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  • ofqualifications

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    文档作者:Bentley Farnsworth
    After reading several books about interpretation, the need for a heightened emphasis concerning descriptive analysis became increasingly apparent. Descriptive analysis explains what the reader is doing as he thinks and interprets reality, including Scripture. Descriptive analysis explains how the mind and facilities are used in interpreting Scripture, clarifies the nature of knowledge and meaning and elucidates the ways in which we receive, comprehend and use information. It describes how interpretation occurs. On the other hand, prescriptive analysis explains the rules, devices and principles the studier should use in interpreting Scripture. Broadly speaking, descriptive analysis concerns that which happens inside the Christian, in his mind and even heart as he interprets; prescriptive analysis primarily concerns that which happens outside the Christian, in his use and approach to rules and external tools. (I do not overlook the fact that the Holy Spirit has been an integral aspect of prescriptive analysis. But the Holy Spirit greatly influences descriptive analysis as well. Scripture posits the Holy Spirit as being deeply involved in how we think and reason. The basis of obedience to Christ is rooted in how we think.) Ultimately, a focus on descriptive analysis will not only inform us of that which happens when we interpret but will ultimately provide instruction on how we should interpret Scripture. The Equality of the Two Disciplines The need to evaluate the basics of human thought equals in importance the need to study exegetical principles. Perception and comprehension are as intricate to the exegetical process as the lexicon. Writings in interpretation must render such a balance. Descriptive and prescriptive analyses are both needed in interpretation. Our mind comprehends, retains and recalls information in in-depth ways. Also, the nature of meaning, knowledge and communication require the exegete to study not only what the concordance says but also how his mind receives and understands what the concordance says. The nature of meaning, knowledge and language are greatly influential in interpretation, affecting both descriptive and prescriptive analysis. The Interdependence of Prescriptive and Descriptive Analysis Descriptive and prescriptive analyses are interdependent. Perception and comprehension are the basic actions required for reading and interpretation. The multiplicities of actions that occur within the human critically influence and shape his response to reality. Reality and the actions external to the human affect the way in which the human engages in comprehension and understanding, the way in which he responds and handles reality. The human is a unified whole, and it is that whole being which always interacts with external reality. This interaction is called life. The Bible, particularly Paul, affirms the connectedness between the mind and body and posits the Christian life as being a constant interaction between the mind and internal aspects of the human and the reality that is external to him. The Mind and Reality Reality Defined It is important to examine our concept of reality. Although reality can be defined broadly, that which is real in many ways varies from person to person. The way in which we view reality influences the way in which we live and act. There must be an increased sensitivity to the manner in which we perceive and understand information. This is because our minds interpret reality in order to function and are influenced, at times subtlety, by each aspect of reality which is encountered. The Bible is an aspect of our reality. God should be the predominating influence of our reality, a message the Bible declares clearly and regularly.


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