Weekly Newspaper
911 Franklin Street Michigan City, IN 46360
Volume 23, Number 9 Thursday, March 8, 2007
Brief Snapshots of Chesterton
by Paula McHugh
Maybe it doesn't hit you until you get that letter telling you that you're now eligible for AARP membership. Up to now, you've paid no attention. So, you start thinking about places in your hometown that are no longer there. Buildings that you walked past on your way to school, or familiar storefronts that were part of your everyday eld of vision as you drove to and from places you had to be. Having once lived in an historic old Civil War-era town, I used to take for granted the scenery surrounding me: quaintness that tourists drove for hours to see. That particular town was intensely aware of its heritage. Most of those mid-19th century structures were preserved; safe from inappropriate alterations, or a wrecking ball. Now, having spent over a decade living in another quaint little town—I decided it was time to stop taking for granted those structures carrying so much
local history, so much nostalgia that is part of my everyday eld of vision as I drive here and there around town. Yes, I nally told myself that I'd stop taking these charming sights for granted by capturing my own set of images of places unique, original, quirky, and lled with signicance. I may be hopelessly ignorant of architectural terms, but I'm sure you'll agree that "sense of place" is in the details. This little story is about sights I've grown accustomed to seeing over here in Chesterton. I hope that in the reading you'll get out your own camera, drive around your own familiar neighborhoods, and be inspired to chronicle the present that you see here and now. One does not have to belong to the Historic Preservation Society (although it's a nice option) to begin creating a journal of images and recollections of what surrounds you today.
For Michigan City, it would no doubt be the light at the end of the catwalk, and if there is an image that most "represents" Chesterton, it would be the octagonal bandstand that sits in the middle of Thomas Centennial Park downtown. Built in 1924, the landmark with its high-peaked roof is said to be one of the few remaining original bandstands in Indiana. Originally, its base was covered with latticework. In 1975, it was moved 100 feet west of its original spot and placed on a concrete base. The revered bandstand is now surrounded with brick pavers, many engraved with Chestertonian donors' names.
- thecircleoflove > sallym@thebeachercom
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