• flywiththewind > aspy@cbahawaiiedu
  • aspy@cbahawaiiedu

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    文档作者:Windows User
    The Multiple Regression Analysis Data Matrices Package is an online package that enables competing participant teams in the marketing simulation COMPETE to apply their knowledge of multiple regression analysis (Freund & Williams, 1977; Lilien & Rangaswamy, 2003; Neter & Wasserman, 1974; Pfaffenberger & Patterson, 1977; Tatsuoka, 1971) in sales forecasting (Enrick, 1969; Makridakis, Wheelwright, & McGee, 1983; Willis, 1987). Participants with Web-access can download their prior decision period results, and use this package to automatically create a data matrix for each of their nine strategic business units (SBUs). These data matrices are screened for potential multicollinearity among the predictor variables using correlation analysis. Then, the top two predictor variables that satisfy multiple regression analysis assumptions are used to build a sales forecasting model for each of the 9 SBUs, to predict sales. The primary purpose of this paper is to present this new user-centered learning tool that helps to prepare students for sales forecasting and marketing decision-making responsibilities in their future careers. The objective is to provide participant teams the opportunity (1) to plan, implement, and control a marketing program for their products and (2) to apply sales forecasting and multiple regression analysis to forecast sales in a dynamic, complex and uncertain simulated competitive environment.
    Marketers forecast sales by (a) extending past behavior, and/or by (b) predicting future behavior. Extending past behavior techniques are applied when past sales data are available. These techniques tend to be more quantitative. They extend past data into the future, and assume that the future will be like the past. These techniques include trend extension, the factor method (using one or more factors such as the Buying Power Index, and the SIC code to forecast the sales of industrial products), time series analysis, the use of leading series, and indices such as the consumer price index, producer price index, and the index of leading economic indicators (McCarthy and


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