• 晶体生长热场设计原理 > 微波辅助低温制备纳米 TiO2 晶体生长动力学研究
  • 微波辅助低温制备纳米 TiO2 晶体生长动力学研究

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    第25 卷第8期无机材料学报Vol. 25 No. 8
    2010 年8月Journal of Inorganic Materials Aug. , 2010
    收稿日期: 2009-11-20, 收到修改稿日期: 2010-02-05
    基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项资助项目(2008X07314-001-12)
    作者简介: 冯炜(1973), 女, 博士. E-mail: fengwei@tju.edu.cn
    文章编号: 1000-324X(2010)08-0815-05 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1077.2010.00815
    微波辅助低温制备纳米 TiO2 晶体生长动力学研究
    冯炜1,邹克华 2
    , 翟增秀 2
    (1. 天津大学 化工学院 天津 300072; 2. 天津市环境保护科学研究院 国家环境保护恶臭污染控制重点实验室,
    天津 300191)
    摘要: 采用一次微波辅助促进水解, 水浴陈化或二次微波辐射促进晶化的热处理方法, 在较低温度下制得纳米
    TiO2 晶体颗粒, 样品表征结果证明为单一锐钛矿晶型, 且具有球形或短柱型形貌特征. 晶体生长宏观动力学研究
    显示, 二次微波辐射下纳米 TiO2 晶体生长规律可描述为 2 次方程, 表观生长活化能为 59.47 kJ/mol, 而水浴陈化方
    式下晶体生长则可描述为 3 次方方程, 表观生长活化能为 19.44 kJ/mol, 因此二次微波辐射方法制备纳米 TiO2 晶体
    关键词: 微波; 纳米 TiO2 晶体; 晶体生长; 动力学
    中图分类号: O781 文献标识码: A
    Study on the Crystal Growth Kinetics of Nano TiO2 Prepared with Microwave
    Aid at Low Temperature
    FENG Wei1
    , ZOU Ke-Hua2
    , ZHAI Zen-Xiu2
    (1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjing University, Tianjin 300072, China, 2. State Envtronmental Protection
    Key Laboratory of Odor Pollution Control, Tianjin 300191, China)
    Abstract: The TiO2 nanocrystal particles were prepared by low-temperature method. Firstly, hydrolysis of reac-
    tants was promoted with microwave radiation aid, then crystallization could be facilitated through the process of the
    second microwave radiation or aging in water bath. The characterization results show that the shape of TiO2
    nanocrystal is sphere or short column, which are all in pure anatase phase. The kinetic studies indicate that the ana-
    tase TiO2 growth can be described as the twice order kinetic equation and the apparent activity energy is
    59.47 kJ/mol with two-step microwave radiation, while the kinetic equation is conformed to the third order and the
    apparent activity energy is 19.44 kJ/mol with ageing process. The above comparison proves that the nanocrystal


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