• 天下为公是谓大同 > 礼运大同篇
  • 礼运大同篇

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    是故谋闭而不兴,盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不 闭.
    shi` gu` mou' bi` er' bu` xing-, dao` qie` luan` zei' er' bu` zuo`, gu` wai` hu` er' bu` bi`
    白话文: 所以人们不搞阴谋,不做抢,偷,叛乱等事,因此外出而不闭 门.
    Therefore people don't engage in intrigue or trickery, nor do they engage in robbery, theft, and rebellion. Thus, though people leave their houses they don't close their doors.
    shi` wei` da` tong'
    白话文: 这便叫大同.
    This is called "The Great Together".
    为,这个"其"字,其实意思同"而"字.所以我就把句子当为是"货恶而 弃於地也"来翻译. 1 The word "qi 其" has made this sentence a bit hard to translate. If we rigidly translate
    according to the apparent meaning of the words, then the sentence would translate as, "People despise the throwing of money on the ground." Does this not, however, interpret the piece to be saying that under The Great Together, people think that one should be more concerned over money and not throw it on the ground, and that people despise it when they see someone doing that On the contrary, the whole piece very clearly says that under The Great Together people are not very concerned over their own interests, and that they think of others more than they think of themselves. Therefore I cannot accept the meaning generated by translating word for word as truly representing the author's meaning. Instead, I think that the word "qi 其" here is the same as the word "er 而", and so I translate the sentence as if it said "huo wu er qi yu di ye 货恶而弃於地也".


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