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  • Thesis/Dissertation

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    A. Introduction A major requirement for the Master of Science in Dentistry (MSD), Doctor of Science (DSc), and Doctor of Science in Dentistry (DScD) degrees at the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine is the completion of a dissertation or thesis. A graduate thesis is a contribution to knowledge. It is important that the findings be presented in a formal standard to increase their usefulness to others. If a thesis is not presented in the form required in these instructions, it will not be accepted, nor will a degree be conferred until corrections have been made. A satisfactorily completed thesis must be approved by a committee of readers (thesis defense committee). This guide in no way sets stylistic or bibliographic rules for the author. These should be determined by the candidate and his/her advisor. Neither does this guide deal with detailed information on how to prepare, research, and write a thesis or dissertation. A bibliography of sources that would be helpful in this area is provided on page 8. The purpose of this guide is to inform graduate students of the standards established and adhered to by the Alumni Medical Library and the School. B. Number of Copies In order to preserve a record of the achievements of Boston University scholars, and to share the benefits of their research with others, two identical copies of the final version of the thesis are needed for submission to the Library: one for the archives and one to circulate to interested members of the Boston University community. The department chairman, advisor, and other advisory committee members, may require extra copies of the thesis. Submission of the thesis or dissertation to the Library should be the last step before graduation. C. Deadlines for Submission of Thesis or Dissertation Theses and dissertations must be submitted to the reader eight (8) weeks prior to the anticipated date of graduation. This allows ample time for the thesis/dissertation to be read and for corrections/revisions to be made. Delay in submission may result in postponement of the date of graduation, which, in turn, may result in additional tuition. The dates for the submission of the thesis to the thesis defense committee are critical for a successful review and for the defense process. Individual departments or programs will set the deadline for submission of the thesis to the defense committee. However, it is expected that the Master's thesis be defended within 45 days of the expected degree award date and that the Doctorate thesis be defended before the expected degree award date. D. Submission to the Library 1). The thesis must not be bound at the time of the thesis defense. When a thesis has been successfully defended, edited, and approved by the thesis defense committee, the Department Head must sign a multipart Dental School Thesis/Dissertation Submission Form. Each member of the thesis defense committee must sign two Library copies of the thesis. These signatures are


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