• 几何图形ppt > 立体派是一种用几何形状来表现事物的艺术形式
  • 立体派是一种用几何形状来表现事物的艺术形式

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    new words and expressions
    Unit 4
    represent v. 1) to be a member of a group and speak or act on their behalf at an event…
    The president was represented at the meeting by the Vice-President.
    2) to speak or act officially for sb and defend their interests.
    The society was set up to represent the interests of the women artists.
    3) represent sb/sth as sb/sth: to show sb or sth especially in a picture
    Cubism is a type of art where things are represented as geometric shapes.
    4) represent sb as sth: to present or describe sb /sth in a particular way, especially when this may not fair
    The risks were represented as challenges.
    representation n. 1) the act of presenting
    the negative representation of a single mother in the media
    2) the act of having representative who will speak or vote for you or on your behalf
    The green movement lacks effective representation in parliament.
    representative: n. 1) a person who has been chosen to speak or vote for sb else
    a representative of the UN
    a student representative
    2) a person chosen to take the place of sb else
    He was the Queen's representative at the ceremony.
    view n. 1) a personal opinion about sth, an attitude towards sth
    We have different views about this matter.
    In my view it is a waste of time.
    2) what you see from a particular place or position, especially beautiful natural scenery
    We would like a room with a sea view.
    3) what you can see
    There was nobody in view.
    v. 1) to think about sb/sth in a particular way
    When the car was first built, the design was viewed as highly original.
    小汽车刚造好时, 其设计被认为是独具匠心.
    2) to look at sth. Especially when you look carefully
    People from all over the world to view her works.
    view …as…
    have sth in view心中有…目的
    He wanted to make money and having this end in view he went abroad.


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