• Soulmate > Welcome to Man Tong Kitchen!
  • Welcome to Man Tong Kitchen!

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    Signature Dish HOT Welcome to Man Tong Kitchen! It is a tradition in China to have a house full of families and friends to celebrate everything from special occasions to simple get-togethers. In keeping with this tradition, Man Tong Kitchen (which means 'full house' in Chinese) invites everyone in Melbourne to enjoy a unique culinary experience. Start with a cup of tea or a glass of wine, select your favourite from over 100 authentic Chinese dishes on the menu, and share it with friends and families. Man Tong Kitchen offers you a taste of real Chinese culture. I hope Man Tong Kitchen can be a special place for you, to have a good time, to enjoy. At Man Tong Kitchen, with a house full of friends to share and laugh, everyday is a special day! Jeff Xu Signature Dish HOT Signature Dish HOT 蒸点心类 Steamed Dumplings 招牌小笼包(4个) Signature's Xiao Long Bao (4 pieces) (East China) - $8.80 0 3 红油抄手(8个) Wontons with Hot Chilli Sauce (Pork) (8 pieces) (Szechuan) - $15.80 1 2 北京鲜肉水饺(6个) Steamed Pork Dumplings (6 pieces) (North China) - $11.80 0 1 2 港式姜葱虾角(3个) Steamed Prawn & Pork Dumplings with Ginger & Spring Onion Sauce (3 pieces) - $11.80 1 2 菠菜素水饺(6个) Spinach Vegetable Dumplings (6 pieces) (North China) - $11.80 1 2 韭菜鲜虾饺(3个) Garlic Chives Prawn Dumplings (3 pieces) - $11.80 0 1 2 港式虾饺王(3个) Prawn Dumplings (3 pieces) - $11.80 0 2 5 猪肉烧卖(3个) Steamed Pork Siumai (3 pieces) - $11.80 0 2 5 带子烧卖(3个) Steamed Scallop Siumai (3 pieces) - $12.80 0 2 5 叉烧包(2个) Steamed BBQ Pork Buns (2 pieces) - $11.80 1 6 点心拼盘A: 港式姜葱虾饺(2个) 、 招牌小笼包(2个) 、 猪肉烧卖(2个) 、 菠菜素水饺(2个) Dumpling Platter A: Steamed Prawn and Pork Dumplings with Ginger and Spring Onion Sauce(2 pieces), Xiao Long Bao (2 pieces), Steamed Pork Siumai (2 pieces), Spinach Vegetable Dumplings (2 pieces) - $32.00 1 招牌点心 Signature ManTong Dumpling DINNER ONLY Signature Dish HOT 炸点心类 Pan Fried or Deep Fried Dumplings 生煎锅贴(6个) Pan-Fried Pork Dumplings (6 pieces) (Shanghai) $16.80 6 香炸春卷(3条) Spring Rolls (Pork) (3 pieces) - $11.80 2 筷子春卷(3条)(虾) Chopsticks Spring Rolls (Shrimp) (3 pieces) - $12.80 2 萝卜丝酥饼(3条) Shredded Turnip Pastries (3 pieces) (Shanghai) - $9.80 4 葱油饼 Spring Onion Pancake - $10.80 2 腐皮虾卷(3个) Deep Fried Bean Curd Skin Prawn Rolls (3 pieces) - $11.80 4 芝麻虾(3块) Sesame Prawn (3 pieces) - $11.80 3 荔枝鲜虾球 (2只) Deep Fried Golden Prawn with Duck Egg Yolk (2 pcs) - $11.80 4 点心拼盘B:荔枝鲜虾球(2个) 、香炸春卷(2条) 、腐皮虾卷(2条) 、 萝卜丝酥饼(2条) Dumpling Platter B: Deep Fried Golden Prawn with Duck Egg Yolk (2 pieces), Spring Rolls (Pork) (2 pieces), Deep Fried Bean Curd Skin Prawn Rolls (2 pieces), Shredded Turnip Pastries (2 pieces) - $32.00 1 招牌点心 Signature ManTong Dumpling DINNER ONLY Signature Dish HOT 冷菜 Cold Appetizer 川味口水鸡 Shredded Chicken with Chilli Oil in Szechuan Style -$15.00 5 花雕醉鸡 Boneless Chicken in Chinese Rice Wine - $15.00 2 晾衣白肉 Pork Belly with Special Chilli Sauce - $17.00 3 皮蛋豆腐 Silky Bean Curd with Preserved Egg - $12.00 2 蒜香黄瓜 Fresh Cucumber in Garlic - $12.00 2 凉拌木耳 Wood Fungus with Home Made Sauce - $12.00 1 夫妻肺片 Hot Spicy Couple (Beef Tripe & Ox Tongue) - $15.00 1 餐前小食 Appetizer and ManTong Tapas DINNER ONLY "Be mindful when dipping in soy sauce or vinegar as it will clash with your wine" Signature Dish HOT 热 小食 Hot Appetizer and ManTong Tapas 龙虾生菜包 Lobster Meat San Choi Bao (on Lettuce Cup) - $18.00 3 鸭肉生菜包 Duck Meat San Choi Bao (on Lettuce Cup) - $10.00 3 蜜汁叉烧 B B Q Pork in Honey - $18.00 5 椒盐鱿鱼块 Deep Fried Squid in Salt and Pepper - $17.00 3 椒盐银鱼 Deep Fried White Bait in Salt and Pepper - $17.00 3 原只椒盐鹌鹑 Deep Fried Quail in Salt & Pepper - $13.00 3 椒盐豆腐 Deep Fried Bean Curd in Salt and Pepper - $12.00 3 龙虾炒鲜奶 Creamy Lobster - $18.00 4 餐前小食 Appetizer and ManTong Tapas DINNER ONLY Signature Dish HOT 四川酸辣汤 Hot and Sour Soup - $11.00 砂锅鱼头汤 Braised Fish Head Soup in Hot Pot 中号(2位用) Medium (For 2 Persons) - $18.80 大号(4位用) Large (For 4 Persons) - $32.80 鸡蓉粟米羹 Chicken in Sweet Corn Soup - $11.00 蟹肉鸡蓉粟米羹 Sweet Corn Soup with Crab Meat and Chicken - $15.00 西红柿榨菜蛋花汤 (4位用) Tomato Soup with Chinese Pickles and Eggs - $15.00 云吞汤 - Short Soup - $11.00 阳春汤面 - Long Soup - $11.00 菠菜海鲜羹 Spinach Soup with Diced Mixed Seafood - $11.00 汤羹 Soup Signature Dish HOT 招牌烤鸭 Chef Special Peking Duck 半只烤鸭(8片饼) Half ( 8 Pieces Pancake ) - $45.00 5 6 整只烤鸭(16片饼) Whole ( 16 Pieces Pancake ) - $85.00 5 6 Extra per pancake - $1.00 (min 5 pieces) 鸭Duck 弄堂香酥鸭(上海) Deep Fried Crispy Fragrant Duck (Shanghai) -$38.00 6 "Life is filling in time between meals... and a meal without wine could only be breakfast" The Wandering Palate Signature Dish HOT 椒盐白饭鱼 Deep Fried White Bait in Salt & Pepper - $29.00 2 椒盐鱿鱼 Deep Fried Squid in Salt & Pepper - $29.00 2 银鱼炒蛋 Stir Fried White Bait with Scrambled Eggs - $25.80 3 水晶虾仁(上海) Braised Crystal Shrimp (Shanghai) - $32.80 3 虾球 (时菜, 姜葱, 蜜糖, XO酱, 椒盐) Stir Fried King Prawns with (Vegetable, Ginger & Spring Onion Sauce, Honey, XO Sauce, Salt & Pepper) -$39.80 5 蒜茸牛油虾球 Stir Fried King Prawns with Garlic & Butter - $39.80 3 沪式葱烤海参 Shanghai Style Braised Sea Cucumber with Spring Onion - $58.00 6 带子 (时菜, 姜葱, XO酱, 椒盐) Stir Fried Scallop with (Vegetable, Ginger & Spring Onion Sauce, XO Sauce, Salt & Pepper) - $39.80 4 6 海鲜类 Seafood Specialities Signature Dish HOT 姜葱鱼片 Fish Fillet in Ginger & Spring Onion Sauce - $29.00 3 四川水煮鱼(四川) Sliced Fish Filet in Hot Chilli Oil (Szechuan) - $35.80 5 6 富贵松鼠鱼 (杭州) Deep Fried Fresh Barramundi in Sweet & Sour Sauce with Pine Nuts (Hangzhou) - $58.00 4 6 招牌佛跳墙(1位) (福建) Fo Tiao Qiang (Steamed Abalone with Shark Fins and Fish Maw) (per person) - $98.00 4 海鲜类 Seafood Specialities "The Chinese do not eat to live. We live to eat. Food is not just life to us. It is our very soul. And as we had, practically from the very beginning, imbibed in alcohol while we feasted, drink therefore, is our soulmate" CH'NG Poh Tiong Signature Dish HOT 游水海鲜 Live Seafood 塔省肥生蚝 Tasmania Fresh Oyster Seasonal Price 2 新鲜蛤蜊 Live Pipi Seasonal Price 3 澳洲生猛龙虾 Australia Lobster Seasonal Price 4 拣手皇帝蟹 King Crab Seasonal Price 0 3 南极雪花蟹 Antarctic Snow Crab Seasonal Price 0 3 达尔文肉蟹 Darwin Mud Crab Seasonal Price 0 3 野生青边鲍鱼 Australia Live Green Abalone Seasonal Price 4 东星斑 Coral Trout Seasonal Price 3 4 游水大三刀鱼 Live Murwong Seasonal Price 4 游水盲曹鱼 (干烧/红烧) Live Barramundi (Stir Fried in Chilli with Minced Pork Style / Stir Fried in Soy Sauce Style) Seasonal Price 4 Signature Dish HOT 鸡Chicken 宫保鸡丁 Stir Fried Diced Chicken with Peanut in Chilli Sauce - $28.80 7 辣子不辣鸡中翅(四川) Deep Fried Chicken Spare Ribs with Dry Chilli & Peanut (Szechuan) - $28.80 4 7 大千辣子鸡(重庆) Deep Fried Boneless Chicken with Dry Chilli (ChongQing) - $29.80 7 沪式当红炸子鸡 (上海) Deep Fried Crispy Chicken (Shanghai ) - $28.80 4 7 蜜糖鸡 Deep Fried Honey Chicken - $28.80 5 Signature Dish HOT 羊Lamb 嫰煎澳洲羊扒(4块) Pan Fried Lamb Cutlets (4 pieces) - $42.80 7 葱爆羊肉 Stir Fried Sliced Lamb with Mandarin Leek -$29.80 7 川味羊肉 Stir Fried Sliced Lamb in Szechuan Chilli Sauce - $29.80 8 茶香牛柳粒(福建) Diced Eye Fillets in Tea Flavour (Fujian) - $33.80 7 中式煎牛柳 Eye Fillets in Cantonese Sauce - $35.00 8 豉汁牛肉 Stir Fried Beef in Black Bean Sauce - $29.80 9 京式干煸牛肉丝(北京) Crispy Shredded Beef in Special Home Made Chilli Sauce (Peking) - $29.80 8 水煮牛肉 Sliced Beef in Hot Chilli Oil - $29.80 8 火锅-雪花和牛 Wagyu Beef Shabu-shabu - Seasonal Price 6 牛Beef Signature Dish HOT 猪PORK 沪式椒盐骨 Pork Spare Ribs in Salt & Pepper (Shanghai) - $28.80 4 8 飘雪糖醋小排(上海) Pork Spare Ribs with Sweet and Vinegar Sauce (Shanghai) - $29.80 5 麻婆豆腐 (四川) Beancurd with Minced Pork in Chilli Sauce (Szechuan) - $22.00 5 8 干煸四季豆(四川) Stir Fried String Beans with Minced Pork in Szechuan Chilli Sauce (Szechuan) - $22.00 1 6 雪菜毛豆炒肉丝 Stir Fried Shredded Pork with Green Bean and Pickled Vegetable - $28.80 5 渔乡肉丝 Stir Fried Shredded Pork in Szechuan Chilli Sauce - $28.80 8 家乡回锅肉 Sautéed Sliced Pork Belly with Pepper and Chili - $28.80 8 外婆红烧肉(上海) Braised Pork Belly in Soy Sauce (Shanghai) - $28.80 9 菠萝咕噜肉 Sweet and Sour Pork - $28.80 5 6 Signature Dish HOT 鱼香茄子煲 Stir Fried Eggplant with Szechuan Chilli Sauce in Clay Pot - $22.00 8 渔乡茄子带子煲 Stir Fried Scallop & Eggplant with Szechuan Chilli Sauce in Clay Pot - $39.80 8 金针菇青菜面筋煲 Braised Enoki Mushroom, Gluten and Vegetables in Clay Pot - $28.00 4 大千鸡煲 Stir Fried Chicken and Vegtables in Clay Pot - $33.00 4 什锦海鲜煲 Combination Seafood & Vegetable in Clay Pot - $39.80 3 瑶柱虾米白菜粉丝煲 Braised Dry Scallops and Shrimps with Vermicelli and Chinese Cabbage in Clay Pot - $35.00 3 鲍鱼海参滑鸡煲 Braised Sliced Abalone, Sea Cucumber and Chicken in Clay Pot - $68.00 4 7 砂锅银鳕鱼煲(广州) Stewed Cod Fish in Clay Pot (Guangzhou) - $38.00 4 煲仔类 Hot Pot Signature Dish HOT 素春卷(3个) Vegetable Spring Rolls (3 pieces) - $11.80 2 蒸素菜包(2个) Steamed Vegetable Buns (2 pieces) - $11.80 3 菜心香菇 Stir Fried Chinese Bok Choy with Mushrooms - $22.80 7 芥蓝 (耗油, 清炒, 蒜茸) Stir Fried Chinese Broccoli with (Oyster Sauce, Spring onion Sauce, Garlic Sauce) - $22.00 7 菠菜 (耗油,清炒,蒜茸) Stir Fried Spinach with (Oyster Sauce, Spring onion Sauce, Garlic Sauce) - $22.00 7 酸辣土豆丝 Stir Fried Shredded Potato in Hot and Sour Sauce - $19.00 6 西红柿炒鸡蛋 Stir Fried Tomato with Scrambled Egg - $19.00 1 6 素干煸四季豆 Stir Fried String Bean with Szechuan Chilli Sauce (Vegetarian) - $22.00 5 精选蔬菜 Vegetarian Signature Dish HOT 面饭类 Rice & Noodle DINNER ONLY 老北京杂酱面 Peking Noodles with Meat Sauce - $18.80 6 四川担担面 Spicy Szechuan Noodles with Minced Meat in Soup - $18.80 8 海鲜汤面 Combination Seafood Noodles in Soup - $28.80 3 雪菜肉丝汤面 Shredded Pork with Pickle Vegetables in Noodle Soup - $22.00 5 上海粗炒面 Shanghai Fried Noodles (Pork & Vegetable) - $18.80 7 乾炒牛河 Stir Fried Rice Noodles with Sliced Beef - $22.00 7 鸭丝炒面 Stir Fried Noodles with Duck Meat and Vegetables - $22.00 6 龙虾炒面 Stir Fried Noodles with Lobster Meat and Vegetables - $28.00 4 时菜炒年糕 Stir Fried Rice Cake with Mixed Vegetables - $18.80 7 招牌满堂红炒饭 Mantong's Special Fried Rice - $18.80 7 净素炒饭 Vegetarian Fried Rice - $18.80 7 丝苗白饭/每位 Steamed Rice / per person - $3.50 Signature Dish HOT 甜品类 Dessert DINNER ONLY 煎豆沙锅饼配冰淇淋 Pan Fried Mashed Red Bean Pancake with ice cream (per person) - $12.00 当季鲜果盘 Seasonal Fresh Fruit Platter - $12.00 芒果布丁配冰淇淋 Mango Pudding with Ice Cream - $12.00 鲜果炸雪糕 Deep Fried Ice Cream with Fresh Fruit - $12.00 炸香蕉雪糕 Deep Fried Banana Fritter with Ice Cream - $12.00 拔丝苹果 (For 2 Person) Sugarcoated Apple - $25.00 桂花酒酿圆子 Glutinous Rice Balls in Fermented Rice Wine - $12.00 宁波汤圆 Sweet Rice Balls in Soup - $12.00 套餐 Banquet A $88 每位 per person 2位起 (Min for 2 person) 招牌小笼包 Signature's Xiao Long Bao 椒盐鲜鱿 Deep Fried Squid with Salt and Pepper 点心拼盘(港式姜葱虾饺, 猪肉烧卖, 菠菜素水饺, 带子饺) Dumpling Platter(Steamed Prawn & Pork Dumplings with Ginger & Spring Onion Sauce, Steamed Pork Siumai, Spinach Vegetable Dumplings, Scallop Dumplings) 北京烤鸭 Peking Duck 迷你水煮鱼或姜葱鱼片 Sliced Fish Filet in Hot Chilli Oil or Fish Fillet in Ginger & Spring Onion Sauce 干煸四季豆 Stir Fried String Bean & Minced Pork with Szechuan Chilli Sauce 扬州炒饭 Special Fried Rice 炸香蕉雪糕 Deep Banana Fitter with Ice Cream A 套餐 Banquet B $118 每位 per person 4位起 (Min for 4 person) 龙虾生菜包 Lobster San Choi Bao (on Lettuce Cup) 招牌小笼包 Signature's Xiao Long Bao 红油抄手 Wontons with Hot Chilli Sauce (Pork) 点心拼盘(荔枝鲜虾球, 春炸春卷, 腐皮虾卷,萝卜丝酥饼) Dumpling Platter:Deep Fried Golden Prawn with Duck Egg Yolk, Spring Rolls(Pork), Deep Fried Bean Curd Skin Prawn Rolls, Shredded Turnip Pastries 北京烤鸭 Peking Duck XO姜葱虾球 Stir Fried King Prawn with XO Sauce 渔乡茄子带子煲 Stir Fried Scallops & Eggplants with Szechuan Chilli Sauce in Clay Pot 中式牛排 Eye Fillets in Cantonese Sauce 清炒时蔬 Stir Fried Seasonal Vegetables 扬州炒饭 Special Fried Rice 豆沙锅饼配雪糕 Pan Fried Mashed Red Bean Pancake with Ice Cream B 套餐 Banquet C $138 每位 per person 4位起 (Min for 4 person) 龙虾炒鲜奶 Creamy Lobster 招牌小笼包 Signature's Xiao Long Bao 红油抄手 Wontons with Hot Chilli Sauce (Pork) 点心拼盘(荔枝鲜虾球, 春炸春卷, 腐皮虾卷, 萝卜丝酥饼) Dumpling Platter:Deep Fried Golden Prawn with Duck Egg Yolk, Spring Rolls(Pork), Deep Fried Bean Curd Skin Prawn Rolls, Shredded Turnip Pastries 北京烤鸭 Peking Duck XO姜葱龙虾球 Stir Fried Lobster Meat with XO Sauce 渔乡茄子带子煲 Stir Fried Scallops & Eggplants with Szechuan Chilli Sauce in Clay Pot 中式牛排 Eye Fillets in Cantonese Sauce 清炒时蔬 Stir Fried Seasonal Vegetables 扬州炒饭 Special Fried Rice 豆沙锅饼配雪糕 Pan Fried Mashed Red Bean Pancake with Ice Cream C
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