• happypills > performance-wise
  • performance-wise

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    The address label on this envelope shows the issues you have subscribed for (inclusive of the last issue shown). Subscriptions are also shown on the front of packages and on your receipts. You can extend your subscription any time you wish. The subscriptions we charge go towards our printing and postage costs, we do not make a profit on our subscriptions.
    We specialise in compact discs and have 99% of these titles in stock at any one time. Some titles can be deleted quickly, so if you can list an alternative choice when ordering, then please do so. Some titles are also available on cassette but sometimes these may have to be ordered. We accept orders seven days a week, from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. We are not a shop and are strictly mail-order only. We are not a large company, just two people; Gerry King (father) & Ian King (son). If you would like track listings of particular recordings or artists, please send an SAE (unless ordering at the same time). The year of release mentioned may not be the year the recording was originally made, it can sometimes be the year the LP was re-released on CD. Where known, the original date is given. Credit card orders are welcome (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Eurocard, Connect & Switch). Please make cheques & P.O.'s payable to "MSS STUDIOS". International Money Orders and cheques must be in Pounds Sterling and drawn on a UK Bank. If you are looking for a particular recording or you hear of a new release which is not listed in this catalogue, please give us a call and we will try and find it for you. However, we are not able to obtain deleted recordings. We stock most of the record labels who produce organ recordings including Grosvenor, Grasmere, Maestro, Manual Music, Banda, OS Digital, Castle, Sterndale and others too numerous to mention (over seventy separate sources!) [IS/ST] = All tracks are in sequence and in strict-tempo (and are suitable for Ballroom Dancing).
    New additions since our last newsletter are marked " " (In the catalogue section). We have singled out certain recordings in the catalogue section with a "5". We consider these titles worthy of praise (although this is just our opinion).


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