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  • 日本包装学会志

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    Vo l . 7
    New Developments and Trends in Food Processing and Packaging in Europe
    Invited paper for the 7th annual Conference of the Society of Packaging Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, June 10th, 1998. Nils BENGTSSON*
    This review of developments and trends will reflect the present state of the art in Europe, including some interesting ongoing research and development, with main emphasis on food processing, which is the author's personal field of expertise. These developments may not necessarily be novel in Japan, which is very much in the forefront in food packaging development and in commercialising new food technology. The overriding trends in the European food field today concern consumers demand for fresh-like, minimally processed foods, emphasis on consumer safety, nutrition and convenience and demand for minimal negative effects on the environment and on energy resources. In the paper, these trends, as well as some secondary trends, will be discussed and commented on with regard to actual developments, industrial or on the R&D level. Keywords : European food field trends, Food processing, Food sterilisation and pasteurisation, Food packaging, Minimal processing, Non-thermal processing, Environmental issues, Reuse and recycling of packaging, Biodegradable packaging, Life Cycle A n a l y s i s
    The most important European trends can be listed as follows : · Consumers demand for fresh-like, minimally processed foods without artificial additives and without unnaturally long shelf lives. · E mp h a s i s o n co n su me r s a f e t y , n u t r it io n a n d c o n v en i en ce · Demand for minimal negative effects on the environment and on energy resources over the entire life cycle of food and food p ack aging . Secondary trends, as a result of these, are : · Emphasis on mild processing methods and combinations of such processes and measures (hurdle technology), including both thermal and non-thermal methods and compositional changes to achieve "minimal processing".


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