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  • Thesis/Dissertation

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    to be placed on the Reader's approval page found on page (14) of this document. Each signature must be original. The Library does not accept photocopies. 2). The copies (2) intended for the Library are submitted, unbound, to the Technical Services Department, Boston University Medical Center Library, together with the signed multipart Dental School Thesis/Dissertation Submission Form. The thesis must be submitted either in a large manila envelope, covered box or temporary binder or folder. Elastic (rubber) bands alone are unacceptable. These copies must meet the particulars given in the following instructions. Read these instructions carefully and consult the Library and your advisor for assistance with problems. Do so before starting the final draft. 3). A prearranged appointment with the Technical Services Department of the Library is highly recommended to ensure sufficient time for the library review process. Typically, review of the thesis or dissertation takes 20-30 minutes. If an appointment is not made, the Library reserves the right to have 5 working days for the review and acceptance procedure. Students with a deadline for graduation or those who are leaving the area should incorporate these requirements into their timetable. The students are encouraged to obtain advice on the submission process from the Technical Services Department of the Library prior to submission of the thesis. 4). After accepting the Library's copies, the Technical Services staff will sign the multipart Dental School Thesis/Dissertation Submission Form and retain the Library's receipt copy. The candidate will deliver to the Registrar and Department Chair their parts of the multipart Dental School Thesis/Dissertation Submission Form and retain the student copy for personal files. No degree requiring a thesis will be conferred until the Registrar and the Department Head have received this notification. 5). If a thesis or dissertation does not meet the Library's requirements, the rejection section of the multipart Dental School Thesis/Dissertation Submission Form will be checked off with an explanation for the rejection provided. This part of the form will be signed and dated by the Technical Services staff member. A photocopy of the form will be retained by the Library. The multipart Dental School Thesis/Dissertation Submission Form and thesis will be returned to the student for correction(s). Once the student addresses the Library's concerns, the acceptance section of the multipart Dental School Thesis/Dissertation Submission Form will be filled in, signed and dated by the Technical Services staff member. The acceptance process as described in Section D#4 will go forward. If the problem with the thesis/dissertation is not resolved within 60 days from the initial presentation to the Library, it will be sent back to the Department Chair with an explanatory form. A copy will also be sent to the Registrar. 6). The Library will catalog and bind all copies of accepted dental theses/dissertations and they will become part of the Library's circulating collection. Bibliographic information for each thesis/dissertation will be made available on the University's online catalog; the worldwide catalog of OCLC (Online Cooperative Library Cataloging), a bibliographic utility, and index to Dental Literature. 7). Neither ordering of microfilm nor application for copyright is done by the Library.


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