"Tuesday","September",8,"Apples contain many nutrients, including fiber, vitamins A and C, potassium, iron, and calcium."
"Wednesday","September",9,"Some of the colored stripes on MyPyramid are wider than others because we should choose more food from those food groups and less servings from the narrow ones. "
"Thursday","September",10,"Getting regular exercise can help you get a better night's sleep. "
"Friday","September",11,"The next time you share a meal with your family, ask them what their favorite food was when they were your age. What is their favorite food now Has it changed "
"Sat/Sun","September","12 & 13","This weekend, ask a family member to play outside with you. Try basketball, Frisbee, soccer, or whatever you like to do! If by chance it rains, find the nearest mall and take a walk inside...or stay home, put on some music, and just dance!"
"Monday","September",14,"Born in 1774, John Chapman became the legendary \"Johnny Appleseed.\" He spent almost 50 years of his life in the American wilderness planting apple orchards. To this day some of the trees he planted still bear apples."
"Tuesday","September",15,"Many fruits and vegetables contain potassium. Potassium helps your muscles (including your heart, which is in important muscle!) contract."
"Wednesday","September",16,"MyPyramid shows the different food groups, each represented by a different color: Orange for grains, green for vegetables, red for fruits, yellow for oils, blue for milk, and purple for meat and beans."
"Thursday","September",17,"Regular exercise helps reduce stress. Try running, walking, jogging, basketball, soccer, or Frisbee - whatever physical activity that's fun for YOU."
"Friday","September",18,"The next time you share a meal with your family, ask them about their favorite exercises. What types of physical activity did they do when they were a kid What do they like to do now "
"Sat/Sun","September","19 & 20","Eating a variety of foods helps your body get the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Try a new fruit or vegetable this weekend, or one that you haven't had in a while. It will do you body good!"
- feelmyfeeling > MyPyramid/Suggestion"
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