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  • all-too-familiar

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    文档作者:Kathy Villarreal
    (Continued on page 4)
    6 Let Me Count the Ways
    9 POSTINGS — an Online Discussion
    10 Nailing the New Normal
    11 Book Review
    12 Friends and Family Messages
    "In the Corners of My Mind" by Richard Zuckerberg, Ph.D. Poetry by Rachel Hadas
    MAINSTAY — Spring 2010, Issue #95
    President's Perspective —
    Dedicated to the support of spousal caregivers
    Board of Directors— Lawrence Bocchiere III, President Richard Anderson, Past President Gerald Bishop, Board Chair Bob Mastrogiovanni, Treasurer Terri Corcoran, Secretary Wendy Picardo, Support Groups Sharron Blakely Amie Brockway Kelley Brunn Rachel Hadas Bob Kerfoot Gail Neustadt James Russell Dorothy Saunders Joe Wolf Donna McQuade, Office Manager &
    National Membership Coordinator
    t has been a busy time at WSA, as we continue to grow and gain exposure. Richard Anderson continues, as Past President, to meet with various national groups in and around the Washington area, recently attending a meeting with Congressman Patrick Kennedy. Richard has also continued to partner with other organizations in the caregiving field. We are both participating in a background interview for an upcoming book on chronic illness. I have met Dr. Teena Cahill who is scheduled to be the keynote speaker at our national conference in Princeton. A caregiver herself, she is a noted speaker and has a radio show on webtalkradio.net. We are planning a one-hour segment that may air in April (the 19th possibly) for a week, and then go into archive for a year. She is also a consultant to BeWell.com, working with NBC medical correspondent Dr. Nancy. Our military initiative has its first members; we have a dedicated military area on the Forum, and a wonderful resource from one of our own members, Judith DiEmidio, who works with a small group nationwide to assist veterans and their families. She has introduced WSA to Carl Cronk of Saginaw, MI, a tireless representative to all veterans and their families. He is a wealth of information and actively represents people when he can — directing them to assistance as it is available. He has graciously volunteered to assist WSA members in need. Carl may be contacted at cmcronk74@sbcglobal.net. Some of his accomplishments: Veterans Service Officer for 43 years; Army Retired 20 years; Department of Defense Retired 22 years; Vietnam Veteran, Twenty-Fifth Infantry, 1966; Army Mentor through Department of the Army for Army Personnel; U.S. Army Ambassador, Freedom Team; U.S. Army Ambassador, Traumatic Life Insurance. It is also great to see some impact in the far West, with our Arizona Initiative. Thanks to Kelley Brunn and Western Refining for our first respite weekend in Phoenix. Kelly has a great team of WS and corporate volunteers working together to provide support and grow WSA in the West. Thanks also to Wendy Picardo and her friend, Jorgen Hjorth, Océ Document Printing has donated the printing for our Mainstay for four issues, as well as printing our brochures. Lastly, I am reminded too often when reading the forums what our reality is. There have been some remissions, some good news (my granddaughter as well as others and a baby for ACD Mom), but there have also been the inevitable losses. And I know I am home when I read the tenderness and support of our family when it gathers around one of our own. — Lawrence Bocchiere III


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