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  • 98/ME/NT/2000/XP

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    文档作者:Dawn Dole
    ● The IBA-116A Software will test automatically, if you have correctly connected the IBA-116A, the display light at lower sinister corner of PC computer is green, otherwise is red. 5)Setting up Door Numbers for multi-door IBA-116A network When acting more than one IBA-116A to build a multi-door network it is very important to assign unique Door Numbers to each IBA-116A in the network. The PC requires the Door Number in order to correctly identify the hardware when they communicate through the serial Port. You will need to remember the Door Numbers you assign when you are setting up the software. Door Numbers can only be programmed from the 3 x 4 matrix keypad of the IBA-116A controller and not from the PC. This is called "local programming". Local programming is covered in extensive detail in the IBA-116A hard Installation and Users Guide. ● Enter Programming Mode ● Enter Menu Number "61" ● Enter 01-08 2-digits door numbers
    Below you will find a quick description of the software's main screen.
    ○ 1
    2 ○
    3 ○
    ○ Menu bar: Is an area containing menu options such as 1
    the file, view and help menus.
    2 ○ Tool bar: An area that contains shortcuts to menus and
    3 ○ Online Status Indicator: Indicates that the IBA-116A
    has successfully taken control of the PC's COM port. 3)Setting up your Serial port (COM Port)
    2 ○
    ○ 1
    IBA-116A Software Operation
    1)Starting the software and logging in Start the IBA-116A PC Software from the Windows "START" menu or by clicking the icon on the Windows desktop. You will be prompted with the following login window.
    ○ From the Main Window click on the Setting button on 1
    the tool bar.
    2 ○ Click on the Options tab.
    ○ 1
    2 ○ 3 ○
    ○ This is the name that you use to login to the software. 1 2 ○ This is the password that you use to login to the
    software. The software will now attempt to connect to the IBA-116A using the default COM port setting. The default COM port setting is COM1. If COM1 is not available ( being used by some other software), you have to change COM or stopCOM1, and then you can enter. 2)Introduction to the Main Window


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