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    Cadence Quick Reference
    This is a quick basic reference guide to get you started on Cadence for the EEL5322 course. There are many other more in depth tutorials out there. This will quickly give you the basics to get started and explore.
    Table of Contents Logging on Remotely Creating a Library Creating a Schematic Simulating a Schematic Layout, DRC, LVS Starting a Symbol Printing Hot Keys p.2 p.3 p.4 p.5 p.10 p.11 p.11 p.12
    Logging On Remotely Using Cygwin
    (PC/Desktop)Double click on Cygwin icon (if necessary, change to 256 colors by right clicking on icon and select properties, compatibility, etc) (Cygwin window) Type "startxwin.sh" and press enter (without the quotes) (A new window should pop up) [a] Type "xhost +" (if this gives an error, don't worry about it). [b] Type "ssh [username]@toons.ecel.ufl.edu" (replace [username] with your username) [c] Enter your password to login (Look up your IP) Go to an internet browser, and go to http://whatismyip to obtain ip address (do not use "ipconfig" in DOS; it doesn't work) (Same window as step 3) Type "export DIPSLAY=[IP address]:0.0" (replace the IP address with numbers and don't forget to tack on the :0.0 at the end of IP) (Test to see if it works) Type "xterm &" and a new xterm window should pop-up; if not, type "logout" and go back to step 3 (If successful, use the xterm window) Use "cd" to change directories in your account until you reach your cadence root folder and type "icfb" to run Cadence. You can check if you are in the correct folder by typing "ls" to list the contents of your folder.
    Cadence: Creating a Library
    Upon launching Cadence, the Library Manager Window should pop up as shown below. Here you can create your own libraries full of your own circuits and parts including their schematics, layouts, and symbols that you will be able to recall and use in other projects.
    To start a Library: File>New>Library Enter name Leave Path Blank Select "Attach existing tech library": Ask Eisenstadt what tech library to use. Click "OK" Example Below:


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