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  • SharingJoey'sloveofwaterwithotherchildrenlikehimth...

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    文档作者:Connie Richardson
    March 10, 2009
    Improving the Lives of Children with Special Needs and their Families since 1998
    [ ] YES! I would like to donate to JPMF [ ] YES! I would like to receive more information on JPMF
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    The Joey Pizzano Memorial Fund 1019 Cameron Street - Alexandria, Virginia 22314
    N e w s l e t t e r
    Welcome to the 10 year anniversary newsletter of JPMF!
    Dear Friends, Our son, Joey, always managed to touch the lives of those around him. Through his hearty laugh, impish ways, or warm infectious smile, Joey showed us what life was about—sharing the love. The moments he shared with us made life better; somehow made us better. Reecting on the 10th anniversary of the Joey Pizzano Memorial Fund, it is evident that he continues to touch the lives of many in a special way. All of this could not have been done without the strong, continuous and generous contributions and support of you…our friends and family. You have enabled JPMF to accomplish so much. What began as a eld trip to the swimming pool evolved as the ve safety rules and activity and program guides of the Make a Splash program were developed. The joy he brought is seen today in the smiles of other children with special needs who enjoy Make a Splash. Looking to the future, we hope to launch the swim program nationwide through Safekids Worldwide. As part of the Lee District Family Recreation Area, JPMF will build a spraypark for children of all abilities to enjoy together. We cannot begin to thank you enough for letting us try to do this through JPMF. Thank you for sharing the love. Paola and Bob Pizzano CALENDAR OF EVENTS
    FEBRUARY 28 - Fairfax County begins Session 4 of Make A Splash program at Providence, Lee District and Oak Marr Recreation Centers. MARCH 14 - Loudon County begins Spring session of Make A Splash program at Claud Moore Recreation Center. MARCH 27 - Family Autism Night, FANtastic Friday swim night, location TBD SAVE THE DATE - JPMF Golf Challenge Friday September 18 2009 Above: Paola and Bob Pizzano


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