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  • 日本包装学会志

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    *Professor, PhD, Senior Advisor to SIK-The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology
    New Developments and Trends in Food Processing and Packaging in Europe
    ·Preventive on-line process-and product control (HACCP etc.) and official certification of co mpan y programmes for production monitoring and environment. ·Extensive application of process modelling and simulation, including predictive microbiology ·Conspicuous growth in chilled foods and MAP-products (including sous-vide products) with limited shelf life. ·Growing market in health foods and in functional foods. ·Consumer directed product development ·Demands for reuse and recycling of packaging, and packaging solutions well adapted to reuse, recycling and minimal land and air pollution, including minimal use of packaging (no over-packaging).
    In the following I will deal with some of these trends, mainly with regard to developments in processing and, to a somewhat lesser extent, in packaging.
    Mild methods and a minimum level of processing are required for optimal retention of freshness as well as minimum use of artificial additives. To make the resulting products safe to consume, a combination of measures will often be needed, such as combining processes with modifications in pH, water activity, natural preservatives, MA-or Sous-Vide packaging etc. This whole trend in food processing is termed "minimal processing" and is dominating European product and process development today. In traditional food processing, thermal methods of preservation (pasteurisation or sterilisation) dominate. The need for milder treatments in preservation has, however, lead to the development of a number of non-thermal methods, both physical, chemical and microbiological, which have come to dominate as themes for European conferences and workshops on minimal processing.
    Thermal minimal processing.
    Developments in thermal processing can be listed under the following main headings :


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