• 2012年电脑桌面图片 > (PC/Desktop)Double
  • (PC/Desktop)Double

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    Cadence: Starting a Schematic
    The new library should appear in the library column. Within a created library you can create multiple circuits. Select the created library and do the following to create a new circuit schematic: File>New>Cell View… Enter Cell Name Leave View Name Blank Select Tool (Selecting the appropriate tool will decide what type of design you will be doing) "Composer-Schematic" = Transistor Level Schematics "Composer-Symbol" = Symbol for Circuit (Will represent the schematic when used in other schematics) "Virtuoso" = Layout Click "OK" *If you want to make symbols and layouts for the associated schematic then select the "Cell" and do File>New>Cell View… The new symbol/layout should have the same name as the schematic and fall under the same cell and will show up as a new item in the "View Column" of the Library Manager Window. A sample schematic is shown on the next page. Try learning how to use the tools on the side bar of the schematic composer window. The typical instance library we use is "NCSU Analog Parts" Library. Use this library in the instance menu to get parts such as passive components, supplies, sources, and transistors.
    Cadence: Simulating Using Analog Design Environment
    So you have your schematic ready for simulation, now what to do…
    In Schematic Editor Tools > Analog Design Environment The Analog Design Environment Window is shown below:
    First set up the appropriate simulation tools and models. In Analog Design Environment Window go: Setup > Simulate/Directory/Host …
    For "Simulator" select "Spectre" (This is the primary simulation tool that is used in this class unless otherwise noted) Setup > Model Libraries …
    Enter the correct model library file and "Add" it For example, for .25um deep sub micron process use the ~cmcglone/public/tsmc25d.scs Model Library File. (Or wherever the tsmc25d.scs model library file is located.) This step sets the appropriate models for the parts in your schematic.


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