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  • 恒生商业 e-Banking 服务申请表格

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    IB17-R17(YX) 1-11 03/14 E 恒生商业 e-Banking 服务申请表格 Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services Application Form 日期(日/月/年) Date(DD/MM/YY) 请用正楷填写,并在适当方格内加上 " √ " . Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS and " √ " where appropriate. >>NSC>ASV 适用於全东商号、合夥经营及根據公司条例(第622章)成立的股份有限公司. Applicable to Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Company Limited by Shares under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) ("Limited Company"). 致To : 恒生银行有限公司 (「贵行」) Hang Seng Bank Limited (the "Bank") 页次 Page 1/11 本行可不时更新恒生商业e-Banking所提供之服务範围,尤其日后可不时推出於恒生商业e-Banking服务推出的新产品及服务(包括但不限於投资产品及服 务). Our Bank may change the scope of the services made available in Hang Seng Business e-Banking from time to time. In particular, new products and services (including without limitation investment products and services) may be made available in Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services from time to time. 请注意,客户选用恒生商业e-Banking服务,即授权主要使用人拥有单独/共同在网上设定数目为本行接受之一般使用人以不时使用恒生商业e-Banking服 务之权利,而无需另外再取得客户同意.所有有关主要使用人及一般使用人(如适用)对用恒生商业e-Banking服务之使用,均对客户具有约束力. Please note that by choosing Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services, the Primary User(s) is/are authorised to have the right singly/jointly in creating the Secondary User(s) online in such number acceptable to our Bank for the purpose of using Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services from time to time without obtaining further consent of the Customer and the using of Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services by such Primary User(s) and Secondary User(s) (if applicable) shall be binding on the Customer. 此外,主要使用人及/或一般使用人获授权,可就恒生商业e-Banking服务现时及日后不时推出及提供之服务(包括但不限於投资产品及服务),进行查 阅、操作及发出指示予本行,而无需另外再取得客户同意.所有有关主要使用人及一般使用人(如适用)之操作,均对客户具有约束力. Further, the Primary User(s) and/or Secondary User(s) are authorised to access, operate and give instructions to our Bank in respect of various existing services made and future services to be made available in Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services (including without limitation investment products and services) from time to time without obtaining further consent of the Customer and such operation by the Primary User(s) and Secondary User(s) (if applicable) shall be binding on the Customer. 有关主要使用人及一般使用人可在多个情况下,单独进行查阅、操作及发出指示予本行.本行并无责任核证之任何有关指示是否恰当或真确. Such Primary User(s) and Secondary User(s) may, in many circumstances, access, operate and give instructions to our Bank singly. Our Bank is not under any duty to verify the propriety or integrity of any such instruction. 就证券买卖服务及基金买卖服务,证券户口及基金户口之交易将不设每日最高限额设定.主要使用人可单独发出指示、操作此类户口及透过此类户口进 行交易.For Securities Trading Services and Investment Funds Trading Services, please note no maximum daily limit will be applied to the transactions of Securities Account(s) and Investment Funds Account(s). Primary User(s) may singly give instructions, enter into transactions with, and operate this/these account(s). 客户应在选用恒生商业e-Banking服务前作出慎重考虑.若客户不需要恒生商业e-Banking服务所提供之任何服务,请填写「恒生商业e-Banking服务修 订/终止表格」 IB2 . Please consider carefully before choosing Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services. To disable any services under Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services, please complete "Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services Amendment/Termination Form (IB2)". 如有查询,请致电(852) 2198 8000 与客户服务员联络. For further enquiries, please call our Customer Services Representatives on (852) 2198 8000. 有关恒生商业 e-Banking 服务之重要提示 Important Notice for Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services ii. i. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. 甲部 Part A 申请机构 Applicant 申请机构(英文) Name of Applicant (in English) 商业登记证明类别注1 Business Identification Document TypeNote1 公司注册证 Certificate of Incorporation 商业登记证 Business Registration 其他登记证明号码 Other Registration Number 注Note: 如申请机构为香港注册之有限公司,请填公司注册证号码:全东商号或合夥经营者,请填商业登记证号码;海外注册之公司,请填其他登记证明号码. In case of a limited company incorporated in HK, please provide the Certificate of Incorporation Number, Business Registration Number if a sole proprietorship or partnership incorporated in HK, Other Registration Number if other company type incorporated overseas. 请以申请机构名义在恒生银行开立之综合户口或独立的港元往来、港元储蓄、外币往来或多种货币储蓄户口作为恒生商业e-Banking服务之基本户口. Please designate an Integrated Account or a standalone HKD current/HKD savings/Foreign Currency current/Multi-currency saving account of the Applicant with Hang Seng as the Hang Seng Business e-Banking's Principal Account. 1. 2. 商业登记证明号码 Business Identification Document ID 基本户口号码注2 Principal Account No.Note2 乙部 Part B 相关机构注1 Related CompanyNote1 相关机构(英文)名称 Name of Related Company (in English) 商业登记证 Business Registration 公司注册证 Certificate of Incorporation 商业登记证明类别 Business Identification Document Type 其他登记证明号码 Other Registration Number 商业登记证明号码 Business Identification Document ID 授权书日期 Date of Letter of Authority 日/月/年DD/MM/YY 1. 相关机构(英文)名称 Name of Related Company (in English) 商业登记证 Business Registration 公司注册证 Certificate of Incorporation 商业登记证明类别 Business Identification Document Type 其他登记证明号码 Other Registration Number 商业登记证明号码 Business Identification Document ID 授权书日期 Date of Letter of Authority 日/月/年DD/MM/YY 2. 注Note: 相关机构需额外填写授权书,所需文件可於http://www.hangseng.com下载. A Letter of Authority is required from the Related Company. The document can be downloaded from http://www.hangseng.com. 1. IB17-R17YX) 2-11 03/14 E 丙部 Part C 公司组合 Company Portfolio >>NSC>ASV 申请机构之户口选定方法 Account Designation Method of the Applicant 截至本申请已开立之所有户口,及日后以与基本户口相同商业登记证明号码开立的所有户口(包括以上订明的基本户口但不包括信用卡户口或由恒生银行不 时决定之户口)、此申请表格上订明的所有强积金服务户口及保单将會被指定为指定户口(「指定户口」). All existing and future account(s) maintained at Hang Seng (including the above Principal Account but excluding credit card account(s) or such account as the Bank may determine from time to time) which carry(ies) the same Business Identification Number as the above Principal Account and all MPF services account(s) and policy(ies) specified in this Application Form shall be designated as designated account (the "Designated Account"). ? 由一位(或其中一位)主要使用人单独履行;或One Primary User or any one of the Primary Users performs singly; or 由两位主要使用人联同履行 Two Primary Users perform jointly. 使用设定职能注1 Management Control FunctionNote1 服务设定注2 Services SettingNote2 组合之每日最高限额注3 Maximum Portfolio Daily Limit(s)Note3 (港币 HKD) 预设限额 Default Limit (港币 HKD) 要求的每日交易限额 Requested Daily Transaction Limit (港币 HKD) 款项转账至申请机构设於恒生银行之户口注4 Fund Transfer between our bank accounts maintained with Hang SengNote4 1. 款项转账至其他户口及新增/更改/删除/查询收款人户口资料注5 Fund Transfer to other Accounts and Add/Amend/Delete/Enquire Beneficiary Account DetailsNote5 2. 指定收款人限额 Designated Beneficiary Accounts 非指定收款人限额 Non-Designated Beneficiary Accounts 10,000,000 0 5,000,000 500,000 注6Note6 0 0 自动转账服务 Autopay Services 自动付款指定户口号码注7a Designated AutoPayment Account NumberNote7a 自动付款指示概要注7b Description of AutoPayment Instruction(s)Note7b 3,000,000 注6Note6 0 3. 缴付账单 Bill Payment 4. 1,000,000 3,000 基本户口号码 Principal Account No. 此服务不设每日最高限额设定. No maximum daily limit will be applied to this service. 主要使用人可单独发出指示进行自动收款交易. Primary User may singly give instructions for AutoCollect transactions. * 页次 Page 2/11 * - - * 自动收款指定户口号码注7a Designated AutoCollect Account NumberNote7b 自动收款指示概要注7b Description of AutoCollect Instruction(s)Note7b * - - 5. - - 人寿保险注8 Life InsuranceNote8 - - - 保单号码 Policy Number - 除非本行另有说明或要求,否则客户可授权一位主要使用人单独或两位主要使用人共同履行恒生商业e-Banking内之使用设定职能("使用设定职能"), 以设定、修订或删除使用人之若干使用权、交易限额或资料("使用人资料"),及管理若干服务、产品或户口之设定("服务设定").本行有权不时决定 主要使用人可透过履行使用设定职能而设定、修订或删除的使用人资料及服务设定,而无须另行通知. Customers may authorise either one Primary User singly or two Primary Users jointly to perform the management control function ("Management Control Function") to set up, modify or delete certain access rights, transaction limits or profiles of the users ("User Profile") and to administer the settings of certain services, products or accounts ("Service Settings") within Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services, unless otherwise specified or required by the Bank. The Bank may determine from time to time without notice which User Profile and Service Settings may be set up, modified, deleted or administered by the performance of the Management Control Function by the Primary User(s). 服务包括指定户口/贷款户口结余查询、与指定户口(包括但不限於上述申请机构已或将来於恒生所开设之与基本户口拥有相同商业证明号码之有关投资户 口#及任何有关商业「综合户口」之附属投资户口)及投资存款有关之使用、交易、认购、存放、发出指示及接纳相关之条款表(如适用)、指定户口之间的 款项转账至申请机构设於恒生之户口、款项转账至指定及非指定收款人户口、自动转账服务、缴付账单、定期存款、直接付款授权、贸易服务^、e-Alert 服务、有关指定户口及一组/一间公司之信贷便利查询、e-Statement、e-Advice、申领支票簿(只限主要使用人申领,支票簿将直接以邮寄送往相关指定港 元/美元往来户口之通讯地址)、利率、滙率、金价及保险计划价格查询、接收由恒生发出/发出予恒生电邮、申请贷款及信用卡服务、以及恒生可不时透 过於恒生商业e-Banking服务提供的其他产品及服务,而恒生可不时更新透过商业e-Banking所提供之服务(包括但不限於日后增加的新产品及服务).经由 恒生不时指定的任何渠道(包括但不限於分行、电话银行及/或自动柜员机服务)所敍做的汇款/CHATS/有关汇款/CHATS之交易之常行指示的交易纪录(包 括但不限於收款银行名称和收款人名称),将可能會经恒生商业e-Banking e-Alert提示服务披露予已获授权的主要使用人及/或一般使用人. Services include Designated Accounts / Loan Balance Enquiries, using, transacting, subscribing, placing of, giving instructions and accepting the relevant termsheet(s) (if applicable) relating to Designated Accounts (which include but not limited to any Investment Accounts# and Investment Sub-account(s) under any Business Integrated Account which carry the same Business Identification Number as the Principal Account that the Applicant opened and may in future open with Hang Seng) and Investment Deposits, Fund Transfer among Designated Accounts, Fund Transfer to Designated and Non-Designated Beneficiary Accounts, Autopay Services, Bill Payment, Time Deposit, Direct Debit Authorisation, Trade Services^, e-Alert Services, Facility Details enquiry for Designated Accounts and by group / company, e-Statement, e-Advice, order cheque book (only available for Primary User(s) and the cheque book(s) will be mailed directly to the correspondence address of the designated HKD/USD Current Account(s)), interest rates, exchange rates, Gold price and insurance quotation enquiry, send / receive e-mails to / from Hang Seng, Application for loans and credit card services, and other products and services that Hang Seng may offer via Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services from time to time and Hang Seng may change the scope of the services (including without limitation the inclusion of new products and services in the future) made available via Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services from time to time. The transaction history in relation to Remittance/CHATS/Standing Instruction in respect of transactions of Remittance/ CHATS (including, without limitation, Beneficiary Bank and Beneficiary name) conducted through any channels (including, without limitation, branch, phone banking and/or ATM services) designated by Hang Seng from time to time may be disclosed to the designated Primary User and/or Secondary User via Hang Seng Business e-Banking e-Alert Services. 投资户口包括存款证、基金户口、证券户口、海外证券及本行不时增加之服务範围. Investment Accounts include Certificates of Deposit, Investment Funds Account, Securities Accounts, Overseas Securities and the scope will be updated from time to time. 主要使用人对於每一指定进口/出口押滙户口之限额乃相等於(1)申请机构及相关机构之可运用混合授信额或恒生银行接受之其他授信额及/或(2)申请机构 及每一相关机构之个别可运用授信额或恒生接受之其他授信额(若申请机构及每一相关机构有各自的授信额). For designated Import/ Export Bills Accounts, Primary User(s)' limit is equivalent to (1) the aggregate available facility limit or such other limit as accepted by Hang Seng for the Applicant and Related Company(ies) in respect of such accounts and / or (2) an individual facility limit is specifically prescribed for the Applicant and each Related Company, in which case the Primary User(s)' limit for each designated Bills Account is equivalent to the individual available facility limit or such limit as accepted by Hang Seng. 注Note (1) (2) # ^ 保单号码 Policy Number IB17-R17(YX) 3-11 03/14 E 页次 Page 3/11 >>NSC>ASV 丙部 Part C 公司组合(续) Company Portfolio (Cont) 基本户口号码 Principal Account No. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) i. ii. iii. iv. 此服务包括公司组合内指定往来、储蓄及/或综合户口间之转账. This service includes transfers amongst the Designated current, savings and/or Integrated Accounts of the Company Portfolio. i. ii. 如阁下於恒生商业e-Banking连续12个月内未有进行「转账至非指定收款人户口」及「自动付款」交易,该组合之每日最高限额均會自动重设为港币0元. Maximum Portfolio Daily Limit for 'Fund Transfer to Non-Designated Beneficiary Accounts' and 'AutoPayment' via Hang Seng Business e-Banking will be automatically reset to HK$0 if no such transaction has been conducted for 12 consecutive months. a. b. 此服务包括申请机构及相关机构(如适用)於恒生保险有限公司持有现正生效的人寿保险保单摘要. This service includes an insurance overview of the Applicant's inforce life insurance policy (policies) and the Related Company's(Companies') inforce life insurance policy (policies) (if applicable) with Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited. 预设限额将适用於没有指定每日最高限额的有关服务的客户. The Maximum Portfolio Daily Limit for the respective Services will be set to the Default Limit unless the preferred limit is filled. 缴付账单预设限额将适用於没有指定缴付账单每日最高限额的客户,其预设限额为港币三千元.缴付账单限额可设定由港币零元至港币一百万元. The default limit for Bill Payment will be set to HKD3,000 unless a preferred limit is filled. The limit for Bill Payment may be set from zero to HKD1 million. 美元钞票户口并不适用於支账户口.综合户口或外币储蓄户口内之款项转账将不扣减限额. Limits will not be deducted for fund transfers within Integrated or Multi-Currency savings accounts. 叙做定期存款乃视作组合内指定户口间之转账,因此支账户口受服务1限额所限制.然而,定期存款到期提转时,则不需再扣减该限额. A time deposit setup is treated as a fund transfer between the Designated Accounts in Company Portfolio and therefore the debit account for a time deposit setup is subject to the limit of Service 1. The limit will not be deducted again at the time a deposit instruction is uplifted. 此服务包括从公司组合内之指定户口(即往来、储蓄及/或综合户口)转账至指定及非指定第三者收款人设於恒生银行或其他银行之户口.唯转账至指定收 款人户口,需於网上透过恒生商业e-Banking服务预先设定收款人户口资料. This service includes transfer from the Designated Accounts, ie current, saving and/or integrated accounts to Designated and Non-Designated third party beneficiary account maintained with Hang Seng or any other banks. It requires the pre-designated of beneficiary account through Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services for transfer to Designated Beneficiary Accounts. 预设收款人户口资料不适用於缴付账单、直接付款授权书及/或自动转账服务. Pre-designation of beneficiary account(s) is not applicable to Bill Payment, Direct Debit Authorisation and/or Autopay Services. 此项必须填写.该户口必须为公司组合内指定之往来户口. This field is mandatory. Such account must be a current account designated in the Company Portfolio. 此项必须填写.指示需反映交易性质,例如:SALARY、BONUS、SERVICE FEE、MISC FEE. This field is mandatory. Description requires to reflect the transaction nature, such as: SALARY, BONUS, SERVICE FEE, MISC FEE. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 证券买卖服务包括使用及交易与基本户口拥有相同商业注册号码之证券户口,及就前述账户发出指示. Securities Trading Services include using, transacting, and giving instructions relating to the Securities Accounts which carry the same business identification number with the Principal Account. 基金投资服务包括使用及交易与基本户口拥有相同商业注册号码之基金户口,及就前述账户发出指示. Investment Funds Services include using, transacting, and giving instructions relating to the Investment Funds Account which carry the same business identification number with the Principal Account. 投资产品及服务包括使用、交易、认购、存放外滙挂鈎保本投资存款、「更特息」投资存款、与基本户口拥有相同商业注册号码之投资基金户口、存款证 户口或附属户口,及就前述产品及账户发出指示及接纳有关之条款(如适用). Investment Products and Services include using, transacting, subscribing, placing of giving instructions and accepting the relevant termsheet(s) (if applicable) relating to the Currency-Linked Capital Protected Investment Deposit, MaxiInterest Investment Deposit, and the Certificates of Deposits, Investment Funds Accounts or Sub Accounts (together "Investment Accounts") which carry the same business identification number with the Principal Account. 主要使用人在网上建立直接付款授权书时,可选择设定或不设定付款限额. Primary User(s) can choose to/not to specify the payment limit while setting up a Direct Debit Authorisation online. 主要使用人对於每一指定入口/出口贸易户口之限额乃相等於(1)申请机构及相关机构之可运用混合授信额或恒生银行接受之其他授信额及/或(2)申请机构及 每一相关机构之个别可运用授信额或恒生银行接受之其他授信额(若申请机构及每一相关机构有各自的授信额). For designated Import/Export Trade accounts, Primary User(s)' limit is equivalent to (1) the aggregate available facility limit or such other limit as accepted by Hang Seng for the Applicant and Related Company(ies) in respect of such accounts and/or (2) an individual facility limit is specifically prescribed for the Applicant and each Related Company, in which case the Primary User(s)' limit for each designated trade account is equivalent to the individual available facility limit or such other limit as accepted by Hang Seng. 证券户口之交易将不设每日最高限额设定.主要使用人可单独发出指示,操作此类户口及透过此类户口进行交易. No Maximum daily limit will be applied to the transactions of Securities Account(s). Primary User(s) may singly give instructions, enter into transactions with, and operate this/these account(s). 日后推出之产品及服务指所有现时及日后推出於恒生商业e-Banking服务之投资产品及服务.请注意,恒生有权不时更新、增加及/或删除任何日后推出之 产品及服务. Future Products and Services refer to all existing and future investment products and services that are available in Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services. Please note that Hang Seng shall have the right to change, add and/or cancel any Future Products and Services from time to time. 欲查阅恒生商业e-Banking服务所提供的服务,请浏览hangseng.com\bib\c_service. To view all the services available in Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services, please visit hangseng.com\bib\e_service. *如栏位不敷应用,请用附页A. Please use Supplementary A if need additional input fields. 其他备注: Remarks: 丁部 Part D 主要使用人 Primary User(s) 主要使用人(英文)姓名 Name of Primary User (in English) 身份证明文件号码 Number of Identity Proof 手提电话号码 Mobile Number 电邮地址(非必须) Email Address (Non-mandatory) 语言设定 Language Preference 简名(一个六位英文字母及/或数字组成的别名)注2 Short Name (A nickname of 6 alpha-numeric characters)Note2 香港身份证HKID/ 护照Passport 香港身份证HKID/ 护照Passport ( ) ( ) 中文Chinese 英文English 中文Chinese 英文English 主要使用人资料及每日最高支账限额 Information & Daily Limits of Primary User(s) 第一位主要使用人注1 Primary User (1)Note1 第二位主要使用人注1 Primary User (2)Note1 IB17-R17(YX) 4-11 03/14 E 页次 Page 4/11 >>NSC>ASV 基本户口号码 Principal Account No. 丁部 Part D 主要使用人(续) Primary User(s) (Cont) 使用人每日最高限额注3 Maximum User Daily Limit(s)Note3 (此为支账限额.适用於往来、储蓄及/或综合户口.若仅限查询,请填零. This limit is for debit and only applicable to current, savings and/or integrated accounts. Please indicate zero for enquiry only and cross out remaining spaces. 每一个指定户口享用此限额^ Apply this limit to each of the designated accounts^: 每一个指定户口享用此限额^ Apply this limit to each of the designated accounts^: 港币HKD 港币HKD 强积金服务户口(如适用)注4,5 MPF Services Account(s) (if applicable)Note4,5 主要使用人付款结算最高交易限额 Transaction Limits for Remittance Statement of Primary User(s) 强积金雇主编号 MPF Employer ID 强积金付款中心编号 MPF Pay Centre ID 第一位主要使用人 Primary User (1) 港币HKD 第二位主要使用人 Primary User (2) 港币HKD 个人密码领取指示注6 PIN Collection InstructionNote6 将英文字母密码邮寄至此户口之登记地址 Mail the Alpha PIN to the address registered under this account 基本户口 The Principal Account, 或or (请提供一个以申请机构名义在恒生银行开立之户口.) (Please provide a bank account of the Applicant maintained with Hang Seng.) 将数字密码及保安编码器(如适用)送至此恒生银行分行,以便领取 Send the Numeric PIN and Security Device (if applicable) to this Branch of Hang Seng for collection 分行名称Branch Name (银行专用For Bank Use: 行所编号Branch Code: ) 主要使用人资料及每日最高支账限额 Information & Daily Limits of Primary User(s) 第一位主要使用人注1 Primary User (1)Note1 第二位主要使用人注1 Primary User (2)Note1 每位主要使用人必须在被委任时,为恒生商业e-Banking组合内其中一个指定户口之授权签署人士. Each Primary User should be, at the time of nomination, an authorised signatory of one of the Applicant's accounts under Hang Seng Business e-Banking Portfolio. 一个由六位英文字母及/或数字组成之简名,例如:MARYLO、MARY88或135246.请清楚填写英文字母"O"、"I"或数目字母"?"、"1". The Short Name should be a nickname of 6 alpha-numeric characters, e.g. MARYLO, MARY88 or 135246. Please make it clear for the English characters e.g. "O" or "I" and Numeric characters e.g. "?" or "1". 如没有特别列明,主要使用人每日最高限额将预设为零.户口类别由恒生银行指定. Primary User(s) will have zero user limits unless specify otherwise, Hang Seng will prescribe the type of accounts. 透过恒生商业e-Banking强积金服务递交付款结算书后,将不會收到书面的付款结算书或强积金供款确认书. After the remittance statement has been submitted via Hang Seng Business e-Banking for MPF Services, you will not receive any hard copy of remittance statement or confirmation of MPF contributions. 欲设定直接付款户口,请填妥及交回恒生强积金精选计划:直接付款授权书(雇主)[HA04]、恒生强积金智选计划:直接付款授权书(雇主)[HA14]、恒生强 积金易选计划:直接付款授权书(雇主)[HAE4] 或恒生强积金自选计划:直接付款授权书(雇主)[HAV4].此直接付款授权并不受组合之每日最高限额及使 用人每日最高限额所限制. To set up a new direct debit account, please complete and return the Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Direct Debit Authorisation (Employer) [HA04], the Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus Direct Debit Authorisation (Employer) [HA14], the Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund – SimpleChoice Direct Debit authorisation (Employer) [HAE4] or Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice Direct Debit Authorisation (Employer) [HAV4]. The Direct Debit Authorisation service is not subject to Portfolio Daily Limits and User Daily Limits. 每一位主要使用人需要一个保安编码器及一套由英文字母及数字组成之密码,作为首次登记服务之用.有关领取密码之分行地址,请浏览 http://www.hangseng.com. Each Primary User will require a Security Device and a set of PIN consisting of an alpha part and a numeric part for first-time service registration. Please specify a branch of Hang Seng for picking up the numeric part of the PIN. To check the branch addresses, please visit: http://www.hangseng.com. 此限额只适用於现时已开立之户口包括基本户口. The limit is only applicable to all accounts, including the Principal Account, in the name of the Applicant as at the date hereof at the branch/ branches indicated. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ^ 注Note 阁下请於递交申请表格至恒生银行任何一间分行之前,详阅有关之服务章则及在决议、相关机构授权书及附页上(如适用)签名. 申请表格及相关机构授权书(如适用)必须连同已签署之决议及附页(如适用)一并交回恒生银行.全东商号由全东签署:合夥经营者由所有合夥人签署;如 申请机构/相关机构为有限公司则需要根據公司會议法定出席人数,由董事签署. Before you submit the Form to any one of our branches, please read the relevant terms and conditions and remember to sign the Resolutions. The Resolutions, Related Company Letter of Authority and the Supplementary Form (if any) must be signed by the Sole Proprietor if the Applicant is a sole-proprietorship, all partners if a partnership, or Directors who constituted quorum for the Meeting in accordance with the articles of association if a corporation, and be returned with the Application Form. 其他备注: Remarks: 1. 戊部 Part E 声明 Declaration 申请机构於本申请表格提供之资料乃属真实、正确及符合现况,恒生银行获授权可向任何认为恰当之人士,透露及交换该等资料,以求核证; The information provided by the Applicant in this Application Form is true, correct and up-to-date and Hang Seng is authorised to communicate and exchange such information with whatever sources it may consider appropriate for the purpose of verifying the same; 申请机构已阅读、明了及同意受恒生商业e-Banking服务章则所约束,有关现行之恒生商业e-Banking服务章则可查阅hangseng.com\bib\c_tc;如申请机 构属有限公司,现通过及接纳本申请表的条文、恒生商业e-Banking服务章则及不时生效适用於规管服务使用之章则; The Applicant has read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the provisions of this Application Form, the Terms and Conditions for Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services (the currently in force version is available at hangseng.com\bib\e_tc) and the applicable terms and conditions from time to time in force governing the use of the Services, and where the Applicant is a limited company, the provisions of this Application Form, the Terms and Conditions for Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services and the applicable terms and conditions from time to time in force governing the use of the Services are approved and accepted; 1. 2. 申请机构确认 The Applicant confirms that: IB17-R17(YX) 5-11 03/14 E 页次 Page 5/11 >>NSC>ASV 基本户口号码 Principal Account No. 戊部 Part E 声明(续) Declaration(Cont) 申请机构确认并同意申请机构的主要及一般使用人将被HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited 及/或滙丰人寿保险(国际)有限公司视为於恒 生强制性公积金精选计划/智选计划/易选计划/自选计划下申请机构之授权签署人,但此授权只限於用作处理恒生商业e-Banking下之强积金服务; The Applicant confirms and agrees that the Applicant's Primary User(s) and Secondary User(s) will be deemed by HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited and/or HSBC Life (International) Limited to have been authorised for the purposes of the Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust / SuperTrust Plus / SimpleChoice / ValueChoice as if they were the authorised signatories of the Applicant thereof but for the purposes only of operating the MPF Services under the Hang Seng Business e-Banking; 申请机构独自承担由申请机构、主要使用人及/或其他使用恒生商业e-Banking服务人士因使用恒生商业e-Banking服务所引致或有关之责任; The Applicant shall be solely responsible for the liabilities of the Applicant, the Primary User and/or other persons using the Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services arising from or in connection with the use of Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services; 恒生商业e-Banking服务乃为增加申请机构与恒生银行间之沟通渠道而提供.因此,其他适用於申请机构户口之章则及指示与及适用於申请机构与恒生银 行的其他户口操作及/或交易之协议及安排仍然有效; The Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services are made available to the Applicant as an additional communication channel with Hang Seng. Accordingly, the terms and conditions and mandates applicable to each account of the Applicant and other agreements and arrangements between Hang Seng and the Applicant in relation to the conduct of the Applicant's accounts and/or any other transactions between Hang Seng and the Applicant will continue to apply; 申请机构已阅读、明瞭及将受致各客户及其他个别人士关於个人资料(私隐)条例的通知所约束,有关之通告可查阅hangseng.com\bib\c_notice; The Applicant has read, understood and shall be bound by the Notice to Customers and Other Individuals relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, which is available at hangseng.com\bib\e_notice; 申请机构同意并确认当恒生银行认为有需要或适当时,可将申请机构及/或其指定之主要使用人之资料或详情转给在香港特别行政区境内或境外的任何服务 供应商,以便该(等)供应商为恒生银行进行资料处理或代表恒生银行向申请机构提供任何服务.若该(等)境外服务供应商所在地区的资料保障法例较为宽 鬆,恒生银行将要求该(等)服务供应商向恒生银行作出与本港的资料保障法例相类同的保密承诺.恒生银行将會继续负责将申请机构及主要使用人之资料 及详情保密.申请机构保证其已通知有关之主要使用人有关此条文之内容,并已取得该主要使用人对本行将其资料或详情转给在香港特别行政区境内或境 外的该(等)服务供应商之同意;及The Applicant agrees and acknowledges that, where Hang Seng considers it necessary or appropriate, Hang Seng may transfer any of its data, details or information and/or that of the Primary User it nominated to any service provider (whether situated in or outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("HKSAR")) for the purpose of data processing or providing any service on behalf of Hang Seng to the Applicant. Where the service provider is situated outside HKSAR in an area where there are less stringent data protection laws, Hang Seng will impose on the service provider confidentiality undertakings substantially similar to the requirements of the data protection laws in HKSAR. Hang Seng will remain responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of such data, details and information of the Applicant and that of the Primary User. The Applicant warrants that it has informed the Primary User about the contents of this clause and has obtained the Primary User's consent in respect of Hang Seng transfer of the Primary User's data, details and information to service providers whether situated in or outside HKSAR; and 恒生银行可将申请机构之资料向任何信用调查机构,及(於有逾期欠款时)向任何收数代理提供,及向其他金融机构及/或人士提供有关申请机构之银行或信 贷证明书. Hang Seng may deliver the Applicant's data to credit reference agency, and in the event of default, to debt collection agency, and provide banker's or credit reference relating to the Applicant to financial institutions and/or other persons. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 己部 保本投资存款/「更特息」投资存款之附加条款 Part F Additional Terms governing Capital Protected Investment Deposit / MaxiInterest Investment Deposit 本人(等)同意本人(等)可不时於恒生存放「更特息」投资存款及/或外滙挂鈎保本投资存款(每一均为「投资存款」),该等「投资存款」受(i)恒生之「更特 息」投资存款章则及/或外滙挂鈎保本投资存款章则(每一均为「投资存款章则」)(视情况而定及包括章则所有不时修订及增补之条文);(ii)此等「附加条 款」;及(iii)有关「投资存款」所记账及记录之户口之章则(「户口章则」)所规限.此等「附加条款」、「户口章则」及有关「投资存款章则」在文义上如 有歧异,概以有关「投资存款章则」为准.「户口章则」与此等「附加条款」在文义上如有歧异,概以此等「附加条款」为准.除另有定义外,於此部分 所用词语之涵义与有关「投资存款章则」所用之定义相同.於本申请表日期最新之适用「投资存款章则」已附於本申请表. I / We agree with Hang Seng that I / we may from time to time place MaxiInterest Investment Deposit and/or Currency-Linked Capital Protected Investment Deposit (each an "Investment Deposit") with Hang Seng to be subject to (i) the MaxiInterest Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions and/or the Currency-Linked Capital Protected Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions (as the case may be) of Hang Seng (each an "Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions"), all as amended and supplemented from time to time; (ii) these Additional Terms; and (iii) the terms and conditions of the account ("Account Terms and Conditions") under which the relevant Investment Deposit is booked or recorded. Where there is any inconsistency between these Additional Terms, the Account Terms and Conditions and the relevant Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions, the relevant Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions shall prevail. Where there is any inconsistency between the Account Terms and Conditions and these Additional Terms, these Additional Terms shall prevail. Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised terms used under this section shall have the same meaning as defined in the relevant Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions. The latest version(s) of the applicable Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions as at the date hereof are enclosed with this Application Form. 本人(等)确认已收到并已阅读、明了及接纳适用之「投资存款章则」,及本人(等)同意於恒生存放之「投资存款」之资料概览/宣传单张(「资料概览」), 尤其包括有关之风险披露声明. I / We confirm that I / we have received and have read, understood and accepted the applicable Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions, the factsheet /leaflet ("Factsheet") of the Investment Deposit that I / we agree to place with Hang Seng, and in particular any risk disclosure statements set out therein. 本人(等)同意恒生为本人(等)提供或与本人(等)订立此等外滙买卖合约,并授权恒生就此等外滙买卖合约以任何方式造访及/或联络本人(等). I / We agree for Hang Seng to provide or transact with me / us such foreign exchange trading contracts and hereby authorise Hang Seng to call and / or communicate with us by any means for the purpose of, or otherwise in connection with, such foreign exchange trading contracts. 1. 2. 3. 本人(等)同意遵守下列规管恒生之「更特息」投资存款及/或保本投资存款所附加之条款(「附加条款」). I / We agree to the following additional terms and conditions ("Additional Terms") governing MaxiInterest Investment Deposit and/or Currency-Linked Capital Protected Investment Deposit of Hang Seng. IB17-R17(YX) 6-11 03/14 E 页次 Page 6/11 >>NSC>ASV 己部 保本投资存款/「更特息」投资存款之附加条款(续) Part F Additional Terms governing Capital Protected Investment Deposit / MaxiInterest Investment Deposit (Cont) 本人(等)明白并接受「投资存款」之风险包括: I am / We are aware and accept that the risks of the Investment Deposits include: (a) (b) 本人(等)并无倚赖恒生之任何通讯(不论书面或口头,包括就任何「投资存款」,本申请表及「投资存款章则」所给予之任何资料及说明)作为投资 意见,作为存放「投资存款」之建议,或作为对「投资存款」收益之任何保证.本人(等)已就涉及之风险考虑本人(等)是否适合存放「投资存款」 及本人(等)會参阅每一本人(等)或會存放之「投资存款」之条款表(如有).恒生并无就「投资存款」担任本人(等)之受信人或顾问. Notwithstanding any information and explanation given in respect of the Investment Deposit, this Application Form and the Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions, I am / we are not relying on any communication (written or oral) of Hang Seng as investment advice, as recommendation to place any Investment Deposit, or otherwise as any assurance of the earnings on the Investment Deposit. I / We shall consider the suitability of my / our placing of the Investment Deposit in the light of the risks involved and shall review the relevant termsheet (if any) relating to each particular tranche of Investment Deposit I / we may place. Hang Seng is not acting as a fiduciary for or an adviser to me / us in respect of any Investment Deposit. 就上述第4及5段之各点,本人(等)在每次此等条款及有关之「投资存款章则」与恒生进行「投资存款」之交易时均作为已重复确认. The confirmations and acknowledgements in paragraph 4 and 5 above shall be deemed to be repeated by me / us on each date any transactions in relation to the Investment Deposit is entered into by me/us with Hang Seng pursuant to the terms and conditions herein and the relevant Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions. 恒生根據此等「附加条款」及有关「投资存款章则」(包括所有不时修订及增补之条文)所享有之权利、权力、补偿及利益仍为累积附加者而并非完 全. The rights, powers, remedies and privileges of Hang Seng under these Additional Terms and the relevant Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions (all as amended and supplemented from time to time) shall be cumulative and not exhaustive. 4. 5. 6. 7. 就外滙挂鈎保本投资存款(「保本投资存款」)而言: in respect of Currency-Linked Capital Protected Investment Deposit ("CPI Deposit") "是项「保本投资存款」之收益只限於其回报(如有).投资者需承担之风险包括:(i)如市况与投资者之观点不同,投资者须承受可能不获付给任 何回报之风险;(ii)未经恒生事先同意,投资者不得於到期日前提取此「保本投资存款」.如恒生酌情决定准许投资者提前提取「保本投资存 款」,恒生有权就批准该项提前提取要求而附加该等恒生认为恰当之条款.在此情况下,投资者或将不會获得任何回报,另亦须承担所涉及之一 切费用及恒生因此而蒙受之亏损,因此投资者可取回的金额可能會少於投资者起初就「保本投资存款」所存放之本金;及(iii)投资者亦须承受由存 放「保本投资存款」所产生的任何税项(如有).投资者亦须注意有关之资料概览载有有关「保本投资存款」之更详尽风险披露声明,但准投资者 应注意所披露之风险未必已为全部,因此准投资者在作出任何决定前应先考虑本身之情况.准投资者应就其本身需要於存放「保本投资存款」前 谘询专业意见.投资於「保本投资存款」需承受本行的信贷风险." "Earnings on the CPI Deposit are limited to the Return (if any) payable. The risks to be assumed by investors include (i) there is an inherent risk that no Return shall be payable to investors if market conditions operate against the view taken by investors; (ii) the CPI Deposit cannot be terminated by investors prior to the Maturity Date without Hang Seng's prior consent. If Hang Seng in its sole discretion decides to allow investors to early withdraw the CPI Deposit, Hang Seng shall be entitled to attach such terms and conditions as Hang Seng may deem appropriate for its approval of such early withdrawal request. In this case, investors may not gain any Return and have to bear all costs involved and losses suffered by Hang Seng. Therefore, the amount payable to investors may be less than the principal initially placed by investors for the CPI Deposit; and (iii) investors will also be liable for any taxes (if any) that may be incurred from placing the CPI Deposit; Investors are also aware that the relevant Factsheet contains fuller risk disclosure statements relating to the CPI Deposits and that the risks disclosed may not be exhaustive, thus investors should consider their own circumstances before making any decision and should seek professional advice before placing the CPI Deposit if necessary. Investment in CPI Deposit is subject to the credit risk of the Bank." 就「更特息」投资存款而言: in respect of MaxiInterest Investment Deposit ("MXI Deposit") "「更特息」投资存款并不保本及有别於普通定期存款,故不应被视为一般定期存款或其替代品.「更特息」投资存款之收益只限於其存款利息 面值.投资者应就其需要谘询专业意见;同时投资者亦须明白投资者所需承担之风险包括:(i)由於「更特息」投资存款及其收益将以「存款货 币」与「挂鈎货币」两者中相对贬值者支付,投资者须承担由贬值引致的潜在亏损;(ii)如「更特息」投资存款於到期前提取,投资者亦需承担所 需之费用;及(iii)此等亏损及费用可能减少「更特息」投资存款之收益及「本金」.投资於「保本投资存款」需承受本行的信贷风险." "MXI Deposit is not capital-protected and is not normal time deposit, and thus should not be considered as normal time deposit or its alternative. Earnings of MXI Deposit are limited to the nominal interest payable thereon; investors should seek professional advice where necessary; investors should understand that the risks to be assumed by investors include (i) as the MXI Deposit and the earnings thereon will be paid in the Deposit Currency or the Linked Currency, whichever has depreciated against the other, investors will have to bear the potential losses due to depreciation; (ii) if a MXI Deposit is withdrawn before maturity, investors will also have to bear the costs involved; and (iii) such losses and costs may reduce the earnings and the Principal Amount of the MXI Deposit. Investment in MXI Deposit is subject to the credit risk of the Bank." 基本户口号码 Principal Account No. 附页共 Total number of Supplementary Sheets 页) IB17-R17(YX) 7-11 03/14 E 页次 Page 7/11 >>NSC>ASV 客户确认已收到客户同意不时认购之「更特息」投资存款及外汇挂鈎保本投资存款之章则及投资存款之资料概览.客户已考虑有关投资存款 章则之性质,以及同意订立有关投资存款章则及进行有关投资存款章则项下之交易乃符合客户之最佳利益.客户已阅读、明了及接纳相关之 投资存款章则以及同意受其规範.客户有足够之知识及经验以衡量,及已衡量有关交易之优点及风险及有关之法律/税务影响,就该等优点及 风险,客户乃按其自己的判断或於聽取独立於贵行之专业意见后作出判断,而并非依赖贵行的看法或意见.客户已明瞭及接纳於申请表格己 部所述的投资存款及经恒生商业e-Banking发出有关投资存款的指示的风险.客户亦明白及接受透过恒生商业e-Banking就投资户口发出指示 的风险. 客户授权主要使用人(不包括一般使用人)可不时单独/共同代表客户经恒生商业e-Banking完成风险评估问卷、使用、交易、认购、存放於申请 表格己部所述的投资存款、客户已开立及或於日后於本行开立与基本户口拥有相同商业注册号码之投资户口及於任何综合户口内的附属投资 户口、任何日后推出之产品及服务(「日后推出之产品及服务」指所有现时及日后推出於恒生商业e-Banking服务之投资产品及服务.请注 意,恒生有权不时更新、增加及/或删除任何日后推出之产品及服务.)及就前述产品及账户发出指示及接纳有关之条款表(如适用).客户同意 任何该等指示,一经主要使用人发出,将不可被撤回、废止或取消,并对客户具约束力. 客户授权贵行可不时扣除由授权签署人及(适用於申请恒生商业e-Banking服务之客户)主要使用人所作与於申请表格己部所述的投资存款、客 户已开立及或於日后於本行开立与基本户口拥有相同商业注册号码之投资户口及於任何综合户口内的附属投资户口或任何日后推出之产品及 服务有关之交易之结算款额(包括但不限於任何有关之费用及徵费). 如客户拥有或将来拥有之证券户口及/ 或基金户口,与基本户口拥有相同商业注册号码,客户将进一步承诺: 客户授权其主要使用人(但非一般使用人)可单独代表客户对上述之证券户口(包括但不限於即时报价服务计划)及/或基金户口使用其有关 服务、进行交易及发出指示,而不设交易上限.客户同意任何有关之指示,一经主要使用人提出,将不可撤回、废止或取消,并对客户有 约束力. 客户接纳:恒生或任何资料供应商对任何资料或报告之次序、准确性、真确性、可靠性、充裕程度、时间性或完整性,或其是否适宜作任 何用途概不作出保证、声明或担保,亦不會就客户、主要使用人及/或一般使用人、任何其他人士因依赖资料或报告而承担任何法律责任 (不论为侵权或合约或其他方面). (只适用於证券户口)客户确认,无论从美国或加拿大的证券或税务法例或其他方面而言,所有授权运作本客户之附属证券户口之主要使用 人,均并非美国或加拿大的居民.客户确认,所有授权运作本客户之附属证券户口之主要使用人之通讯地址并非位於美国或加拿大.客户 亦确认所有授权之主要使用人并不代表任何美国或加拿大居民行事.客户亦承诺,如本客户之有关人士日后成为或被视作美国或加拿大居 民,将立即通知贵行. (只适用於基金户口)客户确认,无论从美国或加拿大的证券或税务法例或其他方面而言,所有授权运作本客户之基金户口之主要使用人, 均并非美国公民及美国或加拿大的居民.客户确认,所有授权运作本客户之基金户口之主要使用人之通讯地址并非位於美国或加拿大.客 户亦确认所有授权之主要使用人并不代表任何美国公民及美国或加拿大居民行事.客户承认已明白,授权之主要使用人对基金户口发出指 示时,将代表客户就所有授权主要使用人及授权人士(如适用)确认上述内容.客户亦承诺,如本客户之有关人士日后成为或被视作美国公 民及美国或加拿大居民,将立即通知贵行. (只适用於东主/合夥人)客户确认,所有授权运作本客户之附属证券户口及/或基金户口之主要使用人,均并非为居住地址或通讯地址位於 韩国之韩国公民.客户承认已明白,授权之主要使用人对基金户口发出指示时,将代表客户就所有授权之主要使用人、全东、所有合夥人 及授权人士(如适用)确认上述内容.客户亦承诺,如本客户之有关人士日后成为或被视作其居住地址或通讯地址位於韩国之韩国公民,将 立即通知贵行. 客户现时指定之基本户口會自动成为申请表格丙部之指定户口而毋须另行指定; 经核实决议副本 注册办公室/营业地址 监於: 致:恒生银行有限公司 (香港) (一) (二) (三) 1. 2. 3. 客户拟根據恒生银行有限公司(「贵行」)不时订明之有关章则(「章则」)获得由贵行提供并在申请表格指定之恒生商业e-Banking 组合之服务(「服务」)及包括不时推出的新服务.客户明白使用恒生商业e-Banking服务之潜在风险,并知悉及确认客户明瞭及同意在上述第一页内有关恒生商业 e-Banking服务之重要提示,及已作出全面考虑; 客户拟授权其职员、雇员及/或代理人使用服务;及 除非另有订明,在章则或申请表格内词语及词句之定义与本决议使用者相同. 客户向贵行申请服务,在得到贵行同意下,指定随附於本决议之申请表格(「申请表格」)内列明之客户名下户口之户口号码,为使用服务之基本户 口(「基本户口」); 客户提名其资料已列於申请表格丁部之人士为主要使用人,以单独使用申请表格丙部所指定之服务;惟客户可以指明由主要使用人单独/共同履行申 请表格丙部所指定之使用设定职能. 公司/商号/组织名称 (「客户」) 谨此议决通过: (一) (二) (三) (四) 指定收款人户口及非指定收款人户口均统称「第三者收款人户口」; 在符合申请表格丙部所载列之任何适用限额下,客户授权主要使用人使用服务及通过使用此等服务(而非通过任何其他途径)单独操作(惟客户 可以指明主要使用人单独/共同履行申请表格丙部所指明之使用设定职能)指定户口(於申请表格丙部所指明),在各种情况下,不论当时有否 适用於操作有关户口(包括任何交易限额)之任何相反条文或安排,而此等相反条文或安排得被视为已作出修订,以获得所需授权通过使用服 务而操作指定户口; 在符合申请表格丙部及上述第5(一)段所载由客户指定予主要使用人之权限下,且所有一般使用人及主要使用人之每日总限额并不超过丙部 所载列之限额,客户授权主要使用人拥有单独/共同在网上设定数目为贵行接受之一般使用人使用服务之权利.一般使用人获授权单独或以 主要使用人所正式授权之任何其他方法及在适用之权限及批准限额内使用服务,并获授权透过以指定方法(惟不得以其他方法)使用此等服务 而操作指定户口及其他由主要使用人不时为彼(等)指定之任何其他户口.在各种情况下,不论当时有否适用於操作有关户口(包括任何交易 限额)之任何相反条文或安排,而此等相反条文或安排得被视为已作出修订,以获得所需授权通过使用服务而操作指定户口; 只适用於申请"款项转账至指定收款人户口",客户授权主要使用人可不时单独/共同地代表客户指定在本行或任何其他银行之第三者收款人户 口(「指定收款人户口」),透过恒生商业e-Banking由客户之指定户口扣账或转账款项; 只适用於申请"款项转账至非指定收款人户口",客户授权主要使用人及一般使用人可根據申请表格「丙」部份所列之任何适用限额使用服 务,以不时单独/共同地代表客户,在客户之指定户口之间扣账及/或进行转账,至任何第三者於本行或任何其他银行开立之户口(但非上述 第5(三)段所列之指定收款人户口)(「非指定收款人户口」); (一) (二) (三) (四) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 4. 5. 基本户口号码 Principal Account No. 7. IB17-R17(YX) 8-11 03/14 E 页次 Page 8/11 >>NSC>ASV 客户确定及同意就有关经由恒生不时指定的任何渠道(包括但不限於分行、电话银行及/或自动柜员机服务)所叙做的汇款/CHATS/有关汇款/CHATS之交 易之常行指示的交易纪录(包括但不限於收款银行名称和收款人名称),将可能會透过e-Alert提示服务,披露予已获授权的主要使用人及/或一般使用 人; 客户接纳及承诺接纳对使用服务产生之所有扣账、转账及其他交易及买卖负上全部责任(不论是否获客户授权); 客户明白并接受申请表格(随附於决议)乃构成此等决议之一部份,而客户承诺及确认申请表格第戊部份所载列之声明; 呈案所示之每份申请表格及不时有效并适用於规管使用服务(包括由主要使用人按使用设定职能而接受任何新服务)(如适用)之章则将會及经已获得通过 接纳;及 此等决议须向贵行呈报及维持有效,直至修订决议经客户之唯一董事、董事會或管理组织通过(视属何种情况而定),及贵行收到经唯一董事或會议主席 (视属何种情况而定)核证之副本. 本人(等)确认前述决议乃属真确,并已记载在客户於 年月日依據公司组织文件在 举行之董事會或管理组织會议(视属何种情况而定)或由客户唯一董事、董事或管理组织成员(视属何种情况而定)以书面决议形式获正式通过之會议纪录 册之内. 於年_____ 月_____ 日签署. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 本段只适用於客户选择将服务推展至其相关机构 (一) (二) (三) (i) (ii) (iii) 客户向贵行保证及确认客户已获其集团内之公司(其名称乃载列於申请表格乙部)(「相关机构」)授权把服务推展至由相关机构不时指定之相关机 构户口及/或保单及/或强积金服务户口(「相关机构指定户口」); 客户进一步保证及承诺﹕ 客户明白及同意投资产品及服务并不适用於相关机构,此外,贵行有全权决定在任何时间认为适当时拒绝或终止将服务推展至相关机构指定户口; 客户与相关机构乃属同一公司集团(公司集团指任何两家或以上公司或法团)而其中一家为另一家有利益﹔ 客户将服务推展至相关机构指定户口乃属其商业利益;及 假如在本决议第7(二)(i)段所述之关系发生任何变化(包括但不限於客户在相关机构之利益或相关机构在客户之利益(视乎情况而定)有任何转 变),客户将會立即通知贵行; 客户应立即就「本行」不时推出之任何新服务通知每一相关机构,倘相关机构并不同意将任何新服务延伸至相关机构之指定户口,应立即 向「本行」发出书面通知;及 客户同意就「客户」不履行、疏忽或遗漏遵从上述任何保证及承诺所导致「本行」遭受的申索、损失、损害、法律责任、费用及支出弥偿 本行; (iv) (v) 签署 X_X_X_X_ 东主/合夥人/會议主席(必须为董事)/ 管理团体成员 / 唯一董事 合夥人/董事/管理团体成员 合夥人/董事/管理团体成员 合夥人/董事/管理团体成员 [注意:全东商号之客户由全东签署;合夥经营者由所有合夥人签署;法团此等决议必须由根據公司组织文件组成會议法定出席人数之每名董事(包括會议 主席)或唯一董事或管理团体成员签署.] 基本户口号码 Principal Account No. 6. 由主要使用人及一般使用人(如适用)使用服务,乃符合客户之商业利益,而客户明确承认及确认: (一) (二) (三) (四) (五) 客户提名任何人士为主要使用人及提名由主要使用人指定之任何人士为一般使用人,即通过授权彼(等)透过使用服务操作上述第4段所述之 户口,即使此等人士在其他情形并无权操作此等户口; 透过使用服务,主要使用人及一般使用人(如适用)可为其供个人使用、为其个人利益或作其个人用途的目的从彼(等)获指定之指定户口或於 指定户口之间扣账及 / 或进行转账,亦可转账至第三者收款人之户口.至於缴付账单及 / 或直接付款授权书及 / 或自动转账服务,主要使用 人及一般使用人(如适用)可从彼(等)获指定之指定户口或於指定户口之间扣账及/或进行转账,亦可转账至一些未经指定收款人户口及/或人 士; 主要使用人(或如使用设定是由两位主要使用人共同批准,则任何一位主要使用人),包括只可查询公司户口结余的主要使用人,可透过恒生 商业e-Banking申领公司组合内所指定的港元/美元往来户口之支票簿,支票簿将直接以邮寄送往相关往来户口之通讯地址.客户确认其须独 自负责及承担从此途径申领之支票簿的用途,确保支票於签发时须经由有关往来户口之授权签署人士签发. 客户须负责采取适当措施,不时监察及控制服务之使用(包括任何新服务,但需受有关之章则条文所约束)(如适用);对主要使用人及指定户 口之委任及更换,及对由主要使用人指定之一般使用人之委任及更换,并采取适当安全措施以防止未经许可人士使用服务或作未经许可用 途,包括但不限於,订明主要使用人及一般使用人(如适用)可在彼(等)获指定之指定户口扣账或进行转账金额之每日最高限额或在金额加上 其他限制;及 贵行并不承担核证任何由主要使用人及一般使用人(如适用)所发出之任何指示是否恰当或真确之责任; IB17-R17(YX) 9-11 03/14 E 页次 Page 9/11 >>NSC>ASV Certified Copy of Resolutions Registered Office/Business Address WHEREAS: - To: Hang Seng Bank Limited (Hong Kong) (a) (b) (c) 1. 2. 3. the Customer desires to obtain the services relating to Hang Seng Business e-Banking portfolio specified in the Application Form (the "Services") which shall include any new services from time to time introduced by Hang Seng Bank Limited (the "Bank") subject to such terms and conditions as the Bank may prescribe from time to time (the "Terms and Conditions"). The Customer is aware of the possible risks involved in connection with using Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services and has taken note of, and acknowledge the Customer's understanding and agreement to, the "Important Notice for Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services" in Page 1 above, which has been fully considered by the Customer; the Customer intends to authorise its officers, employees and/or agents to use the Services; and unless otherwise specified, words and expressions having defined meanings in the Terms and Conditions or in the Application Form shall have the same meanings when used in these Resolutions. Name of Company/Firm/Organisation (the "Customer") the Customer applies to the Bank for the Services and nominates, subject to the Bank's agreement, the account in the name of the Customer the account number of which is specified in the application form attached to these Resolutions (the"Application Form") to be the principal account for the purposes of the Services (the "Principal Account"); the Customer nominates the person(s) whose particulars are set out in Part D of the Application Form to be Primary User(s) to perform singly the Services as specified in Part C of the Application Form except that the Customer may specify the Primary User(s) to perform singly/jointly the Management Control Function specified in Part C of the Application Form. (a) (b) (c) (d) the Customer agrees to the Additional Terms governing Investment Deposits specified in Part F of the Application Form. The Customer acknowledges receipt of a copy of the MaxiInterest Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions and Currency-linked Capital Protected Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions and the Factsheet of the Investment Deposits that the Customer agrees to place from time to time. The Customer has considered the nature of the relevant Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions and agreed that it is in the best interests of the Customer to enter into them and the transactions as contemplated under the relevant Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions. The Customer has read, understood and accepted the relevant Investment Deposit Terms and Conditions and agreed to be bound by them. The Customer has sufficient knowledge and experience as to be able to evaluate, and has evaluated, the merits and risks and related legal/tax implications of the transactions as contemplated under the relevant Investment Deposit Terms and Condtions and is acting in reliance upon its own judgment or upon professional advice obtained independent of the Bank as to those merits and risks and is not replying on the views or advice of the Bank. The Customer is aware of and accepts the risks of the Investment Deposits as specified under Part F of the Application Form as well as giving instructions relating to the Investment Deposits via Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services. The Customer is also aware of and accepts the risks of giving instructions relating to the Investment Accounts via Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services. the Customer authorises the Primary User(s) (but not the Secondary User(s)) to act singly/jointly on behalf of the Customer from time to time to use, transact, subscribe, place, give instructions and accept the relevant termsheet(s) (if applicable) relating to Investment Deposits as specified under Part F of the Application Form, Investment Accounts and Investment Sub-accounts under any Business Integrated Account which carry the same business identification number with the Principal Account that the Customer opened and may in future open with the Bank, any Future Products and Services ("Future Products and Services" refer to all existing and future investment products and services that are available in Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services. Please note that Hang Seng shall have the right to change, add and/or cancel any Future Products and Services from time to time.) and to complete the Risk Profiling Questionnaire via Hang Seng Business e-Banking. Customer agrees that any such instruction, once given by the Primary User(s) cannot be revoked, rescinded or withdrawn and shall be binding on the Customer. the Customer also authorises the Bank to debit the settlement amount (which shall include but not limited to any related fees and charges) of the transactions relating to Investment Deposits as specified under Part F of the Application Form, the Investment Accounts and Investment Sub-accounts under any Business Integrated Account which carry the same business identification number with the Principal Account that the Customer opened and may in future open with the Bank, any Future Products and Services designated by the Primary User(s) from time to time. the Customer, who holds or may in future hold any Securities Account(s) and/or Investment Funds Account(s), which carry(ies) the same business identification number as the Principal Account that the Customer opened and may in future open with Hang Seng, further undertakes that: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) the Customer authorises the Primary User(s) (but not the Secondary User(s)) to act singly on behalf of the Customer from time to time to use service(s), make transaction(s), and give instruction(s) relating to any Securities Account(s) (including but not limited to Real-time Quote Service Plan) and/or Investment Funds Account(s) stated above without transaction limit(s). The Customer agrees that any such instruction, once given by the Primary User(s) cannot be revoked, rescinded or withdrawn and shall be binding on the Customer. the Customer accepts that neither Hang Seng nor any Information Provider(s) warrants, represents or guarantees the sequence, accuracy, truth, reliability, adequacy, timeliness or completeness of any of the Information or the Reports or whether it is fit for any purpose. Nor does either of them assume any liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any reliance on the Information or the Reports by the Customer, the Authorised Primary User(s) and / or any other person. (Only Applicable to Securities Account(s)) the Customer confirms that all authorised Primary User(s), who is / are eligible to give instruction in relation to the Customer's Securities account(s) held with the Bank, is / are not residents in the United States of America ("US") or Canada ("CA"), whether for tax, securities laws of the US or CA or any other purposes. The Customer confirms that the correspondence address(es) of the authorised Primary User(s) is / are not in the US or CA. The Customer also confirms that the authorised Primary User(s) is / are not acting as agent(s) on behalf of any US or CA resident. The Customer undertakes to notify the Bank immediately if any such person(s) of the Company becomes or is / are deemed to be resident(s) in the US or CA at any future time. (Only Applicable to Investment Funds Account(s)) the Customer confirms that all authorised Primary User(s), who is / are eligible to give instruction in relation to the Customer's Investment Funds Account(s), held with the Bank, is / are not citizens in the US and residents in the US or CA , whether for tax, securities laws of the US or CA or for any other purposes. The Customer confirms that the correspondence address(es) of the authorised Primary User(s) is / are not in the US or CA. The Customer confirms that the authorised Primary User(s) is / are not acting as agent(s) on behalf of any US citizen and any US or CA resident. The Customer acknowledges the Customer's understanding that the authorised Primary User(s) will have to confirm the above on behalf of the Customer in relation to all authorised Primary User(s) and Authorised Person(s) (if applicable) at time of giving instructions for Investment Funds Account(s). The Customer undertakes to notify the Bank immediately if any such person(s) of the Company becomes or is / are deemed to be US citizen and resident(s) in the US or CA at any future time. (Only Applicable to Sole Proprietorship / Partnership) the Customer also confirms that all authorised Primary User(s), who is / are eligible to give instruction in relation to the Customer's Securities account(s) and/or Investment Funds Account(s) held with the Bank, is / are not citizens of Korea ("KO") with residential or correspondence address in KO. The Customer acknowledges the Customer's understanding that the authorised Primary User(s) will have to confirm the above on behalf of the Customer in relation to all authorised Primary User(s), the sole proprietor, all partners and Authorised Person(s) (if applicable) at time of giving instructions for Investment Funds Account(s). The Customer undertakes to notify the Bank immediately if any such person(s) of the Company becomes or is / are deemed to be citizen(s) of KO with residential or correspondence address in KO at any future time. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: - 基本户口号码 Principal Account No. IB17-R17(YX) 10-11 03/14 E 页次 Page 10/11 >>NSC>ASV the Principal Account nominated by the Customer for the time being shall automatically be included in Part C of the Application Form as a Designated Account without specific designation; 4. the Customer authorises the Primary User(s) to use the Services and to operate singly (except that the Customer may specify the Primary User(s) to perform singly/jointly the Management Control Function specified in Part C of the Application Form) by using such service (but not by any other means) the Designated Accounts (as specified in Part C of the Application Form) subject to any applicable limits set out in Part C of the Application Form, in each case irrespective of any contrary provision or arrangement for operating the relevant account (including any transaction limit) currently applicable to such account, and such contrary provision or arrangement shall be deemed to be amended to the extent necessary to authorise the operation of the Designated Accounts through the use of the Services; the Customer authorises the Primary User(s) to have right singly/jointly in creating the Secondary User(s) online in such number acceptable to the Bank for the purpose of using the Services subject always to the authority designated by the Customer to the Primary User(s) as set out in Part C of the Application Form and paragraph 5(a) above, and subject to the daily aggregate limit of all Secondary User(s) and of the Primary User(s) not to exceed the limit set out in Part C. The Secondary User(s) is/are authorised to use the Services singly or in such other manner and within the applicable authority and approval limit duly authorised by the Primary User(s) and to operate by using such service in the prescribed manner (but not by any other means) the Designated Account and any other accounts which may be designated for him/her/them from time to time by the Primary User(s), in each case irrespective of any contrary provision or arrangement for operating the relevant account (including any transaction limit) currently applicable to such account, and such contrary provision or arrangement shall be deemed to be amended to the extent necessary to authorise the operation of the Designated Accounts through the use of the Services; applicable for customers who have applied for fund transfers to Designated Beneficiary Accounts, the Customer authorises the Primary User(s) to act singly/jointly on behalf of the Customer from time to time to designate accounts of third party beneficiary(ies) maintained with the Bank or any other bank ("Designated Beneficiary Account") for receipt of funds debited or transferred from the Designated Accounts of the Customer on Hang Seng Business e-Banking; applicable for customers who have applied for fund transfers to Non-Designated Beneficiary Accounts, the Customer authorises the Primary User(s) and Secondary User(s) to act singly/jointly on behalf of the Customer from time to time to make debits from, and/or transfers amongst, the Designated Accounts designated for him/her/them and make transfers to any account(s) of any third party maintained with the Bank or any other bank which is/are not designated under paragraph 5(c) above ("Non-Designated Beneficiary Accounts") by using the Services subject to any applicable limits set out in Part C of the Application Form; 5. (a) (b) (c) (d) by nominating any person to be Primary User(s) and any persons to be Secondary User(s) so designated by the Primary User(s), the Customer authorises him/her/them to operate the accounts referred to in paragraph 4 above by using the Services even though such person does not otherwise have authority to operate such accounts; by using the Services, the Primary User(s) and the Secondary User(s) (if applicable) may make debits from, and/or transfers amongst, the Designated Accounts designated for him/her/them and may also make transfers to Third Party Beneficiary's Account. For Bill Payment and/or Direct Debit Authorisa- tion and/or Autopay Services, the Primary User(s) and the Secondary User(s) (if applicable) may make debits from, and/or transfers amongst, the Designated Accounts designated for him/her/them and may also make transfers to non-designated beneficiary accounts and/or persons, in each case for his/her/their personal use, benefit or purposes; the Primary User (or either one Primary User if Management Control Function to be jointly performed by two Primary Users) including those who can only perform account enquiries, can order cheque book(s) of the designated HKD/USD Current Account(s) under the Company Portfolio through Hang Seng Business e-Banking. The cheque book(s) will be mailed directly to the correspondence address of the said Current Account(s). The Customer also acknowl- edges that it should be solely responsible for and take care of the usage of the cheque book(s) requested through such channel and ensure cheque issuance is made by authorised person(s) of the Current Account concerned. it is the Customer's responsibility to take appropriate measures to monitor and control the use of the Services (including any new Service subject to such terms and conditions to be introduced) (if applicable) from time to time, the appointment and change of the Primary User(s) and the Designated Accounts by the Customer; and the appointment and change of the Secondary User(s) by the Primary User(s), and to adopt proper safeguards against the Services being used by unauthorised persons or for unauthorised purposes including, without limitation, prescribing maximum daily limits or other restrictions on the amounts which the Primary User(s) and the Secondary User(s) (if applicable) may debit or transfer from the Designated Accounts designated for him/her/them; and the Bank assumes no duty or liability for verifying the propriety or integrity of any instructions given by the Primary User(s) and the Secondary User(s) (if applicable); the Designated Beneficiary Accounts and the Non-Designated Beneficiary Accounts are collectively referred to as "Third Party Beneficiary's Account"; the use of the Services by the Primary User(s) and the Secondary User(s) (if applicable) is in the commercial interest of the Customer and the Customer expressly acknowledges and confirms that: - 6. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) APPLICABLE IF THE CUSTOMER SELECTS TO EXTEND THE SERVICES TO RELATED COMPANIES 7. the Customer warrants and confirms to the Bank that the Customer is authorised by the company(ies) within its group whose name(s) is/are set out in Part B of the Application Form (the "Related Company(ies)") to extend the Services to those accounts and/or policies and/or MPF services accounts of the Related Company(ies) designated by the Related Company(ies) from time to time (the "Related Company Designated Accounts"). the Customer further warrants and undertakes that: (a) (b) (c) the Customer understands and agrees that Investment Products and Services will not be extended to the related company and the Bank has sole discretion to refuse or terminate to extend the Services to the Related Company Designated Accounts at any time if it thinks appropriate to do so; the Customer and the Related Company(ies) are in the same Group of Companies (which shall mean any 2 or more companies or bodies corporate one of which has interests in the other or others); it is in the commercial interests of the Customer to extend the Services to the Related Company Designated Accounts; and it will forthwith notify the Bank if there is any change of the relationship mentioned in Clause 7(b)(i) in these Resolutions (including but without limitation to any change of the interests the Customer has in the Related Company(ies) or the Related Company(ies) has/have in the Customer (as the case may be); it shall notify each Related Company promptly in respect of any new services introduced by the Bank from time to time and shall give immediate written notice to the Bank if the Related Company(ies) do(es) not agree to extend any new services to the Related Company Designated Account(s); and it shall indemnify the Bank on demand against any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses incurred by the Bank arising from or in connection with the Customer's failure, neglect or omission to comply with any of the above warranties and undertakings; (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) the Customer confirms and agrees that the transaction history in relation to Remittance/CHATS/Standing Instruction in respect of transactions of Remittance/CHATS (including, without limitation, Beneficiary Bank and Beneficiary name) conducted through any channels (including, without limitation, branch, phone banking and/or ATM services) designated by the Bank from time to time may be disclosed to the designated Primary User and/or Secondary User via e-Alert services; the Customer accepts and undertakes to accept full responsibility for all the debits, transfers and other transactions and dealings effected by the use of the Services (whether authorised by the Customer or not); the Customer understands and accepts that the Application Form (attached herewith) forms part of these Resolutions and the Customer warrants and confirms the Declarations as set out in Part E of the Application Form; each of the Application Form and the applicable terms and conditions from time to time in force governing the use of the Services (including any new Service accepted by the Primary User(s) in accordance with the Management Control Function), shall be and is approved and accepted; and these Resolutions shall be communicated to the Bank and remain in force until an amending resolution shall be passed by the sole director, the board of directors or the governing body (as the case may be) of the Customer and a copy certified by the sole director or the chairman of the meeting (as the case may be) shall have been received by the Bank. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 基本户口号码 Principal Account No. IB17-R17(YX) 11-11 03/14 E 页次 Page 11/11 >>NSC>ASV I/WE CERTIFY the foregoing to be the true copy of these Resolutions as entered into the minute book of the Customer duly passed at a meeting of the board of directors or by way of written resolution of the sole director or the directors or the members the governing body of the Customer (as the case may be) in accordance with the constitutional documents of the Customer held at_ on the day of Dated this day of 银行专用 For Bank Use CAS Authorised Signature Transaction Branch No. Transaction Staff ID Checked by For the customers who have agreed on the MXI / Currency-Linked CPI / Gold-Linked CPI's terms and conditions, please ensure they have read and understood the following documents: 1) MXI / Currency-Linked CPI / Gold-Linked CPI's Factsheet / Product Leaflet(s) 2) MXI / Currency-Linked CPI / Gold-Linked CPI's Terms and Conditions Signatures [Note: These Resolutions should be signed by the Sole Proprietor if the Customer is a sole-proprietorship, all partners if a partnership, each of the Directors (including the Chairman of the Meeting) or members of the governing body who constituted quorum for the Meeting or the sole director in accordance with the constitutional documents of the Customer if a corporation.] X_X_X_X_ Sole Proprietor/ Partner/ Chairman of the Meeting (must be a director)/ Member of Governing Body/Sole Director Partner/ Director/Member of Governing Body Partner/ Director/Member of Governing Body Partner/ Director/Member of Governing Body Referral Staff ID Signature / ID Verified 基本户口号码 Principal Account No.
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