time (HTST) ·Microwaves and High Frequency ·Sous-Vide processing
    日本包装学会志 Vol.7 No.6 (1998)
    Infrared heating
    Aseptic processing :
    · Single flow or separate flow liquid/solids · Electrical resistance heating (Ohmic heating) · Microwave and High Frequency heating
    Other thermal processes :
    · Steam injection+evaporative cooling · Processing under CO2 pressure · Ultrasound (thermosonication)
    In-package thermal processing.
    A target for minimal thermal processing is to approach a true HTST process. (High Temperature Short Time). When you go up to temperatures in the range 125-135°C the rate of inactivation of bacterial spores is much higher than that for the deterioration of sensory properties or nutritional values. You can achieve a safe process with minimal loss of quality. Limiting factors for in-package HTST treatment are heat transfer properties and product or package thickness. If heat transfer is slow and product thickness high, high temperatures will lead to overheating of outer food layers. Large scale processing in aluminium foil laminated plastic pouches has been very successful in Japan, allowing near HTST processes at sterilisation temperatures up to 128°C and processing times around 20 minutes. It is interesting to recall, that the pouch was first commercialised in Europe but did not succeed because the process was far from optimised. The pouch is now slowly coming back in Europe, applying the standing pouch for higher consumer convenience, and finally taking advantage of the potential for product improvement inherent in the small product thickness.
    Today, retorting is done batchwise or continuously, using hot water or steam as the heating medium and sophisticated process control of time-temperature, pressure and F-or C-value development. Sometimes this is also coupled to on-line process simulation for optimal retention of quality and inactivation of bacteria and enzymes. A HTST-like processing method, introduced fairly recently in France, is to can vegetables immersed in water, with only partial sealing prior to processing. Inside the retort, the water is i drained from the can by food grade steam, which heats the food in direct contact very


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