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    This free copy of the AVS Journal is courtesy of: www.Mindmachines.com / Published by: Michael Landgraf Enterprises, LLC
    "We are only beginning to understand what light has to offer in terms of physical, psychological, cognitive and spiritual development. The use of light as a therapeutic tool is a rapidly developing field, with applications that include optometry, stress reduction and the healing of scars. Much research is being done into the various benefits light has to offer." On November 3rd, 4th and 5th, some 60 professionals working in various fields of light applications and research came from across Europe, the United States and Canada to Antwerp, Belgium, for Light Medicine 2003, a conference dedicated to the creation of an international association for the promotion of the healing possibilities of light. During the three days of the conference the founding tenets and initial projects of this organization were developed. Five committees were created for the specific purpose of furthering these goals: University committee: in December 2003 a new university will open its doors in Arbon, Switzerland. This institution will be able to offer research facilities and interdisciplinary courses for both the theoretical and practical study of light. The university committee will develop a curriculum for this purpose. Resource center: the College of Syntonic Optometry in upstate New York has offered the use of its facilities for this purpose. In addition to providing a platform for lectures in North America, the syntonic organization will assist in the promotion of the light association, including connecting it with their affiliates. Website committee: a website will be created by the end of 2003, with the aim of developing it into a web portal, ie: an informative, easy-to-navigate site that will be aimed at professionals, students doing research and the general public. Communications committee: the aim of this group is to promote light therapy, not commercialize it. Articles and press releases will be made available to scientific journals and popular periodicals. At the same time, members of the light association will be kept informed of each other's activities and other relevant issues. The white table: in addition to the above-mentioned committees, a "white table" has been established to work on a variety of key issues, including gathering information on relevant regulations in various countries, organizing group insurance for light association members, publishing and distributing a list of out-of-print books and resources, and promoting the metaphysical aspects of light.


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