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INDEX OF SURNAMES registered by guests of J969 Seminar "ANSEARCHIN' "NEWS covers -,- stamped in gold - no dates
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It has come to our attention that there is a bill in Congress to close all census records to the public. There also seems to be an amendment to allow the 1900 census to be examined by certified genealogists and historians. It I sound confused, it is because I am. The wording of the bill is confusing and appears to contradict itself. Even my senator and representative gave different interpretations of the bill. We are ·still trying to find out more about the matter, but in the meantime, we urge all of you to WRITE TO YOUR CONGRESSMEN in protest of any possible closing of the pre-1900 censuses and of limiting access to certified genealogists. Ask for copies of HR 7762 and No. 93-246, and read for yourself. ACT Na-l. TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE ~
The following are the main paragraphs from feelings on the matter.
letter of protest, which express
"The startling and appalling news that there are bills pending in Congress to close the pre-1900 censuses to the public has just reached me. This is utterly ridiculous~ I can well understand withholding census information until after the lifetime of the people contained in it, but it mak:es no sense to close records that have been open to the public for a long period of time as these have been. Most of it is on microfilm in major libraries all over the country, and much of it is in print. Does Congress intend to confiscate all these copies? Are we to have book-burnings as Hitler's Germany did? "Genealogy is one of the foremost hobbies of Americans, and most prefer to 'do it themselves', for it is in this that the challenge and pleasure lies. Most are not looking for illustrious ancestors, but are searching for their American heritage and history. The famous American Spirit has already been dragging its tail in the past few decades. Are we to stamp it out altogether? What better way is there to inspire loyalty and patriotism than to study the role our ancestors played in building our country? "The words 'certified genealogist' ???????? disturb me. There are many, many genealogists equally as competent who are not certified because they have no desire to make money from genealogy; so certification would serve them no purpose. Why should the censuses be available to those who wish to make money from it and closed to those who don '·t? ?????????????? "
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