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  • CorrespondingSecretary

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    Treasurer .' " CorrespondingSecretary, ~ ; . ~,; .. ~ Recording Secretary ,~ '. . . . . . Director ofResearch , :. : ., Librarian, .....??.................. " ..
    Colonel Byron G. Hyde Mrs~ Thomas Blalock Mrs,Oaniel W'est Mrs. Sidney Wili'oy Mrs. Charles R:GiIley
    library l'onllnitlee:, Mrs. Robert Louis Cox, Mrs. Laurence B,. Gardiner . HOok Reviews: Mr. Henmin 1;. Hogan, Mrs. CharlcsA. West Library Staff: Mrs. 'n. J. Harrier, Mrs. Reeve!! I1ul!rics, Mrs. John W. McDonald, Mrs. F. A.Tyeer, Mrll. Sidney Wilroy, Mrs. T Rivers Young " ",,"
    Advisor Advisor
    ~ .: .......
    ' .. .
    Mr. Laurence B. Gardiner Mrs. 'Byron G. lIydc
    Editor: Associate Editor: Subscription Manager Query Editor. . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Herman L. Bogan Mrs: Edwin M. Standifer Mrs. Herbert Emigh Mrs. Robert Louis Cox Mrs. Nelson R. Castle, .... . . : .. "
    Mrs. Augusta H: Brough Mrs. William R. Blair :. . ' : . Colonel Byron G. Hyde Miss Myrtle Shelton . Mrs. Thom'as Preston Mr. T. P. Hughes, Jr. Mrs. Dani~l West, , Mrs. Rohert F. Wilson
    Ansearchin' " News
    the officia/publication of The Tennessee Genealogical Society.
    Published quarterly :- Annual Subscription $6.00
    All subscriptions begi!1 with first issue of year
    All subscribers are requested to send queries for free publication.
    Write for four, qUllrter advertising rates
    ]'l,e Tennessee Genealogical Societ)'. "ANSEARCHIN' " NEWS or the Editor assumes no' responsibilitYforopiflions or errors offac/expressed by contributors or advertisers.
    The Tennessee Genealogical Society offers the followinll publications for sale:
    1M for 1971 19 for 1912 20 for 1973 SHELBY COUNTY. TENNESSEE MARRIAGE RECORDS. 1819-1860
    " .' " , Second Printing
    Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume VolUloe , Volume Volume V olurnc Voluine . Volume Volume
    1-6 for 1954-59 Third Edition 7 for 1960 Second Printing 8 for 1961 Second Printing 9 for 1962 Second Printing 10 for 1963 Second Printing 11 for 1964 Second Printing 12 for 1965 for 1966


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