Community College Education in the Mahoning Valley: Assessment and RecommendationsA Report to the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees June 19, 2007 Criteria for Decision Making Criterion 1. The formation of a community college in the Mahoning Valley will help to increase the number of students enrolled in Ohio colleges and universities by 230,000 by the year 2015, as set forth by Governor Strickland.Criterion 2. There is significant community/State support for the formation of a community college in the Mahoning Valley.Criterion 3. Youngstown State University is prepared as an institution to engage in the process of forming and operating a community college.Criterion 4. There exists a community college model that best fits Mahoning Valley and Youngstown State University.Criterion 5. The formation of a community college is feasible for Youngstown State University. Needs Assessment Phone survey of 700 Mahoning Valley citizensIn-depth interviews of 57 community leadersMail out survey of 200+ business leadersMail out survey of 400 YSU faculty and staffUS Census and OBOR higher ed. market dataInventory of area's existing educational programsConducted by Burges & Burges, TRIAD, YSU-PSI Criterion 1 - Much Room to Grow Mahoning County – 240,774 88,887 (36.85%) ages 15-44 54,492 (22.63%) ages 45-59 Trumbull County – 215,254 80,161 (37.24%) ages 15-44 50,157 (23.30) ages 45-59Columbiana County – 107,16441,318 (38.56%) ages 15-44 23,888 (22.29%) ages 45-59Despite a large pool, in 2004 only 17,475 were enrolled. To rebuild, the Mahoning Valley needs more young people and adults to enroll and succeed in college! Source: 2005 U.S. Census The Mahoning Valley – Only Metro Region Without CC* Filling Ohio's Gap: 230,000 more students, 10% more grads requires thousands of new, non-traditional students – many will be working.77% of 18-49 year olds see a need for community college classes.75% of business leaders say they have positions available where a two-year degree is appropriate.47% of 18-49 year olds are likely to attend community college classes. 93% say more people would attend if ? price of a university. * Jefferson Community College currently offers classes at Columbiana CTC. Associate degrees awarded Associate degree graduates from the Valley's institutions are a fraction of what other community colleges have despite their smaller service areasYSU - 172Kent State Trumbull – 101Jefferson (Main) – 152Owens – 1,077Sinclair – 1,286There is a need for these programs in this area but residents are not aware of what is available and are not taking advantage of what is offered Source: 2006 OBOR Performance Report Criterion 2 – The Mahoning Valley Supports a Community College Survey Result: 47% of citizens 18-49 were very to somewhat likely to take community college classes. 77% of citizens report need for community college classes.90% agreed or strongly agreed that low cost job training and re-training would help the local economy.77% of businesses support YSU's effort to develop a community collegeIf the 47% of 18-49 year olds who say they are likely to enroll in a CC did so: = 98,872 students. If half did so = 49,436. CC Good for Business and Workers 75% of business leaders report available jobs for two-year grads. Business leaders say expand:Information Technology (22%)Health Care (17.5%)Business (16.5%)30% of community leaders say unfilled jobs result from undereducated workforce.65% of business leaders say they are willing to offer some tuition reimbursement. Only 31% of residents say their employer currently has a tuition reimbursement policy. Criterion 3 - Price Matters! 93% of 18-45 year olds say community college would increase attendance at ? university price. With no CC, Valley higher ed prices are far above other Ohio regions, despite YSU's low tuition for a university.Ohio tuition is far above US levels, multiplying problem.To increase access, we must have lower tuition.Requires extensive program development work, but will not necessarily re-create the community college formula Comprehensive Community Colleges Are Positioned to Attract More Students Price Matters: Historic Enrollment Gains are Associated with Affordable Tuition Analyzing Low Tuition Paradigm 2005 FY Freshman and Sophomores from Mahoning and Trumbull Counties $26,000,000$13,000,000 Non Loan Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Revenue $13,000,000 Total Out of Pocket and Loans Average YSU 1st and 2nd year students now pay $100/cr. or $3,000/yr. Goal is maximum of $3,000 at MVCC, YSU, or YSU 2-yr programs! The Mahoning Valley Promise: A Real Solution Born in Our Valley What if YSU & Partners agree that all 1st & 2nd yr. students pay a max of $3000/yr. or $100/cr? And create a system with paths to all degrees? The Mahoning Valley Promise would:Increase access for all, not only just the two-year aspirantsGreatly contribute to the Valley's economic revitalizationAdd to the reputations of all the educational partnersBring people to the IHE's, and back to the regionRequire the efficiency, collaboration and innovation outlined in the community college partnership aboveRequire public & private support to lower tuition. Criterion 4 – The Integrated Partnership Model 18-49 year olds want YSU, KSU branches and CTC's to combine assets and form a community college 56% of businesses preferred partnership81% of civic leaders supported partnershipCTC's, JCC, ,KSU,public schools would be YSU partnersPartnership would efficiently share strengths/assets Criterion 5 – Feasibility Clear Need Has Been EstablishedStrong Community SupportFinancial Model Identified - Funding Must be SecuredIntegrated Partnership Model is Best – Specific Details, Contracts, and Structures to be CompletedOhio Board of Regents Ongoing Discussions and Approvals Recommendations to the Board Continue discussion to reach a consensus with Chancellor Eric Fingerhut and the Ohio Board of Regents about how the delivery of two-year programs and the potential establishment of a "community college" best fits YSU and long terms goals of OBOR - complete process in six months. When consensus is achieved, Youngstown State University will complete the planning process within six months