• rollwiththewind > TheBasicRollCast
  • TheBasicRollCast

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    文档作者:Lenovo User

    Place the appropriatefoot forward, and in the direction you are goingto cast,(in this case I am castingwithmyrighthandsoIwillplacemyrightfootforward) thisisonlyarecommendation,as youcannotalwaysdothisinafishingsituation.Thereasonforthisiscomfort,balance,andafirm base when stopping your rod on the forward cast it will also help prevent your body from swivellingaroundduringthecast.Inthecase ofadouble handedrodthesectionof corkhandle below the fly reel would be supported and assisted by your opposite hand (in this case my left hand) throughoutallofthemovementsofthiscast. Lift the rod tip slowly to 45 degrees (see picture 2) (this gets the line moving, & releases a significantamountofitfromthewatersurface,makingiteasiertomovetothenextposition). Sweep the line around and out to the side, (see picture 3)(thiskeeps thelineaway from yourbody & safe). Make sure that the fly never leaves the waterduringthesetupofthiscast. Bringtherodtipallthewayaroundtoapositionof 45degreesbehindyou,(seepicture4).Thisisnowa mirrorimageofthepositionyoucreatedatthefront with your initial lift. The 45degree position allows Picture3 themaximumamountoflinetobeclearofthewater, whilst still maintaining the largest D Loop you can achievewithastandingrollcast(theDLoopisyourcastingweightandtheshapethattheflyline createsbehindtherod).Anyfurtherbackandyouwilldrowntoomuchlineresultinginlinestick, andanyfurtherforwardwillcreateasmallerlessefficientDLoop.Inmyopinion,byreferringto 45degrees,asapposedto10O'clockand2O'clock,thiswillsimplifythethoughtprocessforboth positions&thereforepreventanyunnecessaryconfusion. You have now presented yourself with a nice long stroke for the rod tip to travel through duringthe next part of the cast allowing you to bendorloadtherodtomoreeffectasitismoved forward,(seepicture5).
    Tilt your thumb, and therefore your rod tip out from your side slightly, prior to the delivery of thecast(thiswillkeepthecastsafe).Dropyour Picture4 casting arm down & into your body to a nice comfortableposition.Remember,if youwishto deliveranicehighforwardcast,itismucheasierifitstartsfromalowpositionattheoutset(the onlytimethismaychange,isifyouaredeepwading).Youarenowreadytodelivertherollcast, but before you do, takealook at it, you have all thetimein the world, especially when usinga floatingline.Makesureyouareat45degrees,makesureyouhavecreatedthatnicebigDLoop behindtherod,andcheckthatyourflylineisalwaysundertension (noslacklineonthewater). "Don'tbeinahurry". Everything up to now has been done in slow motion there is only one part of any casting stroke that is fast, and that is the end. This means that the delivery should once again start slow into a progressive acceleration, with the fastest part of the delivery being at the conclusion of the forward stroke. It is at this point,(aswithallcasts)thatyourthumbshould makeadefinitestop.Thinkofthisprocessasif youareprogressivelystretchinganelasticband, which you are about to snap at the end of the stroke.


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