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  • ASME Pre-College Education

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    ASME Pre-College Education Career Guidance Materials Materials can be ordered by contacting ASME's Information Central at 1-800-THE-ASME (843-2763). Also visit our website for free resources: www.asme.org/education/precollege Downloadable Lesson Plans ? Great Achievements in Mechanical Engineering (10 Lessons) This new website of the top 10 Great Achievements of 20th Century Mechanical Engineering provides teachers with on-line lesson plans and ordering information for the free companion Great Achievements in Mechanical Engineering video (See Below). ? Engineering Magic (6 Lessons) Learn the science and engineering behind magic tricks with this multimedia site for middle school. Downloadable teacher's guides and lesson plans. ? Tools of Discovery (6 Lessons) This is a high school-level instructional program about Machines and Motion in the Physical Sciences. The entire booklet is available on this website as well as ordering information for the companion video, Career Encounters: Mechanical Engineering (See Below). ? IDEAS - Integrated Design Engineering Activities Series (10 Lessons) Ten "hands-on" engineering projects for middle school math, science and technology studies. Developed by teachers and engineers, the 'IDEAS' projects are tied to science, math and technology teaching standards and are very low cost, adaptable activities that help teach the math and the science while stepping into technology and the engineering design process. You can also order the Science First Hand Models in Physical Science videos series (See Below). ? Engineers Solve Problems (7 Lessons) For middle and high school grades, this workbook of engineering problems helps students learn "real world" applications for math and science. ? Best Practices In High School Engineering (8 Lessons) The vision of ASME's "Best Practices" project is to improve pre-college level science and engineering technology literacy and develop hands-on and innovative engineering related curricula that integrates teamwork and interdisciplinary application, through the development of a network of high school teachers and engineers. Download these successful curricula, lesson plans and activities. ? Engineering Is For Everyone (2 Lessons) This downloadable teacher's discussion kit was created by elementary school teachers with the support of the ASME. It is designed to help teachers in grades 3 thru 6 introduce their students to the ideas and problem-solving techniques that underlie many careers - especially those in engineering. You can also order the Engineering is For Everyone video that follows a young narrator and her friends through various projects (See Below). ? "Introduce a Girl to Engineering" (1 Lesson) This GSUSA and ASME project initially begun as an Engineers Week program to help encourage young girls to consider a career in engineering, but due to the success of the program it will be available now on the web year round. It is a downloadable plan for a hands-on activity that will earn credit toward the GS Patch for "Building a Better Future." To enhance the program we recommend the use of the Mother of Invention video (See Below). Videos, Teacher Kits, and CD-ROM ? Great Achievements in Mechanical Engineering For middle school ages, this video features the top 10 great achievements of 20th century mechanical engineering (22 min.). The companion lesson plans are downloadable on the ASME pre-college website (See Above). Order No. VH9801 FREE ? Career Path: Mechanical Engineering (Careers For Mechanical Engineers) Developed for high school and college students, this video features careers of 18 mechanical engineers. It takes the viewer through typical workday, what engineers see as the most important aspects of their education and working life, and how they made the transition from school to work. 26 min. Order No. VH4710 $24.95 ? Careers Encounters: Mechanical Engineering For high school students, this video uses interviews to introduce the many careers available to mechanical engineers, and come with a teacher's kit about machines and motion in the physical sciences. 12 min. Order No.VHS125 $45.00 ? Career for Mechanical Engineers CD-ROM This CD-ROM developed for high school students and beyond is a storehouse of interviews and information on virtually every facet of mechanical engineering careers, from early preparation, to the initial job search, to the challengers and choices that shape a rewarding career. Order No. VH47CD $39.95 ? Mothers of Invention For middle school ages, this video and teaching guide features significant technical inventions by women and people of color in American history and up to the present day. 16 min. Order No. 490490 $25.00 ? Science First Hand Model in Physical Science Video Series Science First Hand Models in Physical Science videos series include three videos: Structures, Tops and Yo-Yos, and Water Wheels. The companion lesson plans are downloadable on the ASME pre-college website. See IDEAS- Integrated Design Engineering Activity Series Above. Order No. MV1D98 $19.95 ? Engineering Is For Everyone For elementary grades, a video and teaching kit demonstrates that math and science area fun and interesting, following a young narrator and her friends through various projects (12 min.). The companion lesson plans are downloadable on the ASME pre-college website (See Above). Order No. VH1D91 $19.95 Brochures ? What is a Mechanical Engineer? For middle school ages, high school ages and beyond, this informative brochure explains what mechanical engineers do and offers snapshots of current careers and the history of mechanical engineering. This brochure is also downloadable from the web. Order No. MP0398 FREE up to 100 ($50 per 100) ? Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Technology: Which Path will you take? For high school and college ages, this brochure describes and contracts two different career paths, from preparation into the working world. This brochure is also downloadable from the web. Order No. MP4998 FREE up to 100 ($50 per 100) ? Mechanical Engineering A-Z For elementary school ages, this is a cheerful brochure about everyday items that come from mechanical engineering. Order No. MP0400 FREE up to 100 ($50 per 100) Posters ? Celebrating Women in Engineering Poster Series Celebrating Women in Engineering, this series of fourteen (14) posters features outstanding and contemporary women engineers. Each poster displays a photo of an outstanding woman engineer, along with information about their achievements and an insightful quote designed to inspire young women to consider a career in engineering. Order No. WIE300 $32.00 ? African American Engineers and Inventors Poster Series A poster series highlighting the achievements of African American engineers and inventors contains ten (10) posters, measuring 14-by-18 inches, each displaying a picture of an African American engineer or inventor and information about their work. Order No. AAI479 $24.00
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