• pcpb50 > cognitive-emotional
  • cognitive-emotional

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    ASSEMBLIES OF GOD THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Southeastern College Branch Campus Lakeland, Florida The Rutland Group Cohort #3 February 10, 11; March 15, 16 2004 PCPB 550 INTERPERSONAL TECHNIQUES IN HELPING RELATIONSHIPS (3 Credits) REVISED 12/10/2004 Richard D. Dobbins, PhD. COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is a study of the techniques and relationships which serve to promote healthy adult growth and functioning. It begins with an exploration of the mind as the interface between natural and supernatural energies in the problem-solving, decision-making processes of the individual. Then, the course proceeds to preview the basic counseling skills required in defining a person's problems and formulating an effective treatment plan. The student will learn the skills involved in: establishing rapport, creating a supportive atmosphere that encourages a person to change, and engaging a person in the kind of loving confrontation often needed to facilitate change. The emphasis of the course is on training helping professionals to help others. Personal cognitive-emotional awareness and theological-psychological balance is promoted through a study of individual functioning in interpersonal relationships. COURSE SCOPE This course is designed to increase one's relational skills in helping people in the context of the local church. Those involved in active ministry as well as those involved in lay ministry will benefit from this class. This course will establish a Biblical foundation for interpersonal relationships. Students will experience an expanded understanding of their own interpersonal relationships (positive and negative) and how to help people process issues that are commonly found in the local church. Techniques will be acquired that will enable the student to function at an increased level of competency. OBJECTIVES 1. To be able to define a biblical theology of relationships that will provide a construct from which one can work with people of all types. Current theories of personality will also be examined. Spring 2005


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